The College authorities at their discretion may grant Concession in tuition fees/scholarship to the poor but meritorious students and to the students who prove their excellence in any branch of extra-academic activities. The Students’ Union is the nucleus of all corporate activities of students and is managed by the students under the guidance of the Teacher-in-Charge of Students’ Activities. The Union is governed by its Constitution. The Reading Room remains open every weekday from 6.00 a.m to 2.00 p.m. Opening Hours may be modified on College Holidays. Some of the facilities include well ventilated classrooms, recreational areas, hostel facility for boys and girls, indoor and outdoor games, stocked library, seamless internet connectivity, medical facilities etc.
Kolkata (West Bengal)
Kolkata (West Bengal)
Kolkata (West Bengal)
Kolkata (West Bengal)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Indraprastha Law College
NLSIU Bangalore