The College has a very specious Library room with having collection of more than 10,000 Law books and reference books, Law Journals, encyclopedias and Magazines. The Library is equipped with computer and internet facility as well as the AIR Case Finder software for perusing the judgments of the Supreme Court. The Library is having facility for the research work. The Library is partially computerized with the ‘College’ version of Soul Software of INFLIBNET. The Library remains open to all its users from 12-00 p.m. to 7-00 p.m. on week days.The library room on the first floor of the College building with sufficient seating accommodation provides optimum conditions for its users.
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Vadodara (Gujarat)
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Rajkot (Gujarat)
Rajkot (Gujarat)
Shyambazar Law College
NLSIU Bangalore