Kalra College of Education is a Private college in Udhampur. Kalra College of Education offers B.Ed in Education. B.Ed is offered in Education & Teaching.
Course | Admission Fee | Tuition Fee | Examination Fee | Library Fee | Other Charges | Total Fee (1st Semester) | Subsequent Semester Fee |
B.Ed. | Rs. 5000/- | Rs. 25,000/- per semester | Rs. 2000/- per semester | Rs. 1000/- per semester | Rs. 1000/- per semester | Rs. 34,000/- | Rs. 28,000/- per semester |
Name of faculty | Department | Designation |
Mrs. Ranjana Sharma | Geography | Lecturer |
Mrs. Rashma | Hindi | Lecturer |
Mrs. Rita Kalra | Education | Lecturer |
Mrs. Poonam Kumari | Education | Lecturer |
Mrs. Meena Kumari | English | Lecturer |
Ms. Shiveta Gupta | Sociology | Lecturer |
Mr Ashok Kumar | Education | Lecturer |
Ms. Preeti Gupta | Education | Lecturer |
Mrs. Bhanu Gupta | Education | Lecturer |
Mrs. Neha Sharma | Geography | Lecturer |
Ms. Aparna Sharma | Sociology | Lecturer |
Ms. Manju Sharma | Mathematics | Lecturer |
Ms. Taruna Dubey | Education | Lecturer |
Ms. Sakshi Sharma | Science | Lecturer |
Ms. Sheetal Bharti | Education | Lecturer |
Mrs. Sonia Gupta | Education | Lecturer |
Mr. Munish Verma | Computer Applications | Lecturer |
Mr. Roop Krishan Pandita | Library Science | Librarian |
Mrs. Shaheen Bano | Urdu | Lecturer |
Mr. Chuni Lal | Administration | Administrative Officer |
Mr Joginder Singh | Administration | Section Officer |
Mrs. Pragti Sharma | Library | Library Assistant |
Mrs. Babli Rani | Administration | Office Assistant |
Mohali (Punjab)
Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)