Inauguration of New Accounts Section Office - A new Accounts Section Office has been inaugurated to improve administrative efficiency.
Rs. 16,000/- p.m. ,Plus Contingency amount Rs. 50,000/-p.a. Plus HRA Rs. 4,800 pm Plus Med. Allow. Rs. 600 pm.
Rs. 24,000/- p.m. , Contingency grant Rs. 25,000/- per annum. For undergoing Ph.D. programme in Electrical Engg., Mechanical Engg,, Metallurgical Engg. & Materials Sc. and Industrial Design Centre (Fellowship amount likely to be revised)
Rs. 18,000/- p.m. for the first two year with the provision of enhancement to Rs. 22,000/- p.m. based on the assesment of the recommandation of the RPC. The increase in Endowment Fellowship is effective from July 2010.
The Scholarships will be awarded on the academic performance which will be determined on the basis of CPI/Progress Seminar performance. The Scholarships are renewable every year. Sponsored candidate will not be eligible for scholarship. Payable for period of 4 years or until the submission of synopsis & thesis which ever is earlier.
Ist 2 Yr. Rs. 31,000 p.m. next 3 Yr. Rs. 35,000 p.m.
Fellowship amount Rs. 32.000/- p.m. Plus 25,000/- Contingency per year.
Rs. 30.000/- p.m. for first two years, next two years Rs. 35,000/- p.m. Plus Rs. 1,50000/- for attanding one national/international conference
period for a maximum of four years.
Rs. 20,000/- p.m.Plus Reimbursement of Tuition Fees paid by students every semester. Plus Contingencies of Rs. 15,000/- during the course towards TA/DA, Report preparation etc.
Tution Fee 5,000/- per semester
Rs. 2,000/- p.m. addition to TA
Rs. 20,000/- p.m. ,Plus Reimbursement of Tuition Fees paid by students every semester.Plus Education Material Allowance of Rs. 5000/-(one time payment during entire programme). Plus Contingency expenditure of Rs. 25,000/- to each student.
Rs. 20,000/- p.m. ,Plus reimbursement of total fees paid by the students at the time of admission (one time payment) ,Plus reimbursement of tuition fee every semester ,Plus Book allowance Rs. 5000/- once during the course
Rs. 8,000/- p.m. ,Plus Tuition fees Rs, 5,000/- per semester ,Plus TA/DA, Report preparation , Contingency during the Course Rs.15,000/- Plus 15% of total for Consumbles, miscellaneous and Contingency Plus DDF.
Rs. 8,000/- p.m.
Merit-cum-Means scholarship is awarded @Rs.1000/ per month with benefit of free tuition fee per semester to a maximum of 25% of sanctioned Intake of undergraduate students. For Dual degree, it is available only upto the 4th year. For these scholarships, academic merit as well as means will be taken into account to determine eligibility.
Merit Criterion : For new entrants [B.Tech, dual degree (B.Tech + M.Tech)] their JEE AIR & for B.Des their UCEED Rank will be the criterion. In case of students joining the 2 year M.Sc. programme, their performance in the admission test and interview will be considered for determining merit. In subsequent years, the corresponding criterion will be their academic performance during the preceding academic year.
Means Criterion : The parental income is the basis for the `means' criterion of the scholarship. At present students whose parents annual gross income from all sources does not exceed Rs.4,50,000/ , are eligible to apply for Merit-cum-Means Scholarship. When a student applies for the scholarship for the first time, copy of Income Certificate issued by the Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar or the Income Tax Return (ITR) has to be submitted by the parent or guardian for the preceding year of application for the scholarship. No fresh Income proof will be required for renewal of the scholarship in the subsequent years, till the completion of the programme to which the student is admitted. The scholarship will be renewed on a yearly basis provided the student fulfills all the terms and conditions for renewal of the scholarship.
A student whose parental income falls below the prescribed limit at any point during the course of his programme (due to reasons such as retirement of the parent/guardian or due to any unforeseen circumstances) is eligible to be considered for an award of Merit-cum-Means scholarship from the month in which such situation arises. In this case also a fresh Income Proof supported by acceptable documentary evidence needs to be submitted.
All SC/ST students are exempted from the payment of tuition fees. The facilities of free messing (only basic menu) and a pocket allowance of Rs.250/-p.m. will be granted to eligible SC/ST students. Such students are also eligible for exemption from the payment of hostel room rent, subject to the following conditions.
First 04 Semester: Rs. 6,000/- p.m.
5th to 8th Semester: Rs. 25,000/- p.m.
9th to 14th Semester: Rs. 28,000/- p.m.
The National Scholarships are awarded to the students from the respective states. The applications are forwarded through IIT. This scholarships are awarded/renewed every year for which students have to submit their progress report at the beginning of academic year.
Those who are awarded the NTS scholarship during their 10 + 2 are continued during the undergraduate and postgraduate level. For renewal of the same, students may kindly submit the forms issued by the NCERT to the Academic Section at the beginning of each academic year.
Rs. 25,000/- p.m. after 2 years, Rs. 28,000 ,Contingency grant Rs. 20,000/- p.a.
Rs. 25,000/- p.m. First 2 Yrs.
