Union Christian Training College is a Private college in Kolkata. Union Christian Training College offers BPEd, B.Ed in Vocational, Education. B.Ed is offered in Education & Teaching. BPEd is offered in Physics.
Course | Fee Details | Time Period |
B.Ed | Rs. 47,000.00 (without hostel) Rs. 72,000.00 (with hostel) | 2 years |
B.P.Ed | Rs. 54,500.00 (without hostel) Rs. 79,500.00 (with hostel for K.U. students) Rs. 81,000.00 (with hostel for other than K.U. students) | 2 years |
B.P.Ed (Direct Admission) | Rs. 27,000.00 per year | 2 years |
Name of faculty | Department |
Dr. S.K. Thakur | Principal |
Christina Hansdak | Education |
Munna Aziz Mondal | Education |
Rinki Karmokar | Education |
Soumi Sinha | Education |
Akram Anzar | Education |
Isha Saha | Education |
Salma Afroj | Education |
Brotati Biswas | Mathematics |
Dibya Mandal | Mathematics |
Sharmistha Ghosh | Mathematics |
Nurhossain Sk | Mathematics |
Kajal Sk | Physical Science |
Susmita Das | Physical Science |
Pujita Das | Physical Science |
Chitradip Chakraborty | Physical Science |
Ankita Sarkar | Life Science |
Susmita Sarkar | Life Science |
Kanyaka Mandal | Life Science |
Nilanjana Karmakar | Life Science |
Sonali Das | Life Science |
Rahul Das | Life Science |
Samima Sarkar | Life Science |
Deblina Sarkar | Life Science |
Sudipta Sen | Political Science |
Hamim Ashik | Political Science |
Mohali (Punjab)
Kolkata (West Bengal)
Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Shri Ram College of Education
Navyug College of Education