The institution ensures that maximum number of students are benefiting from all the scholarships provided by the Central and State government and other national agencies. A nodal officer who is a full time faculty is given the responsibility to make the students aware about the various schemes and to provide all assistance to the students to avail the schemes. A considerable proportion of the students are benefited from the various scholarships. The college and benefactors have instituted several Scholarships in honor of retired Principals, Head of the Department and Members of the staff.
Merit scholarships are generally awarded on the basis of the grades obtained in the qualifying examination.
District Merit Scholarship (top grades in SSLC –to be renewed every year )
State merit scholarship
National merit scholarship
Central Sector Scholarship (Rs.10,000 per year for UG &PG Students ).The annual income of parents should be below 4 ½ Lakhs
Kerala state suvarna jubilee merit scholarship (10,000 each for BPL Card members )
Kerala state Higher Educational Scholarship
I Year UG-Rs.12,000 IYear PG –Rs.40,000
II Year UG-Rs.18,000 II Year PG –Rs.60,000
III Year UG-Rs.24,000
An additional amount of fees Rs.3000 is given to the physicaliy disabled Students
Post matric scholarship (Fees &Maintenance Allawance )for minority communities of UG & PG classes.
Muslim girls' scholarship (paloli Committie Sch MGS)
Muslim Nadar Girls' Scholarship (MNS)
Merit cum Means Scholarship
Sanskrit Scholarship (SSE)
Single Girl Child scholarship
UT Lakshadweep Educational concession for Lakskshadweep Students
Music /Fine Arts Scholarship (MFAS)
Scholarships are also provided to the children of the teachers
INSPIRE felllowship by DST
Merit scholarships instituted by the well-wishers and benefactors of the college.
Gender | Male | Female |
Total | 0 | 1186 |
OBC | 0 | 697 |
SC | 0 | 289 |
ST | 0 | 10 |
Muslim | 0 | 105 |
PWD | 0 | 0 |
Minority Community | 0 | 85 |
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
V.G. Vaze College
Jamal Mohamed College