Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc
Overall: My college experience is very good. I have learnt a lot of knowledge and experience from this college. The college conducts fests once in an year. Students of different branches enjoys the fest by actively participating and conducting events in the fests. The fest continues for 2 days. Students performs their talents in the fests. We have many technical events and non technical events in the fests. Different branches of the college have different names for the branch wise fest. The fests includes coding competition, culturals, project expo, flash mob and so on. Students can have access to any book in the library if they have library card which can be applied for free. The faculty teaches the students in the classroom with the help of projector if needed and helps the students in lab time for implementing what they taught. We have groups like CSI, NCC , NSS etc which includes events for both technical and non technical activities. Students play games like basket ball, cricket,chess etc.
Placement: Placements quality is great in this college percentage of placement in our batch was 60% . Highest salary package was 11 lpa and average package was 3 lpa. Placement process was easy and smooth. College as placement cell gives every kind of support to students for jobs.
Infrastructure: The placements in the college are good. The students are eligible from their 4-1 that 8th semester for the placements drive in the college campus. Companies like Amazon, Infosys, Tech Mahindra and so on visit the campus to recruit the students. The highest package is 12 lakhs per annum and average package is 3 lakhs per annum. The percentage of students who get placements are above 80%. We can get a basic package in this campus placements if we have learnt what the faculty discussed in the college. My plan after getting degree is to get a job with good package
Faculty: From my suggestion this is my best college forever and ever I meet lot of friends and good teachers I am telling one thing here the world best faculties is there. You can find better opportunity there.
Overall: alma mater should always have decency, even when criticizing it. No Rash Words Should be Used ght bring fhcxfvjlzhvjxuxga idhfsjfxhxdyxkbxjhckgjhckgdohcstcvvkchkj
Faculty: along with the questions carefully, and try to include the mentioned facts to the best of your knowledge Be Decent - Talking about your gucuczyogcixohchchhb
Hostel: along with the questions carefully, and try to include the mentioned facts to the best of your knowledge Be Decent - Talking about your alma materdgtt
IIT Roorkee