Apart from Govt. scholarships and stipends, our college gives away several small scholarships offered by individuals. Further information in this regard can be obtained from the college office or from departments. Students are advised to keep track of several Govt. Scholarship Schemes like ‘Kanyashree’ for girl students and ‘Inspire SHE’ for meritorious students etc.
Number of students -366
Amount - 1,42,717.00
Number of students - 1410
Amount - 1,66,57,040.00
Number of students - 10
Amount - 80,200.00
Number of students - 11
Amount -3,94,000.00
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Mohali (Punjab)
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Kolkata (West Bengal)
Mathabhanga College
Kalyani Mahavidyalaya