IIIT Kottayam BTech cutoff 2024 by JoSAA has been released for round five on July 17, 2024. The cutoffs are released in the form of ranks for multiple categories and branches. IIIT Kottayam cutoff for general category irrespective of the branch is 12989 OR and 41306 CR.
Round | Cutoff |
Round 5 (last round) | Click Here |
IIIT Kottayam cutoff 2024 has been released by JoSAA for round four on July 10, 2024. The JoSAA cutoffs for BTech are based on JEE Main score. IIIT Kottayam cutoff for general category is 9741 opening rank and 40028 closing rank in round four, irrespective of the branch.
Round | Cutoff |
Round 4 | Click Here |
IIIT Kottayam cutoff 2024 round 3 is now out. JoSAA released the cutoffs on July 05, 2024, in the form of opening and closing ranks. IIIT Kottayam cut off general category is 9741 OR and 39890 CR. IIIT Kottayam cutoff CSE is 37805 rank for the general category.
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
AI | GEN | Gender-Neutral | 13429 | 33598 |
AI | GEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 19945 | 37805 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
AI | GEN | Gender-Neutral | 19045 | 36804 |
AI | GEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 34914 | 39581 |
Category | Round 3 Cutoff Link |
Gen | Click Here |
OBC | Click Here |
SC | Click Here |
ST | Click Here |
EWS | Click Here |
IIIT Kottayam cutoff JEE Main 2024 has been released for round 2 by JoSAA on June 28. According to the official data, the IIIT Kottayam cut off general category is 9741 OR and 39890 CR. IIIT Kottayam cutoff for CSE is 33219 rank for the general category.
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
AI | General | Gender-Neutral | 13429 | 33219 |
AI | General | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 19945 | 37805 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
AI | General | Gender-Neutral | 19045 | 36560 |
AI | General | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 34914 | 39581 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
AI | General | Gender-Neutral | 9741 | 30618 |
AI | General | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 18954 | 33437 |
Category | Round 2 Cutoff Link |
Gen | Click Here |
OBC | Click Here |
SC | Click Here |
ST | Click Here |
EWS | Click Here |
IIIT Kottayam cutoff 2024 for BTech courses is now out. JoSAA on June 20, 2024 released the round one cutoff for IIIT Kottayam in online mode. According to the cutoff list, IIIT Kottayam cutoff CSE in 2024 is 31235 rank for the gender neutral open category. The cutoffs are released for gender neutral and female categories by JoSAA. IIIT Kottayam cutoff OBC category for HS quota is 13321 rank for ECE in 2024. The cutoff is released in the form of opening and closing ranks for multiple categories like open, SC, ST, OBC, etc. IIIT Kottayam cutoff SC category is 7488 rank for the HS quota gender neutral category for BTech CSE (AI and Data Science) in 2024.
Academic Programme Name | Quota | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering | AI | Gender-Neutral | 13429 | 31235 |
Computer Science and Engineering | AI | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 19945 | 36456 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | AI | Gender-Neutral | 9741 | 28643 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | AI | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 18954 | 30612 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | AI | Gender-Neutral | 23900 | 32686 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | AI | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 33960 | 36709 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | AI | Gender-Neutral | 19045 | 34561 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | AI | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 34914 | 37345 |
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 13429 | 31235 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 19945 | 36456 |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 937 | 1571 |
OPEN (PwD) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 1475 | 1475 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5014 | 5416 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6054 | 6754 |
EWS (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 378 | 378 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8855 | 12458 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 11290 | 13652 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 931 | 1054 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 1136 | 1136 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 5635 | 8399 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6953 | 8574 |
SC (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 183 | 211 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2355 | 3787 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3155 | 3588 |
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 19045 | 34561 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 34914 | 37345 |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1699 | 1699 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5569 | 5930 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7134 | 7134 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 9849 | 13321 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13508 | 14040 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1052 | 1052 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 4426 | 8599 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9024 | 9031 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2955 | 3894 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4031 | 4031 |
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 9741 | 28643 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 18954 | 30612 |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 710 | 710 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4819 | 5226 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5810 | 5810 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8127 | 10429 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9228 | 10402 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 375 | 375 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 3545 | 7488 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6597 | 7936 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 1477 | 3084 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3982 | 3982 |
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 23900 | 32686 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 33960 | 36709 |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1383 | 1383 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5271 | 5475 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6273 | 6273 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 10682 | 12838 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 10899 | 12666 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 656 | 656 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 4467 | 7995 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7057 | 8656 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 3378 | 3762 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3882 | 3882 |
IIIT Kottayam cutoff 2024 for CSE is expected to be 136432-136442 (Gender-Neutral) candidates from the Open (HS) category, while it may stay between the 29087-29097 (Gender-Neutral) range for Open category students from Other State (OS). IIIT Kottayam closing ranks for BTech ECE may stay between 141628-141638 (Gender-Neutral) for the Open (HS) category and 38784-38794 (Gender-Neutral) for the Open (OS) category.
