Abhinav Education Society Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

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    Pune (Maharashtra)
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Abhinav Education Society Overall Rating

(Based on 2 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.5/5
Placements 5.0/5
Faculty 4.3/5
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What students says about Abhinav Education Society

  • The college offers specialization in Human resources, finance, marketing or international business.
  • A lot of guest lectures are organized for all the aspirants and they gives us a lot of knowledge and experience and some understanding of the industry.
  • Placement officer makes sure that all the students are well prepared before entering in the session room.
  • The college has maintained a record of 100% placements since a long time.
  • The college's main asset is the faculty.

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Abhinav Education Society Reviews

Abhinav Education Society in Pune
By amaan
Apr 01, 2024 3:39:59

Overall: Abhinav Education Society in Pune is dedicated to providing quality education, fostering holistic development, and empowering students to achieve their academic and career goals. With its modern infrastructure, comfortable hostel facilities, experienced faculty, and strong placement support, the society offers a conducive environment for students to thrive and excel in their academic and professional endeavors

Placement: Abhinav Education Society places a strong emphasis on providing placement assistance and career guidance to its students. The society's placement cell works closely with leading companies and organizations to facilitate internships, industrial training, and job placements for its graduates. Additionally, the society organizes career fairs, campus interviews, and skill development workshops to enhance students' employability and ensure a smooth transition into the workforce.

Infrastructure: Abhinav Education Society boasts modern and well-equipped infrastructure that provides students with the necessary resources for a holistic learning experience. The campus features spacious classrooms, state-of-the-art laboratories, and advanced workshops that cater to the diverse academic needs of students. Additionally, the society provides access to a well-stocked library, computer labs, and other facilities to support research and academic pursuits.

Faculty: The society prides itself on its highly qualified and experienced faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. The faculty members are dedicated to providing quality education and mentorship to their students. They employ innovative teaching methodologies, practical learning approaches, and industry-relevant curriculum to ensure that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in their chosen fields.

Hostel: Abhinav Education Society offers comfortable hostel facilities. The hostels provide a safe and supportive living environment, fostering a sense of community among the residents. With amenities such as well-furnished rooms, nutritious meals, Wi-Fi connectivity, recreational areas, and round-the-clock security, the hostels ensure that students feel at home and can focus on their studies without any distractions.








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Surrounding Is Very Claim And Good For Students
By Rajib Sarkar
Feb 19, 2024 8:21:44

Overall: Hello my name is Rajib Sarkar.I am a student of Abhinav Education society ambegaon Pune very good for no students who need to prepare himself for good communication and self confidence behaviour. I recommend everybody to choose a Abhinav society.

Infrastructure: My college infrastructure is better but not good like you thinking it is normal college around in one class 60 students can sit and study teachers are cooperative students

Faculty: Facilities like library learning classes sports communication lecturers guest lectures are provided by my college Abhinav Education society amber of this is the one of reasons I choose this college

Hostel: My surrounding area in near my college is very good but you to stay in postal for more enjoyable life you can get easily rented room near my college you can parent monthly or you can give your rent quarterly year this facility that provided by the hostel owners you can talk with them for more information






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