The college posses a stock of 13,387 books on different topics and subjects and a number of journals and periodicals in its spacious and computerised library. Endeavour towards its further enrichment is being and the lending section.
The library of Mahadevananda Mahavidyalaya has got an adjacent wide reading space. The students can also access Internet facilities in the library.
Lending : issue of requisition slips from 10 a.m. to 12.00 noon.
Issue of books from 3 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Returning of books from 10 a.m. to 12.00 noon.
Reading time : 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Library Recess Period : 2 p.m. to 2.30 p.m.)
The College obtained permission for NSS and Full-fledged activities of NSS have been continuing.
The College is trying to developed a formal, regular method of encouraging the students for participating in different extension activities, sometimes involving GOs and NGOs like
Awareness programme for Pulse Polio Immunization
Thalassaemia Carrier Detection Programme for all
AIDS Awareness
Blood Donation Camp
Health and Hygiene awareness
Medical Camp
Social work etc.
Sarva Siksha Abhijan
The College runs several health services and intends to widen range and assure ready and regular availability of the such services for all the members of its different constituencies.
The College, under the Universal Membership Scheme of Students’ Health Home, has made provision for the treatment of its ailing students at a highly subsized rate.
The College has introduced Students’ Safety Insurance Scheme under the New India Assurance Company of General Insurance Corporation. The Insurance provides coverage against sustained and bodily injury resulting solely and directly from accident caused by external violence and visible means during the policy holder’s (i.e. student’s) stay in the College and on his way to and back from the College for an annual premium of Rs. 6/- only per student/Policy Holder.
The College has constructed a Gymnasium and a room for housing a Health unit. The College has already purchased equipment worth Rs.2.7 lakhs for the gymnasium. The gymnasium will be open for all the members of all the constituencies of the College.
Infrastructure: Overall the college infrastructure is good. University provides all basic facilities like current, library playground,auditorium etc. University also provides safe amd stree free environment.
Hostel: I think hostels facilities are not there in this college. I dont know properly because my last 3 semisters exams in online because of corona pandemic .
Infrastructure: The college has two buildings one for commerce department and other has a combined space for science and arts department. It also has ha widely covered campus which is adorned with beautiful flower, trees, classes, if one could spend a plenty of their time without being bored
Hostel: To be honest I don't think it has any hostel of it's own rather it won't need it to be so. Because maximum of the students who are pursuing their courses either belong to nearby places or near enough to have a to and from the college daily
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