On the other hand, Electrical Engineering aspirants may expect IIIT Kottayam JEE Main cutoff to remain within 161165-161175 (Gender-Neutral) for Open (HS) and 98335-98345 (Gender-Neutral) for Open (OS). Similarly, IIIT Kottayam Mechanical Engineering opening and closing ranks may be 176501-176511 (Gender-Neutral) and 176501-176511 (Gender-Neutral), respectively, for the Open (HS) category students.
Academic Program Name | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 17100 | 31998 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 19536 | 33789 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1185 | 1953 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN (PwD) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 2409 | 2409 |
Computer Science and Engineering | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5010 | 5964 |
Computer Science and Engineering | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5287 | 6237 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8590 | 12933 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9342 | 13802 |
Computer Science and Engineering | SC | Gender-Neutral | 5104 | 9154 |
Computer Science and Engineering | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7016 | 8853 |
Computer Science and Engineering | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1977 | 3810 |
Academic Program Name | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 21216 | 39165 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 32755 | 40295 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 6209 | 6861 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6993 | 6993 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 13102 | 14292 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 14787 | 16072 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | SC | Gender-Neutral | 8602 | 9854 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7466 | 7466 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | ST | Gender-Neutral | 3019 | 4750 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4620 | 4620 |
Academic Program Name | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 14091 | 30516 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 25333 | 34448 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 2151 | 2151 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5109 | 5810 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5488 | 5488 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8500 | 11096 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 11926 | 13468 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | SC | Gender-Neutral | 4252 | 7926 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8561 | 8561 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1736 | 3187 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3458 | 3458 |
Academic Programme Name | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 28200 | 34134 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 33053 | 37056 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1973 | 1973 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5560 | 6134 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6357 | 6357 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11106 | 13429 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13881 | 14421 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | SC | Gender-Neutral | 5716 | 9184 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7849 | 7849 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2861 | 4144 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4761 | 4761 |
The JEE Main cutoff trends at IIIT Kottayam exhibit dynamics across various academic programmes, particularly Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), including specialised streams like Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, as well as Cyber Security. The closing rank for CSE in the open category went from 34,158 in 2021 to 31,998 in 2023, indicating a steady improvement over time. The closing rank for female candidates in the CSE programme ranged from 32,140 in 2021 to 33,789 in 2023, with minor variations seen over time. Over the span of three years, there has been a vast trend of decreasing closing ranks across several categories. In the case of CSE, both the gender-neutral and female-only categories have witnessed a consistent decline in closing ranks, underscoring the significant demand for this field. Additionally, the specialized tracks within CSE, such as Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, have shown a similar pattern, with closing ranks steadily decreasing over the years. Similarly, for the Cyber Security specialization, there has been a trend of decreasing closing ranks.
