
Audisankara Institute of Technology (AIT), Gudur Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationGudur (Andhra Pradesh)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 10:31 PM IST

Audisankara Institute of Technology (AIT), Gudur Overall Rating

(Based on 5 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.0/5
Placement 4.0/5
Hostel 3.8/5
Faculty 3.7/5
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What students says about Audisankara Institute of Technology (AIT), Gudur

  • Good placement record
  • Good campus
  • High-quality education
  • Good infrastructure
  • Excellent faculty
  • No special entrance exam for admission
  • No job opportunities for JNTUA students

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Audisankara Institute of Technology (AIT), Gudur Reviews

By Shaik Anwar basha | B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 2023
February 19, 2024 08:04:27

Overall: College Infrastructure Infrastructure at our university is too good having good facilities and more equipment like good classroom, better labs for different things, big sports ground for playing different sports all things are well managed. Academics My college provides excellent education with highly qualified faculty most of the faculty holds tha PhDs. Evey teacher delivers quality education in a friendly manner and always progress the students academics and supporting everything Placements Placements are also Good in our college. Service based companies from different states come and hire students. Highest placement is from Samsung company with supportive.

Hostel: Be Factual – Read the instructions provided along with the questions carefully, and try to include mentioned always have decency, even when criticizing it.


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By Shaik Anwar basha | B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 2023
February 19, 2024 08:03:55

Overall: College Infrastructure Infrastructure at our university is too good having good facilities and more equipment like good classroom, better labs for different things, big sports ground for playing different sports all things are well managed. Academics My college provides excellent education with highly qualified faculty most of the faculty holds tha PhDs. Evey teacher delivers quality education in a friendly manner and always progress the students academics and supporting everything Placements Placements are also Good in our college. Service based companies from different states come and hire students. Highest placement is from Samsung company with package 25lpa. Average package is 4lpa. Faculty are supportive.

Placement: College Infrastructure Infrastructure at our university is too good having good facilities and more groceries. Sbke ensue where equipment like good classroom, better labs for different things, big sports ground for playing different sports all things are well managed.

Infrastructure: Placements Placements are also Good in our college. Service based companies from different states come and hire students. Highest placement is from Samsung company with package 25lpa. Average package is 4lpa. Faculty are supportive.




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Overall Rating is good
By Elapa Mahesh | B.Tech in Civil Engineering | 2021
February 19, 2024 08:13:31

Overall: Overall Rating is good for Audishankara College of engineering and technology. In this college by compare with other colleges there are more opportunities in placements and college faculty is also good

Placement: In this college the placements are good by compare with other colleges in that region and it’s only for EEE,CSE,ECE. For Civil and Mech department students there is less chances to get the job in the college

Infrastructure: In this college it has a good infrastructure with more greenery and good library. Whereas Bus facilities are not good. And class rooms also average. Coming to laboratories it’s okay

Faculty: I personally experienced that, this college have good experienced faculties and they have good subject knowledge. Faculty members are supportive with students as well

Hostel: In college hostel, the food is not worthy for that hostel fees and cleaning and maintenance is not that much good. Hostel Wardens are not behaving well.








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Audisankara college
By Venkat rao | B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering | 2024
February 18, 2024 01:25:16

Overall: Yeah i am vebkat Rao stuyding at Audisankara college of engineering and course is computer science and engineering yeah simply i am saying that is i am learning the basics of java programming easily in this college.

Placement: Yeah this college has coming so much placements at college and also so many students are selected to placement section at college and so many students are got job o

Infrastructure: Yeah the infrastructure is very good and nice seating at tbe college and the college infrastructure is very nice to sit . In one bench there are 4 members can sit

Faculty: Yeah college facultys are better to teach and simply i am saying that is i am quick learner and also i am learning the basics of java programming by these faculty

Hostel: Yeah college hostels are very good and food also very good to eat at college hostels and also beds are better to sleep amd also there hostels are very good








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The college was done ✅
By Praveen Kumar | Diploma in Computer Science | 2024
February 12, 2024 03:32:04

Overall: Good placements in the college. Infrastructure: In our college we have a lot of facilities like Wi-Fi, labs, classrooms, library, drinking water facility, etc. available. But there is no hostel facility is there in our college Jayanagar Bangalore. Placements: The highest package is 700000 per annum, the lowest package is 2 lakhs per annum, average is 5 lakh per annum. Top recruiting

Placement: The atmosphere of the college is fantastic.The college was fully surrounded with a greenary trees.I satisfied with the faculty.The atmosphere of the college is fantastic.The college was fully surrounded with a greenary trees.I satisfied with the faculty and

Infrastructure: The Library is three storied Spacious Reference Hall with accommodation for 80 students. The library is well – equipped with comfortable furniture. The books are classified and displayed clearly. The library is well maintained and is one of the largest libraries of undergraduate educational institutions in Karnataka. The Library has Internet facilities available both to the students and the faculty.

Faculty: the area of teaching, your primary assignment has been to teach the first year theory sequence (XXX 150 and 151), and you also taught a graduate seminar (XXX 888). Teaching the first-year theory sequence has been a considerable challenge. We have talked about the SIRS forms in which your overall ratings for these courses is 20% below the department mean.

Hostel: OK first off I have to admit I've only watched the first half of this movie. That said did it give me the travel bug!!! Following the antics of three as they travel around Europe really captures the adventurous fun and self discovery that back packing has to offer.








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