Direct Second Year Admission Schedule for CAP Round-2 & 3 A.Y. 2024-25 - The schedule for Direct Second Year Admission for CAP Round-2 and 3 for the Academic Year 2024-25 has been published.
The college offers the following degrees in 2024:
1. Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Production Management
2. Bachelor of Engineering (B.E) in Production Engineering
The college also offers a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. The college has a faculty-student ratio of 1:25 and offers various scholarships to needy students. The college has also been granted Linguistic Minority Status for Hindi Speaking Community by the Govt. of Maharashtra.
1. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (314361210) with an intake of 60 students.
2. Diploma in Computer Engineering (314324510) with an intake of 180 students.
3. Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (314337210) with an intake of 60 students.
4. Diploma in Information Technology (314324610) with an intake of 60 students.
5. Diploma in Civil Engineering (314319110) with an intake of 60 students.
These courses are approved by AICTE and recognized by the Govt. of Maharashtra. They are affiliated with MSBTE and are self-financed and Hindi Linguistic Minority Institute. The college is also an ISO 9001:2015 certified and has received NBA accreditation since 2012.
The overall number of students placed in the college in 2022 in each course is as follows:
- Mechanical Engineering: 408
- Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering: 19
Highest Package - Rs 3 lakhs
Thakur Polytechnic has posted outstanding results at the final year Diploma Examination conducted by the Maharashtra State Board Technical Education right from the first batch of Students.
1. Number of Class Rooms: 19
2. Number of Tutorial rooms: 3
3. Number of Laboratories: 29
4. Number of Drawing Halls: 3
5. Number of Computer Centers: 1
6. Central Examination Facility: Yes
7. Online examination facility: Yes
8. Barrier Free Built Environment for disabled and elderly persons: Yes
9. Fire and Safety Certificate: Yes
10. Hostel Facilities: Yes (For Boys)
11. Library: Yes
12. Number of Library books/ Titles/ Journals available: 7938/25505/30
13. List of online National/ International Journals subscribed: DELNET (Developing Library Network) and NDL (National Digital Library of India)
14. E- Library facilities: Yes
15. National Digital Library (NDL) subscription details: Yes
16. Laboratory and Workshop: 29 Labs and 2 Workshops
17. List of Major Equipment/ Facilities in each Lab oratory/Workshop: Available
18. List of Experimental Setup in each Laboratory/Workshop: Available
19. Computational Facilities: Available
20. Internet Bandwidth: 300 Mbps
21. Innovation Cell: Yes
22. Social Media Cell: Yes
23. Compliance of the National Academic Depository (NAD): Yes
24. List of facilities available: Zoom, Microsoft Teams & Google Meet – G Suite
25. Games and Sports Facilities: Yes
26. Teaching Learning Process: As per MSBTE Curriculum
27. Academic Time Table: Available with the name of the Faculty members handling the Course
28. For each Post Graduate Courses give the following: N.A.
29. Enrolment and placement details of students in the last 3 years: Available
30. List of Research Projects/Consultancy Works: Available
31. MoUs with Industries: Available
32. Last date of submission of applications: Available
33. Dates for announcing final results: Available
34. Release of admission list: Available
35. Date for acceptance by the candidate: Available
36. Last date for closing of admission & Starti ng of the Academic session: Available
37. The waiting list shall be activated only on the expiry of date of main list: Available
38. The policy of refund of the Fee, incase of withd rawal, shall be clearly notified: Available
39. Criteria and Weightages for Admission: Available
40. Describe each criterion with its respective weightages: Available
41. Mention the minimum Level of acceptance if any: Available
42. Mention the cut-off Levels of percentage and percentile score of the candidates in the admission test for the last three years: Available