Academic Program Name | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank 2021 | Closing Rank 2022 | Closing Rank 2023 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 34158 | 32181 | 31998 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 32140 | 36332 | 33789 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | - | 31741 | 30516 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | - | 37695 | 34448 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 35997 | 33928 | 34134 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 34227 | 38170 | 37056 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 40001 | 38255 | 39165 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 32862 | 39282 | 40295 |
Analysing previous year IIIT Kottayam cutoff trends for JEE Main can offer valuable insights for prospective BTech students. Here are a few highlights of the IIIT Kottayam JEE Main cutoff trends:
IIT Kottayam B.Tech cut off 2023 in round 1, round 2, round 3, round 4, and round 5 for admission to B.Tech course has been released by JoSAA at josaa.nic.in. IIIT Kottayam JEE Main cutoff 2023 has been released in the form of opening and closing ranks. The following factors are taken into account when determining the IIIT Kottayam B.Tech cutoff 2023-
The IIIT Kottayam round 2 cutoff has been released by CSAB and is given below.
Particulars | Cut Off Link |
IIIT Kottayam UG Cut Off 2023 | Click Here |
Particulars | Cut Off Link |
IIIT Kottayam JoSAA Round 6 Cut Off 2023 | Click here |
Particulars | Cut Off Link |
IIIT Kottayam JoSAA Round 5 Cut Off 2023 | Click here |
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 17100 | 30898 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 19536 | 32712 |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1185 | 1953 |
OPEN (PwD) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 2409 | 2409 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4791 | 5392 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5287 | 6237 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8536 | 12605 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9009 | 12799 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 5043 | 8614 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6620 | 8373 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 1977 | 3780 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3292 | 4045 |
Click here to download the IIIT Kottayam B.Tech cutoff 2023 for round 4.
Academic Programme Name | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 17100 | 30777 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 19536 | 32712 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3292 | 4045 | |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 14091 | 29865 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3458 | 3458 | |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7849 | 7849 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2861 | 4047 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 32755 | 36129 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5964 | 6141 |
To download the IIIT Kottayam JEE Main cutoff 2023 round 3 for admission to B.Tech courses, click here.
Academic Programme Name | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 17100 | 30447 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 19536 | 32712 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 5043 | 8195 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6620 | 7717 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 1977 | 3644 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3292 | 4045 | |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 14091 | 29658 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 25333 | 29684 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 4252 | 7067 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8148 | 8148 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 1736 | 3187 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3458 | 3458 | |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 28200 | 32122 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 33049 | 33574 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 5716 | 8215 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7849 | 7849 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2861 | 3810 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4110 | 4110 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 21216 | 35435 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 32755 | 36129 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 8272 | 8614 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7466 | 7466 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 3019 | 4122 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4336 | 4336 |
To download the detailed IIIT Kottayam B.Tech cutoff 2023 for round 2, click here.
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 14091 | 26610 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 25333 | 29684 |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1415 | 1415 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4505 | 4791 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4910 | 4910 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 7411 | 9944 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9609 | 10656 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 653 | 653 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 4252 | 6234 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4184 | 4184 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 1736 | 3154 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3245 | 3245 |
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 16790 | 27801 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 15176 | 30004 |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1185 | 1555 |
OPEN (PwD) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 1128 | 1128 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4298 | 4758 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4785 | 5287 |
EWS (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 254 | 254 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 7458 | 10572 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9009 | 11497 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 791 | 837 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 764 | 764 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 4422 | 6741 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6325 | 6894 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 1977 | 3188 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3292 | 3458 |
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 21216 | 32170 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 30942 | 33616 |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1973 | 1973 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5348 | 5533 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5617 | 5617 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 10652 | 12137 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 12449 | 14224 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 977 | 977 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 7117 | 7388 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7466 | 7466 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 3019 | 3308 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3444 | 3444 |
The IIIT Kottayam cut off 2023 must be met by applicants seeking admission to the institution. GATE scores are used to determine admission to M.Tech courses. In accordance with the IIIT Kottayam admissions criteria, candidates who meet the IIIT Kottayam cutoff can participate in the counselling process. The following elements, which affect the IIIT Kottayam cutoff 2023, are listed:
The IIIT Kottayam M.Tech cutoff 2023 for GATE has been released by IIT Kanpur and is tabulated below.
