The College has a well-stocked library with more than 30,000 text and reference books covering various subjects and general interest. It also provides to the students some of the important Journals, Magazines and News- papers in the Reading Room. In addition to the Central Library every Department has a small Library attached to it with some books and Journals for regular use. The Commerce Department has a separate well collected Library maintained by Commerce Forum of Mariani College. Library Card is issued to students immediately after the admission is over. Students can borrow books against their Library Card for duration of 15 days only.
Infrastructure: There are classrooms for each department and there are minimum 5-6 professor in each department and there are also higher secondary means 11 and 12 class rooms. There is also a library, girls and boys seperate toilets .. Girls and boy seperate common rooms where they can spent there time at free period and a canteen.
Hostel: Hostel facilities are only available for girls, the girls hostel is situated near the college garden. The hostel facility is a good one ,anyone can apply for the hostel ,there is a teacher in hostel to assist the girls. Food, lodging, electricity etc are available
Infrastructure: The main campus is in the Arts section and it is totally developed and advanced for better learning and for studies. But genuinely i have to say that the other section like Science and Commerce needs Attention for its overall development for better learning and quality education for students
Hostel: I have not much information about hostel facility because since few years i had never seen anyone in the hostel,Thats why the hostel is not in good condition now.
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Dr. Bhupendra Nath Dutta Smriti Mahavidyalaya