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Nowgong College Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

  • 5 Reviews
    Nagaon (Assam)
  • Private UnAided
  • Approved by : NAAC
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Nowgong College Overall Rating

(Based on 5 reviews)
Infrastructure 3.8/5
Placements 3.6/5
Faculty 3.6/5
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What students says about Nowgong College

  • Good teaching staff and management.
  • The faculty here are highly educated and have Ph.D.
  • The bond between students and faculty is nice.
  • We have mentoring periods also where students are mentored towards academics, problems on campus, etc.
  • The examination process is simple.
  • Admission is done on the basis of merits for different courses.
  • As I have taken admission offline but the online facility is available for students.
  • The main point is you need to choose any major subjects if you don't want any major subjects you can select pass course.
  • Minimum marks are should greater than 55 %for commerce, for arts should greater than 60%and for science I'm not sure I think 65 %needed.
  • There is a point you need to know.

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Nowgong College Reviews

Nowgong college (Autonomous)
By Klimso Derapi
May 24, 2024 9:17:17

Overall: Nowgong college is an affiliated college and has a good and friendly study environment for the students.The college offers a Wide range of courses which allows them to study on the subjects they desire.

Placement: The placement in Nowgong college is about 60 to 65% in each courses.With the lowest average package is about 1LPA and the highest average package is about 5 to 6 LPA.

Infrastructure: The infrastructure of Nowgong college is quite good.The surrounding of the college is kept clean and well maintained.There is a canteen,a library, auditorium, seminar halls , botanical garden,labs and common rooms for both boys and girls.

Faculty: The faculty members of Nowgong college are well trained,well educated with many years of working experience.In each departments there are atleast four to five teachers who are experts in their fields.

Hostel: The name of the college hostel is SPP girls' hostel.The hostel is good both in terms of discipline and food.The seat system in the hostel is based on merit list.The hostel also follows mess system.








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all it was a nice experience
By Rishab ram
Apr 12, 2024 4:11:13

Overall: Overa11 experience was average i Have got some very good friends, . Some teacher who motivated us even Infrastructure was really nice Hostel was also Good

Placement: Placements are average Even I can say that it is not up to the mark Because. Number of students are always more than the placements , which comes to college

Infrastructure: Interesting to raise this institute.Is average buildings are not very much creatively made?They are good area for sports.Is there area for library is there but little congested

Faculty: Faculties are the best part of this institute because they are well qualified with degrees Very well behaved with Students and also motivate students in each and every step of their life in college

Hostel: Hostile facility is average in nature.It is congested because of the number of students are more than the number of rooms.Available label food quality is really nice.And hygiene is maintained here








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The beauty of my college ( nowgong college autonomous )
By Rahul Hanse
Feb 26, 2024 8:48:42

Overall: Excellent faculty, diverse programs, vibrant campus life, and strong community engagement make this college an exceptional choice. Top-notch facilities and supportive environment contribute to a fulfilling academic experience.

Placement: The college excels in placement opportunities, forging strong industry connections. A robust placement cell, comprehensive training programs, and impressive placement records ensure students have promising career prospects upon graduation.

Faculty: Dedicated and knowledgeable faculty members create an enriching learning environment. Their expertise, accessibility, and commitment to students' success contribute significantly to the overall academic experience, making learning enjoyable and impactful.

Hostel: The college hostel provides a safe and welcoming environment. Clean, spacious rooms, coupled with excellent amenities, create a comfortable living experience. Friendly staff and a sense of community add to its appeal.






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About my college that is Nowgong college,Nagaon
By Shaharul Alom Laskar
Feb 15, 2024 9:58:54

Overall: Here's a review of Nowgong College, Nagaon: "Nowgong College in Nagaon is a beacon of educational excellence in the region. With its rich history spanning several decades, the college has consistently upheld its reputation for providing quality education and fostering holistic development among its students. The faculty members are highly qualified and dedicated, ensuring that students receive the best possible guidance and support in their academic pursuits. The campus boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, and a vast library stocked with a diverse range of resources. Moreover, the college encourages extracurricular activities, offering numerous opportunities for students to explore their interests and talents beyond the classroom. From cultural events to sports competitions, Nowgong College provides a vibrant and inclusive environment for overall growth and enrichment. Overall, Nowgong College stands as a testament to educational excellence and continues to mold the future leaders of tomorrow."