Course Paper | General | OBC-NCL/EWS | SC/ST/PWD |
ST | 25 | 22.5 | 16.6 |
PH | 31.1 | 27.9 | 20.7 |
CS | 32.5 | 29.2 | 21.6 |
ECE | 29 | 26.1 | 19.734 |
CE | 26.6 | 23.9 | 17.55 |
IN | 34.8 | 31.2 | 22.96 |
ME | 28.4 | 25.5 | 18.9 |
XE | 37.9 | 34.1 | 25.2 |
CH | 32.1 | - | - |
EE | 25 | 22.5 | 16.5 |
EY | 42.6 | 38.3 | 28.4 |
MA | 25 | 22.5 | 16.6 |
Unlock your future with JEE Main/JEE Advanced/GATE College Predictor & Rank Predictor:
IIIT Kottayam cut-off 2022 ranks in different programmes and categories has been updated online. The IIIT Kottayam JEE Main 2022 cutoff are disclosed in two categories open and closing ranks. The IIIT Kottayam JEE Mains cut-off has been released by the NTA after the IIIT Kottayam cutoff 2022 admission. IIIT Kottayam cut off is important for applicants to do well in the JEE Main 2022. Following the JoSAA counselling, IIIT Kottayam grants admission to its B.Tech programme based on IIIT Kottayam JEE Main cutoff. Candidates can check the IIIT Kottayam JOSAA round 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 cutoff 2022 for various courses tabulated below:
Academic Program Name | Gender | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 30936 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 34404 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 30937 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 34594 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 32291 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 35485 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 36190 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 36206 |
Click here to see the IIIT Kottayam JoSAA cut-off 2022 in JEE Main round 5 for all the categories.
Academic Program Name | Gender | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 30444 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 33197 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 30734 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 34490 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 31965 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 34951 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 35336 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 35485 |
Click here to see the IIIT Kottayam JoSAA cut-off 2022 in JEE Main round 4 for all the categories.
Academic Programme Name | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 30288 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 33197 | |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1561 | |
OPEN (PwD) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 1602 | |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4823 | |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5981 | |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11163 | |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13456 | |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 726 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 7408 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7489 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 3327 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3284 | |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 30722 | |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 34290 | |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 572 | |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4706 | |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5495 | |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11458 | |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13749 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 7146 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7634 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2977 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3357 | |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 31965 | |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 34594 | |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1481 | |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5078 | |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6005 | |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11604 | |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13844 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 7521 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7039 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 3490 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3557 | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 35335 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 35485 | |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1763 | |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5390 | |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5901 | |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 12727 | |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 14849 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 8135 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8223 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 3849 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3668 |
Academic Program Name | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 29965 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 32891 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1561 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN (PwD) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 1602 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4710 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5928 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11075 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13205 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OBC-NCL (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 954 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OBC-NCL (PwD) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 726 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7306 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7489 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | ST | Gender-Neutral | 3327 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3284 |
Academic Programme Name | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 33390 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 572 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4693 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5495 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11278 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13623 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7146 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7634 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2977 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3292 |
Academic Program Name | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 33853 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1481 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4798 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5981 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11492 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13799 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7505 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7039 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | ST | Gender-Neutral | 3490 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3357 |
Academic Program Name | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 35485 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1763 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5337 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5901 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 12327 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 14522 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7879 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8184 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | ST | Gender-Neutral | 3846 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3668 |
Academic Programme Name | Gender | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 28072 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 30553 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 27908 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 30097 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 29514 |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 30898 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Gender-Neutral | 32113 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 32891 |
Candidates can check the complete IIIT Kottayam JEE Main Cut-Off round 1 here.
