
Synod College Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationShillong (Meghalaya)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 11:46 PM IST

Synod College Overall Rating

(Based on 4 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.3/5
Placement 5.0/5
Hostel 4.0/5
Faculty 5.0/5
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What students says about Synod College

  • good education
  • caters to students' needs
  • helpful teachers
  • toilets are dirty
  • campus is small
  • no accommodation for outstation students

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Synod College Reviews

Them Five beautiful years I spent in Synod College.
By Moonlight Mawsor | B.A.(Hons.) In Geography | 2024
February 22, 2024 09:26:45

Overall: I started studying in Synod College since 2019 and I'll be finishing this year 2024 . Since childhood I've always wanted to study here . So I'm glad I got to do it . I thanked God for each and every opportunity he has given me . I met beautiful people , who from strangers turn to brothers and sisters . Had a few crushes . So I would say I grew well in Synod College learnt so many good things about different things in life .

Infrastructure: Despite the fact that my college is situated in such a congested area in Jaiaw . Still the building's are well planned and beautiful . Classrooms might not match the outer appearance of the institution but still it's beautiful . I love it .

Faculty: I've been studying here in Synod College for 5 years now . Overall most of the teachers performed their duties beautifully except for Political science teacher (Higher Secondary section ) and also some sociology teachers from Degree section . One of the staff is very lazy ; she works in the counter office . Imagine drinking tea for 1 and 30 hours , who does that!? Geography teachers are the best , as students we can interact with them just like they said unlike other teachers ( Their actions don't match with what their mouth said ).




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College overall characteristic in short
By HIRO | B.Sc(Hons.) In Mathematics | 2024
February 14, 2024 11:14:27

Overall: The college provides good education to students and also it caters to the needs of the students so overall it is a good college and I recommend other students to apply to this college. But the fees are affordable as compared to other colleges.Yes, we have a group discussion, seminar. The teachers help students to interact with one another.The teachers are really helpfull when needed.

Infrastructure: The canteen, sports and games are good. There are separate hostel facilities for boys and girls. The library is digitalised with all the features of the library management system.

Hostel: The College has provides Hostel facilities for both boys and girls studying Degree Honors Courses only. There are limited seats available. For detailed information please contact the Principal and Warden of Synod College Boys Hostel.




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One of the best college in Shillong
By Vanlalawmpuii | B.A.(Hons.) In Education | 2023
February 12, 2024 01:03:35

Overall: According to GetMyUni, Synod College has an overall rating of 3.8. According to, Synod College has a review rating of 4.6 and a 5 on campus life parameter. According to Justdial, Synod College has a rating of 4.2 based on 318 customer reviews. An 'A' Grade NAAC Accredited, co-educational premier College in Shillong, Meghalaya.

Placement: There are 203 students who are placed in our course. The lowest salary offered is 5000 and the average salary is 10000 - 20000 whereas the highest salary is 30000-40000. Local companies recruit students, the top roles offered in our course is manager, 20% are placed in local companies. 60% of students got placed in our course. The top courses offered in our college are sociology, accounting, education, history, English literature, political science, Khasi literature, and culture.

Infrastructure: The facilities and infrastructure provided by our college that are available for the students are Wi-Fi, Library, Classroom, Tablets, Computer Labs, screen projectors, Air conditioners and Fans, Restrooms, Unlimited books for any subjects, easy transportation.

Faculty: The teachers and professors are well equipped in their particular subject, Their profession are giving the best to their students in their studies and other activities, they are well qualified for teaching as the majority of the teachers have finished their Ph.D. in their particular subjects.

Hostel: At present, there are 22 rooms with 70 hostellers and each floor has common bathrooms and toilets, a kitchen, dining hall, a store room and an office. CCTV has also been installed in the hostel for safety and security of the hostellers.








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It is a great college and with good infrastruture
By Justborn Madur | B.A.(Hons.) In Political Science | 2021
February 11, 2024 08:57:14

Overall: I had a good and great experience over the years i have been studying in this college and the infrastructure are great and up to date and the teachers were up to the expected skills

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Related Questions

Sakshi Srivastava •  Aug-16-2023

Dear student,

You can fill out the application form as  Synod College admissions to MA Political Science is open right now. If you want admission-related assistance, contact us on the helpline number of CollegeDekho 1800-572-9877 and speak to our counsellors directly or fill out the Common Application Form. Also, you can post detailed queries here and our counsellors will respond as soon as possible.

priyal gogna •  Mar-24-2022
Hi there the eligibility for B COmm HOns at LPU is 60 percent. You are not eligible. However, you can opt for other programs. LPU Offers over 250 programs in all the streams.

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