Placement: As a recent graduate navigating the transition from academia to the professional world, I found the college placement services provided by [College Name] to be invaluable. From personalized career counseling sessions to tailored job search strategies, their support was instrumental in helping me secure a position aligned with my aspirations. One aspect that stood out was the comprehensive approach to preparing students for the job market. The placement team offered workshops on resume building, interview techniques, and networking skills, equipping us with the tools necessary to stand out in a competitive landscape. Additionally, mock interviews provided invaluable feedback and boosted my confidence when facing real-world interviews. Moreover, the college's extensive network of alumni and industry connections played a pivotal role in facilitating job opportunities. Through networking events, career fairs, and alumni mentorship programs, I was able to expand my professional network and gain insights into various industries. The dedication and expertise of the placement advisors were evident throughout my job search journey. They provided individualized guidance, offering support at every stage of the process, from refining my career goals to negotiating job offers. Their commitment to student success was palpable, and I felt genuinely supported in my pursuit of meaningful employment. Overall, I am incredibly grateful for the resources and support offered by [College Name]'s placement services. They not only helped me secure a job but also empowered me with the skills and confidence to navigate the dynamic landscape of the workforce successfully. I highly to any student seeking a holistic approach to career development and placement.

Faculty: Qualifications and Expertise: Assess the qualifications and expertise of faculty members in their respective fields. Look for advanced degrees, relevant research experience, and industry credentials. Teaching Effectiveness: Evaluate faculty members' teaching effectiveness through student feedback, course evaluations, and peer reviews. Consider factors such as clarity of instruction, engagement with students, and accessibility outside of class. Research and Publications: Consider the faculty's research output and publications in reputable journals or conferences. This indicates their contributions to advancing knowledge in their field and their ability to mentor students in research. Professional Experience: Assess whether faculty members bring valuable professional experience to the classroom. Industry experience can enrich teaching by providing real-world insights and connections. Diversity and Inclusion: Evaluate the diversity and inclusivity of the faculty body, including gender, race, ethnicity, and perspectives. A diverse faculty can offer a wider range of experiences and perspectives, enhancing the learning environment for all students. Commitment to Student Success: Consider faculty members' dedication to student success, including their availability for advising, mentoring, and supporting student initiatives outside of the classroom. Institutional Support and Resources: Review the support and resources provided by the college or university to facilitate faculty development, research, and teaching effectiveness. Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Work: Look for evidence of collaboration and interdisciplinary work among faculty members, which can lead to innovative research and teaching approaches. Engagement with the Community: Evaluate faculty members' engagement with the broader community through outreach programs, partnerships with local organizations, and involvement in professional associations. Adaptability and Innovation: Consider faculty members' ability to adapt to changing educational trends, incorporate new technologies into their teaching, and innovate in their research and pedagogical approaches. By considering these factors, you can provide a comprehensive review of college faculties that takes into account their qualifications, teaching effectiveness, research contributions, and overall impact on the academic community.