IIIT Kottayam GATE scores are used to determine admission to M.Tech programmes. After the seat allocation results, the IIIT Kottayam GATE cutoff is made public in the form of a cutoff. Thus, in order to have a fair probability of admission, the students must achieve the IIIT Kottayam GATE cutoff 2022. To enrol qualified applicants, IIIT Kottayam engages in the CCMT counselling procedure. Three rounds of counselling for admission via GATE are normally conducted by CCMT, then an NSR (National Spot Round). Following each round of counselling for that specific round, CCMT publishes the maximum and least IIIT Kottayam GATE cutoff. The IIIT Kottayam Cutoff 2022 for popular branches will be determined by a variety of factors such as the number of applicants who apply, the total number of seats available, the difficulty level of the test, and the previous year's admission status.
According to the IIIT Kottayam cut-off 2021 list, the closing rank for OPEN (Gender-Neutral), EWS (Gender-Neutral), and OBC-NCL (Gender-Neutral) categories for B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in cyber Security was 41069, 48232, 55020 respectively. Admission to IIIT Kottayam is based on the candidate's JEE Main result. Every year, the NTA publishes the IIIT Kottayam cut off list, based on which seats are assigned in the counselling rounds. The opening and closing ranks for various courses under various categories will be included in the IIIT Kottayam JEE Main cut off list. Check out IIIT Kottayam cut-off closing ranks for the 2021 programme and category below.
Programme | Category | Closing Rank |
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Security | OPEN (Gender-Neutral) | 41069 |
EWS (Gender-Neutral) | 48232 | |
OBC-NCL (Gender-Neutral) | 55020 | |
SC (Gender-Neutral) | 182968 | |
ST (Gender-Neutral) | 262867 |
Programme | Category | Closing Rank |
B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering | OPEN (Gender-Neutral) | 50683 |
EWS (Gender-Neutral) | 59235 | |
OBC-NCL (Gender-Neutral) | 65762 | |
SC (Gender-Neutral) | 195165 | |
ST (Gender-Neutral) | 294210 |
Students who meet the IIIT Kottayam cutoff 2020 will be eligible to take part in the JoSAA JEE Mains counselling procedure. After the assignment of seats, students might get their documents confirmed. The IIIT Kottayam cutoff 2020 information is provided here for students to expect for the IIIT Kottayam cut-off in 2022. After the seat allocation, students can get their documents verified. Candidates seeking admission to IIIT Kottayam has to be acquainted with the JEE Main cutoff designed for IIIT Kottayam, which will be made up of the minimal rankings that the candidates must secure. Check below IIIT Kottayam cutoff list for B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering and B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering for the year 2020.
Programme | Category | Closing Rank |
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN (Gender-Neutral) | 41736 |
OPEN (Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 42150 | |
EWS (Gender-Neutral) | 51111 | |
OBC-NCL (Gender-Neutral) | 58229 | |
OBC NCL(Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 63592 | |
SC (Gender-Neutral) | 193560 | |
ST (Gender-Neutral) | 288816 |
Programme | Category | Closing Rank |
B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering | OPEN (Gender-Neutral) | 52575 |
OPEN (Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 42693 | |
EWS (Gender-Neutral) | 57534 | |
OBC-NCL (Gender-Neutral) | 64159 | |
OBC-NCL (Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 68008 | |
SC (Gender-Neutral) | 194011 | |
ST (Gender-Neutral) | 303633 |
IIIT Kottayam cutoff scores differ for each course. The institute prepares a list of its own cutoff after JEE Mains results are released. Students can log on to the website of the institute to see the list. The cutoff scores of IIIT Kottayam decide if a candidate can expect admission in any particular course of the institute or not. If the candidate’s JEE Mains rank falls in the cutoff range declared by IIIT Kottayam, he/she is considered eligible for admission in the institute. However, clearing the cutoff level does not mean that the candidate’s admission in the institute is final. If many aspirants obtain ranks within the cutoff, IIIT Kottayam selects candidates on the basis of giving preference to higher ranks. The seats are allotted to those who have the highest ranks as compared to the others applying for the same course. If a selected candidate leaves and does not take admission, his/her seat is given to a candidate from the waiting list.The waiting list is also prepared by the ranks of students, preference being given to the higher ranks. IIIT Kottayam releases the cutoff list which includes all the details of allotment and reservation of seats.