Rs. 28,000/- p.m. next 3 Yrs.
Plus Contigency Allowance Rs. 30,000/- p.a.,
He will be entitled to HRA.
Rs. 5000/- p.m. For non-NET Rs. 6,000/- ,for NET Plus Contingency grant Rs. 12000/-
Rs. 25,000/-p.m , for M.Sc./BE./B.Tech./ME./M.Tech. students for 2 years (JRF), next 3 years Rs. 28,000/-p.m. Plus Contingency Rs. 20,000/per year.
Rs. 25,000/- p.m. for first two years.
Rs. 28,000/- p.m. next three years
Plus Contingency ,Rs. 20,000/-p.year.
Rs. 16,000/- p.m Plus Contingency Rs. 30,000/-p.a.
Rs. 18,000/- p.m. for first two years. Rs. 20,000/ p.m. for next three years
Rs. 20,000/- p.m. ,Plus Reimbursement of Tuition Fees paid by students every semester.Plus Education Material Allowance of Rs. 5000/-(one time payment during entire programme). Plus Contingency expenditure of Rs. 25,000/- to each student. Selection through DAE consent in BARC beginning of 1st Semester
Degree: M-Tech
Rs. 20,000/- p.m. ,Plus reimbursement of total fees paid by the students at the time of admission (one time payment) ,Plus reimbursement of tuition fee every semester ,Plus Book allowance Rs. 5000/- once during the course
Selection through Energy & AERB Consent based on interview of the students at the beginning of 1st Semester
Rs. 8,000/- p.m. ,Plus Tuition fees Rs, 5,000/- per semester ,Plus TA/DA, Report preparation , Contingency during the Course Rs.15,000/- Plus 15% of total for Consumbles, miscellaneous and Contingency Plus DDF.Selected through the Normal selection and Admission Procedure of IITB.
Rs. 8,000/- p.m. Selected through the Department.
First 04 Semester: Rs. 6,000/- p.m. 5th to 8th Semester: Rs. 25,000/- p.m. 9th to 14th Semester: Rs. 28,000/- p.m.
The Dean Alumni & Corporate Relations Office manages the named scholarship endowed by the alumni of the Institute and other wellwishers. These Scholarships are awarded based on the following eligibility criteria :-
Merit-cum-Means scholarship is awarded @Rs.1000/ per month with benefit of free tuition fee per semester to a maximum of 25% of sanctioned Intake of undergraduate students. For Dual degree, it is available only upto the 4th year. For these scholarships, academic merit as well as means will be taken into account to determine eligibility.
Merit Criterion : For new entrants [B.Tech, dual degree (B.Tech + M.Tech)] their JEE AIR & for B.Des their UCEED Rank will be the criterion. In case of students joining the 2 year M.Sc. programme, their performance in the admission test and interview will be considered for determining merit. In subsequent years, the corresponding criterion will be their academic performance during the preceding academic year.
Means Criterion : The parental income is the basis for the `means' criterion of the scholarship. At present students whose parents annual gross income from all sources does not exceed Rs.4,50,000/ , are eligible to apply for Merit-cum-Means Scholarship. When a student applies for the scholarship for the first time, copy of Income Certificate issued by the Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar or the Income Tax Return (ITR) has to be submitted by the parent or guardian for the preceding year of application for the scholarship. No fresh Income proof will be required for renewal of the scholarship in the subsequent years, till the completion of the programme to which the student is admitted. The scholarship will be renewed on a yearly basis provided the student fulfills all the terms and conditions for renewal of the scholarship.
A student whose parental income falls below the prescribed limit at any point during the course of his programme (due to reasons such as retirement of the parent/guardian or due to any unforeseen circumstances) is eligible to be considered for an award of Merit-cum-Means scholarship from the month in which such situation arises. In this case also a fresh Income Proof supported by acceptable documentary evidence needs to be submitted.
IIT Bombay offers scholarships to UG, PG and Ph.D students. The scholarships offered by IIT Bombay help students to cover expenses incurred for academic fees, hostel fees, mess fees etc. IIT Bombay students are eligible for government and private scholarship schemes. The selection of students for the scholarship scheme of IIT Bombay depends on candidate’s financial background, parent’s annual income, the performance of candidates in academics etc. The following are some of the scholarships offered by IIT Bombay –
Government Scholarships |
Scholarship Benefits (Different Schemes) |
Private Scholarships |
Scholarship Benefits (Different Schemes) |
Scholarships for Ph.D. Students |
Scholarships for Ph.D. Students |
Scholarships for M.Tech Students |
Financial assistance from various sources are offered to students |
Scholarships for M.Tech Students |
Financial assistance is offered through government scholarship schemes. |
IIT Bombay offers the following scholarships to UG students –
Institute Merit-cum-Means Scholarship
Free Messing Facilities for SC and ST
National Talent Scholarships
Government Scholarships
Endowment or Named Scholarships
Pune (Maharashtra)
Kolhapur (Maharashtra)
Nashik (Maharashtra)
Pune (Maharashtra)
Nashik (Maharashtra)
IIT Patna
IITM Kanpur
KITS Kottayam
IIT Roorkee