Smt. Shanti Devi Law College offers their students and excellent selection of books on education as well as other subjects and topics open self system is maintained and students are free to choose the books. when the require form the library. 3000 + reference books, Law Journals, AIR (All India Reporter), LAW Commission of India Reports, LAW Reports etc., National / International Journals. The laboratories for all-Audio visual lag, Language Lab, Psychology lab, Science Lab, Social Science lab and Mathematics lab are well equipped with all the practical aspects of these subjects. Importance of computer education today can not be neglected rather it is always emphasized. Our college has an excellent computer facility with latest computer system. to meet all the needs of various level.
Mohali (Punjab)
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Mohali (Punjab)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
New Sainik College of Law
NLSIU Bangalore