Applications invited to the FACTS-H Lab Summer Internship Programme 2025 - Applications are now open for the FACTS-H Lab Summer Internship Programme 2025.
A Bio-Inspired Hybrid Computation for Managing and Scheduling Virtual Resources using Cloud Concepts - An academic paper/announcement regarding a hybrid computation methodology for cloud resource management and scheduling.
Revenue oriented air quality prediction microservices for smart cities - A project or research announcement regarding microservices aimed at predicting air quality in urban areas with a revenue orientation.
Special issue on energy reduction techniques for exa-scale computing: theory and practice - An announcement about a special issue focusing on new techniques for energy reduction in exa-scale computing.
Selection List for Integrated M.Tech. in AI & Data Science - Selection list of the Integrated M.Tech. (with BCA-MCA) in AI & Data Science for Working Professionals [Adm Feb 2025]
Commencement of Classes for Admission 2024 - Date of commencement of classes will be finalized according to the JoSAA/CSAB schedule and will be declared later.
M.Tech Admission for Working Professionals - Details for M.Tech admissions for working professionals have been provided, including specializations in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Cyber Security, and CSE with specialization in Big Data and Machine Learning.
PhD Admission Information - PhD admissions are open in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), and Mathematics. Click the link for further details.
B.Tech/B.Tech-MS Admission Information for 2024 - Admission to the B.Tech/B.Tech-MS programme will be based on performance in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE - Main) conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA), subject to change if any ordered by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, through the counselling under JoSAA/CSAB. The number of seats in each branch will be decided by the Academic Advisory Committee/Senate with reservations as per government guidelines.
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
ST AI | 4046 | 2355 |
General | 33219 | 13429 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 37805 | 19945 |
PwD (PwD) | 2524 | 1349 |
OPEN (PwD) - All India - Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 1475 | 1475 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6181 | 5309 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7134 | 6528 |
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 378 | 378 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 13924 | 9319 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 15170 | 11726 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1309 | 1195 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Female-Only) | 1136 | 1136 |
SC (SC) | 9429 | 5635 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 10370 | 6953 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4454 | 3526 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General | 33598 | 13429 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 37805 | 19945 |
PwD (PwD) | 2524 | 1349 |
OPEN (PwD) - All India - Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 1475 | 1475 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6228 | 5416 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7226 | 6528 |
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 378 | 378 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 14239 | 9319 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 15292 | 11726 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1502 | 1207 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Female-Only) | 1136 | 1136 |
SC (SC) | 9777 | 5635 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 10452 | 6953 |
ST AI | 4140 | 2355 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4454 | 3526 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General | 33689 | 13429 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 37884 | 19945 |
PwD (PwD) | 2524 | 1349 |
OPEN (PwD) - All India - Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 1475 | 1475 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6228 | 5416 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7343 | 6528 |
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 378 | 378 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 14269 | 9917 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 15292 | 11726 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1502 | 1207 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Female-Only) | 1136 | 1136 |
SC (SC) | 9791 | 5635 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 10470 | 6953 |
ST AI | 4140 | 2355 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4454 | 3526 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General | 35996 | 19546 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 40151 | 19945 |
PwD (PwD) | 2524 | 1349 |
OPEN (PwD) - All India - Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 1475 | 1475 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6586 | 5795 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7599 | 6528 |
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 378 | 378 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 14629 | 10312 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 15875 | 12122 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1509 | 1207 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Female-Only) | 1136 | 1136 |
SC (SC) | 9967 | 5635 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 10470 | 6953 |
ST AI | 4217 | 2355 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4454 | 3526 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General | 36560 | 19045 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 39581 | 34914 |
PwD (PwD) | 2395 | 2395 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6459 | 5930 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7212 | 7212 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 14416 | 11160 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 15585 | 15340 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1173 | 1173 |
SC (SC) | 9687 | 9153 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 9891 | 9468 |
ST AI | 4141 | 3809 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4659 | 4659 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General | 36804 | 19045 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 39581 | 34914 |
PwD (PwD) | 2395 | 2395 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6710 | 6366 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7599 | 7599 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 14928 | 11160 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 15589 | 15340 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1173 | 1173 |
SC (SC) | 9952 | 9377 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 10207 | 9468 |
