Comfortably removed from the hurry and buzz of the city, while at the same time positioned at a convenient proximity to the town, the College can boast of a calm and peaceful campus ideal for scholarly pursuit and creative or artistic endeavour.
The College, with a campus of 29.26 acres, can be counted among those privileged with one of the finest infrastructures, affiliated to the Calicut University. It gives a sense of space with its built up units at a convenient distance from one another, linked by easy pathways. The College has easy access to public transport. The nearest railway station is only five kilometres away. All the Departments, the administrative block, and other buildings including the library, canteen,HOSTELS and convent are linked by a central intercom facility and a public address system. The building is placed at a convenient distance from the main road so as to avoid sound and other disturbances. The front view is an impressive E-shaped main building, enclosed within a beautiful floral garden, botanical garden and a basket ball court.
The expansion of infrastructure is very much in line with growing demand for academic and other purposes. The building and other infrastructure are well maintained and made optimum use of. There has also been an increased integration of education technology. The library has not only continuously updated learning resources but also modernized its operation and extended its activities through the library club. Infrastructural expansion is actualized through UGC fund and the FIST Grant from DST that led to the establishment of a new Science Research laboratory and infrastructural expansion in all other Science streams. A swimming pool of international standard is being constructed in the campus.
The hostel is situated in an area of 2.11 acres with a built up area of 60592 sq ft. Accommodation is provided for both staff and students who come from distant places. There are two hostels. The Vimala College hostel provides accommodation to students of the College and Divya hostel provides residence to the students and staff of neighbouring Colleges. It provides space for guests who come for attending seminars in other institutions.
Vimala College hostel can accommodate about 380 students with 7 single, 15 double, 22 triple and 51 common rooms. All the rooms are well furnished with necessary furniture, fans and lights. There are enough bathrooms and wash facilities, both common and attached. There is telephone facility in the hostels. Each hostel has a prayer hall. The staffs of the College are also provided residential facility. Currently there are 4 faculties staying in the hostel. Several of the ministerial staff also reside in the hostel.
Attached to the Vimala College hostel includes a sports hostel that provides accommodation to the sports students and their coaches. There are 8 spacious common rooms accommodating 70 students. Special care is also taken to meet their dietary requirements. In short, the hostel facility of the College provides a secure and comfortable home-away-from home feeling for our students.
The hostel also provides free accommodation to the financially needy students coming from far. The poor/needy non-hostellers are provided with noon meals in the hostel. uFacilities like Gymnasium are available after class hours; students can also attend yoga and karate classes after class. uComputer with internet facility can be accessed in the College campus from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. uMedical emergencies are met by the nearby hospital which is just 2 kms from the hostel. An infirmary is attached to the hostel for meeting minor medical requirements like fever, headache, indigestion, etc.
There are two reading cum recreation spaces in the hostel where daily news papers (both Malayalam and English) are provided. There is also a library in the hostel that provides books, newspapers and magazines for reading. The College library facility is also available on all days (except Sundays) from 8.30am to 4.30pm. uThere is facility for recreation and entertainment like TV, Radio, DVD Player, CD player, indoor and outdoor games (chess, badminton) for after class hours. Audio/Video facility is available in both the mess halls.
Infrastructure: Right in front of the college. A sculpture of a mother can be seen on the right side of which there are many flowers and plants. The parking area is the same. There is a separate place to pray
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