43. Display marks scored in Test etc. and in aggregate for all candidates who were admitted: N.A.
44. List of Applicants: Available
45. Results of Admission Under Management seats/Vac ant seats: Available
46. Composition of selection team for admission under Mana gement Quota: Available
47. List of candidates who have been offered admission: Available
48. Waiti ng list of the candidate in order of merit to be operative from the last date of joining of the first list cand idate: Available
49. Infor mation of Infrastructure and Other Resources Available: Available
50. Number of Class Rooms and size of each: 19 Nos. , Size : 60 each
51. Number of Tutorial rooms and size of each: 03 Nos. , Size : 60 each
52. Number of Laboratories and size of each: 29 Nos., Size : 60 each
53. Number of Computer Centers with capacity of each: 1 No. , Size : 180 Sqmtr , 50 Computer
54. Central Examination Facilit y, Number of rooms and capacity of each: Yes, Exam Centre - 1 No. , Size : 60 Sqmtr No. of Rooms – 19 , Capacity 60 students each
55. Online examinati on facility (Number of Nodes, Internet bandwidth, etc.): Yes ( Internet bandwidth - 300 mbps ), Number of Nodes – 350
56. Barrier Free Built Environment for disabled and elderly persons: Yes
57. Fire and Safety Certificate: Yes
58. Hostel Facili ties: Yes (For Boys)
59. Library: Yes - Size : 570 Sqmtr
60. Number of Library books/ Titles/ Journals available(Progra mme-wise): Available
61. List of online Natio nal/ Internati onal Journals su bscribed: Available
62. National Digital Library (NDL) subscription details: Available
63. Laboratory and Workshop: Available
64. List of Major Equipment/ Facilities in each Lab orator y/Workshop: Available
65. List of Experimental Setup in each Laborator y/Workshop: Available
66. Computational Facilities: Available
67. Internet Bandwidth: 300 Mbps
68. Innovation Cell: Yes
69. Social Media Cell: Yes
70. Compliance of the National Academic Depository (NAD), applicable to PGCM/ PGDM Institutions and University Departments: Available
71. List of facilities available: Zoom, Micr osoft Teams & Google Meet – G Suite
72. To upload the respective short video (1 - 2 min) of Infrastructure and facilities available w.r.t the courses in the website: Available
73. Games and Sports Facilities: Yes
74. Teaching Learning Process: As per MSBTE Curriculum
75. Academic Time Table: Available with the name of the Faculty members handling the Course
76. For each Post Graduate Courses give the following: N.A.
77. Title of the Course: N.A.
78. Laboratory facilities exclusive to the Post Graduate Course: N.A.
79. Enrolment and placement details of student s in the last 3 years: Available
80. List of Research Projects/Consult ancy Works: Available
81. MoUs with Industries: Available
82. Sr. No. Name of the Company Date of MOU Period of MOU: Available
83. Note: Suppression and/or misrepresentation of information shall invite appropri ate penal action.
84. The Website shall be dynamically updated with regard to Mandatory Disclos ures.
85. Important Instructions: Avoid putting personal inform ation in public domain.
86. The mandatory disclosure should be available freely to view/downl oad to the public without any restrictio ns.
87. LoA/EoA letters (since inception) shou ld form part of the mandatory disclosure and complete mandatory disclosure document should be converted into a single PDF file and the URL (web-link) to be entered in the AICTE portal (under attachm ents tab).
88. Computational Facilities : PCs/Laptop exclusively Available to Students : 590 PCs/Laptop available to Faculty Members : 30
89. Internet Bandwidth in Mbps : 300
90. Number of Legal Application Software : 34
91. Printers available to Student : 45
92. Number of A1 Size Color Printers : 02
93. Number of Legal System Software : 05
94. Number of Open Source Software : 22
95. Total No. of Computer Lab : 18
96. Lab Exclusively for YCMOU : 04
97. Amenities Area : Room No.
98. Room Type Area in sqm: Available
99. Sr. No. Particular Total: Available
100. No. of Titles: 7946
101. No. of Volumes: 25615
102. CD’s: 1298
103. Journal: 30
104. Magazine: 14
105. Newspaper: 08
106. Computer and Networking Infrastructure: Available
107. Working Hours: Available
108. Computer Aided Services: Available
109. DELNET e-resources: Available
110. NDL e-resources: Available
111. Library timings: Available
112. Library holidays: Available
113. Internet Accessibility: Available
114. e-Repro
