The college has a library which consists of reading room, stock room and the library office. It is well-equipped with sound systems in the Lecture Hall for use by the faculties and student teachers. The college also has Overhead Projectors, Audio Equipment, a VCD Player, Television, a Digital Camera and other equipments which are often used in the teaching-learning process. The college has a state-of-the-art Computer laboratory with Broad-Band Internet facilities. It has a separate Psychology Laboratory which has all the tests and the required equipment for conducting Psychology experiments included in the B.Ed. syllabus and maintains an instructional aids library containing instructional material such as models, globes, maps, charts, albums, rolling boards, laboratory equipments, mathematical instruments and other teaching aids. Some of the features are canteen, Ladies Hostel, Play Field, Gents Hostel and Staff Quarter, Avademic Building, tutorial rooms, etc.
Mohali (Punjab)
Jalandhar (Punjab)
Kolkata (West Bengal)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)