Hostel: College Hostel Experience As a resident of the college hostel for the past two years, I can attest to the unique atmosphere and benefits it offers to students. The hostel provides a convenient and conducive living environment, fostering camaraderie, academic support, and personal growth. Facilities: The hostel boasts modern amenities, including spacious rooms equipped with study desks, comfortable beds, and ample storage space. Common areas such as lounges, study rooms, and recreational facilities encourage interaction among residents and facilitate both academic and social activities. Community: Living in the hostel has allowed me to forge lifelong friendships with fellow students from diverse backgrounds. The sense of community within the hostel creates a supportive network where students can share experiences, seek advice, and collaborate on academic projects. The hostel staff also play a crucial role in fostering a welcoming atmosphere, organizing events, and addressing any concerns promptly. Convenience: One of the major advantages of residing in the college hostel is its proximity to academic buildings, libraries, and other campus facilities. This proximity not only saves time on commuting but also allows for greater engagement in campus life and extracurricular activities. Additionally, the availability of on-site dining options and laundry services adds to the convenience of hostel living. Safety and Security: The safety and security of residents are top priorities, with 24/7 security personnel, surveillance cameras, and access control measures in place. This ensures peace of mind for both students and their families, allowing them to focus on their studies without worrying about their well-being. Room for Improvement: While the hostel offers numerous benefits, there are areas for improvement, such as the occasional maintenance issues and overcrowding during peak times. Additionally, enhancing the internet connectivity and expanding recreational facilities could further enhance the overall hostel experience. Conclusion: Overall, my experience living in the college hostel has been overwhelmingly positive. It has not only provided a comfortable and convenient living arrangement but has also enriched my college experience through meaningful connections and personal growth opportunities. I would highly recommend the college hostel to incoming students seeking a supportive and vibrant community environment during their academic journey.






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2 lines about the college I study in
By Jannatara begum
Feb 10, 2024 5:47:32

Overall: Nowgong college is number 1 in North East. The rules of the college are very strict.The teachers here are very polite.The method of teaching is very good. Along with course studies or even more facilities like NCC NSS Open University etc

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When pg form fill will start for session 2023
-sanghamitra -Updated on June-30-20231 Answers

Soumavo Das, Student / Alumni

-Answered on June-30-2023

Dear Student, 

The Nowgong College PG admission process has not started yet. The college is yet to release any notifications regarding the commencement of the PG admission process for the current academic year. You may keep an eye on our Nowgong College page to learn more about admissions 2023.


Sakshi Srivastava, Student / Alumni

-Answered on June-25-2023

Dear Archana,

To get admission at Nowgong College, 55% is the minimum percentage requirement for the general category and 50% is for the reserved category. 


Abhik Das, Student / Alumni

-Answered on Jan-06-2021

Dear student, the online process to apply for admission into the 1st year of various PG programmes offered at Nowgong College Assam is currently underway. To apply for 1st year PG admission at Nowgon College Assam, you have to follow the steps mentioned below - 

  1. Go to the official website of Nowgong College Nagaon, Assam

  2. Click on the - Online PG Admission 2020 link

  3. Click on the link - Upload 6th-semester marksheet and apply link

  4. Enter all the basic personal details like name, email address, registered mobile number etc

  5. Upload your 6th-semester marksheet and click on the “Submit” tab


Kumari Neha, Student / Alumni

-Answered on July-29-2020

Dear Student, 

You are eligible for admission at Nowgong College. The application portal for admission is activated. The direct link to apply for admission is given below:

Nowgong College Admissions 2020

Also, check the list of other B. Sc (Hons) Colleges in Assam by clicking the link given below:

B.Sc Mathematics Colleges in Assam 

You can fill the CollegeDekho’s Common Application Form to apply for admission in various B.Sc colleges using a single application form. You can also reach us through our IVRS Number - 1800-572-9877.


Diksha Nautiyal, Student / Alumni

-Answered on July-02-2020

Dear student, 

In order to get admission in B.Com courses at Nowgong College (NC), Nagaon, you must have scored at least 50 per cent marks in your Class 12 examinations. Although the cut-off marks or minimum percentage requirement may vary for different academic sessions. Depending upon the average scores of all the applicants, the cut-off marks can even go higher than 75 per cent. We advise you to check with the official website of the college before applying. 

If you wish to get admission to the top B.Com colleges in India, please fill out our Common Application Form. Our experts will solve all of your queries and guide you throughout the admission process to ensure your enrollment. You can also try or toll-free student helpline number - 1800-572-9877 to avail instant counselling. Hurry Up!

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