| Name of Faculty | Department | Designation | Education Qualification |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Miss Rane Vaishali Ganesh | Computer Engineering | I/c. HOD | M.E.-2015, B.E.-1997, Pursuing Ph.D. |
| Mr. Salvi Manish Vasant | Computer Engineering | Sr. Lecturer | B.E. - 1996, Pursuing M.E., MBA -2018 |
| Mrs. Isha Jayie Shah | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Lecturer | M.E.-2013, B.E.-2002 |
| Mrs. Dandge Smita Manojkumar | Computer Engineering | Lecturer | B.E. - 2000, M.E. 2021 |
| Mr. Yogesh Gulab Singh | Mechanical Engineering | Lecturer | B.E. 2023 |
| Mr. Rahul Yadav | Computer Engineering | Lecturer | B.E. Computer Engg. |
| Mr. Ajay Kumar Chawda | Computer Science & Engineering | Lecturer | B.E.-2008 Computer Sci. & Engg. |
| Mr. Vighnesh Kishor Shah | Physics | Lecturer | M.Sc.-2023 |
| Mr. Yenkar Sharad Surybhan | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Sr. Lecturer | B.E. -1998, Pursuing M.E. |
| Dr. Pathak Suresh Dayashankar | Mathematics | Sr. Lecturer | Ph.D. -2000, M.A.-1993 |
| Mrs. Kamble Nirmala Nitin | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Lecturer & TPO | M.E.-2009, B.E.-1999, MBA-2018, Pursuing Ph.D. |
| Mr. Akoliya Ganesh Chandra Baladutt | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Head Of Dept | M.E.-2007, B.E.-1997 |
| Dr. S. M. Ganechari | Mechanical Engineering | Principal | Ph.D in Mech. Engg. M. Tech in Prod. Management (II class) B. E in Production (Distinction) |
| Mrs. Nehal J. Muchhala | Mechanical Engineering | HOD | Ph.D Pursuing, M.E. (Distinction) Machine Design. B.E. (Ist Class with Dist.) Mech. Engg. |
| Dr. (Mrs.) Mily Jashank | Physics | Sr. Lecturer | P.hD. (Physics) M.Phil (Ist Class) Physics, Pursuing MBA M.Sc. (Ist Class) Physics - Electronics |
| Mrs. Monali A. Kalekar | Civil Engineering | I/C. HOD | M.E., (Ist Class) Civil Engg. B.Tech.(Ist Class) Civil Engg. |
| Dr. Anuradha Tyagi | Chemistry | Lecturer | Ph.D (Organic Chemistry), M.Sc (Ist Class) Organic Chemistry |
| Mrs. Anuprita Vivek Boritkar | Mathematics | Lecturer | M.Sc (Ist Class) Mathematics |
| Mrs. Balivada Padmaja Patnaik | Mathematics | Lecturer | M.Sc (Ist Class) Mathematics |
| Mrs. Nijina Mary Johnson | Applied Electronics & Instrumentation | Lecturer | M.E.- 2018, B.Tech. -2015 |
| Ms. Ankalesha Kamalakar Thakare | Information Technology | Lecturer | B.E. -2017 |
| Mrs. Suwarna Thakre | Information Technology | Sr. Lecturer cum I/C. HOD | M.E. (Information Tech.) B.E. (Ist Class) Comp. Science |
| Mr. Sumit Parmar | Information Technology | Lecturer | M.E.(Ist Class) Information Tech., MBA Pursuing B.E. (Ist Class) Information Tech. |
| Ms. Swaranjaly S. Jagtap | Information Technology | Lecturer | B.E. (Ist Class) Computer Engg. |
| Mrs. Isha Jayie Shah | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Lecturer | M.E.(Ist Class with Dist.) Electronics & Telecomm B.E. (Ist Class) Electronics Engg. |
| Mr. Ganesh Chandra B. Akoliya | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | HOD | M.E. (Ist Class) in Digital Electronics B.E. (Ist Class) Electronics & Telecomm |
| Mrs. Nirmala N. Kamble | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Lecturer, T.P.O. & I/c. of ID Branch | Ph.D Pursuing, M.E. (Ist Class) in Digital Electronics B.E. (Ist Class) Electronics & Telecomm M.B.A. (Education Mgmt.) |
| Mr. Sharad S. Yenkar | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Sr. Lecturer | M.E. (Ist Class) in Digital Electronics B.E. (Ist Class) Electronics & Telecomm |
| Dr. Suresh Pathak | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Sr. Lecturer | M.E. (Ist Class) in Digital Electronics B.E. (Ist Class) Electronics & Telecomm |
| Mrs. Rita A. Vora | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Lecturer | M.E. (Ist Class) in Digital Electronics B.E. (Ist Class) Electronics & Telecomm |
| Mrs. Kavita Sanjay Singh | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Lecturer | M.E. (Ist Class) in Digital Electronics B.E. (Ist Class) Electronics & Telecomm |
| Mrs. Madhuri Milind Sonule | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Lecturer | M.E. (Ist Class) in Digital Electronics B.E. (Ist Class) Electronics & Telecomm |
| Mrs. Kiran S. Patil | Computer Engineering | Lecturer | B.E. (Ist Class) Computer Engg. |
| Mr. Swapnil S. Salunke | Computer Engineering | Lecturer | B.E. (Ist Class) Computer Engg. -2023 |
| Mrs. Balivada Padmaja Patnaik | Mathematics | Lecturer | M.Sc (Ist Class) Mathematics |
| Ms. Pranay Dilip Sawant | Physics | Lecturer | M.Sc. (Ist Class) Physics |
CEC Chirala
IIT Roorkee