Overall: Who want to become teachers it's best to learn and well growing forward to understand thing .This is right path to learn something good. The regular activities are working time to time according there syllabus.
Placement: The development of college is very good.After it provides place ments to other place .If one time taken admission then goes to regular basis college.upward movement Also to change college
Infrastructure: The development of college is very good. 3rd floor building. large room best teacher education to well understanding thing in right way get better knowledge.The surrounding area is very clear . half grad to fun.
Faculty: The vechile service not provided to students but other then everything is proper. On ever Saturday regularly game .Half of day studies and other left play game
Hostel: Hostel have everything facility for students .Each and everything thing sufficient. Making of food is our responsibility. The facilities they are providing in very low budget according to students