Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc
Overall: the collage have good infrastructure and have all neccessary facilities and equipment and have all neccessary facility.. but placement quality of this university is not so good
You must perform the following actions in order to enroll at the Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology (AVIT), located in Chennai:
After submitting your application, you will be chosen to move on to the entrance exam stage of the admissions process. The written AVIT entrance exam includes questions on a variety of math, physics, and chemistry disciplines. The exam is made to test how well you understand the fundamental ideas behind these topics. You will be asked to an interview if you pass the admission exam. Several professors on a panel conduct the interview. You will be questioned by the panel regarding your educational history, your career objectives, and your reasons for choosing to attend AVIT.
Dear student,
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Please get back to us if you have any further queries.
Visit for more information.
BRCM Bhiwani
IIT Roorkee