ST AI | 4152 | 3809 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4659 | 4659 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General | 36849 | 19045 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 39581 | 34914 |
PwD (PwD) | 2395 | 2395 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6710 | 6366 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7599 | 7599 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 14983 | 11160 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 15589 | 15340 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1509 | 1509 |
SC (SC) | 9967 | 9377 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 10207 | 9468 |
ST AI | 4152 | 3809 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4659 | 4659 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General | 39875 | 19045 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 40028 | 34914 |
PwD (PwD) | 2395 | 2395 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6912 | 6530 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7621 | 7621 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 15467 | 11792 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 16560 | 15340 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1696 | 1696 |
SC (SC) | 10131 | 9377 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 10207 | 9468 |
ST AI | 4152 | 3809 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4659 | 4659 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 13922 | 28072 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 23928 | 30553 |
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 805 | 1377 |
General PwD (AI - Female-Only) | 1481 | 1481 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 3996 | 4422 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 4414 | 5368 |
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 238 | 238 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 7333 | 10310 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 10179 | 12082 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 729 | 831 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Female-Only) | 726 | 726 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2323 | 6644 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 4773 | 6775 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2184 | 3116 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 2732 | 3029 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 16418 | 29965 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 25575 | 32891 |
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1377 | 1561 |
General PwD (AI - Female-Only) | 1602 | 1602 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4258 | 4710 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 5028 | 5928 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 8339 | 11075 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 10179 | 13205 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 954 | 954 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Female-Only) | 726 | 726 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2323 | 7306 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 4773 | 7489 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2184 | 3327 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 2911 | 3284 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 17376 | 30288 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 25575 | 33197 |
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1377 | 1561 |
General PwD (AI - Female-Only) | 1602 | 1602 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4360 | 4823 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 5028 | 5981 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 8339 | 11163 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 10179 | 13456 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Female-Only) | 726 | 726 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2323 | 7408 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 4773 | 7489 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2184 | 3327 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 2911 | 3284 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 17376 | 30444 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 25575 | 33197 |
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1377 | 1561 |
General PwD (AI - Female-Only) | 1602 | 1602 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4360 | 4882 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 5028 | 5981 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 8339 | 11199 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 10179 | 13456 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Female-Only) | 726 | 726 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2323 | 7410 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 4773 | 7489 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2184 | 3327 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 2911 | 3284 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 17376 | 30936 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 25575 | 34404 |
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1377 | 1561 |
General PwD (AI - Female-Only) | 1602 | 1602 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4422 | 5000 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 5028 | 5981 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 8339 | 11215 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 10179 | 13456 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Female-Only) | 726 | 726 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2323 | 7410 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 4773 | 7489 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2184 | 3373 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 2911 | 3284 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 17376 | 30936 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 25575 | 34404 |
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1377 | 1561 |
General PwD (AI - Female-Only) | 1602 | 1602 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4422 | 5000 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 5028 | 5981 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 8339 | 11215 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 10179 | 13456 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Female-Only) | 726 | 726 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2323 | 7410 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 4773 | 7489 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 2184 | 3373 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 2911 | 3284 |
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Hyderabad (Telangana)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (RGIT), Kottayam
St. Joseph College of Engineering & Technology Kottayam
Mangalam College of Engineering Kottayam
Saintgits College of Engineering Kottayam