The college provides separate dwelling halls for boys and girls to support goodwill, sociability and plays essential role in promoting community living among them. The College Hostel is established more in the concern of students from rural areas and distant places. The college hostel is sited in the middle of Sky kissed mountains and lush green ambiance with Spacious rooms and attached bathrooms. Emotional reliability is very important for balanced growth and progress. Each hostel has its own warden who provides mentoring, emotional security, counseling, and monitoring the progress of the student. They are accessible to the students at all times. Contact time between students and warden is available every week, to sort out or discuss important issues. The number of inmates is improved every year as required. Ragging is strictly banned.
The 7(TN) BN NCC E1 - Company, is functioning in our college with a sanctioned strength of 52 cadets and 1 officer. Established in the year 2005 this unit has achieved several landmarks and has added several feathers to the crown of LATHA MATHAVAN ENGINEERING COLEGE. Till yet 464 NCC cadets completed the B & C certificate Exams.
Hostel: Latha mathavan Engineering college Madurai melur cable tv show on picture send me a greatest man who had to be ast the robot is a greatest man who had to be ast the robot is a greatest man who had to be ast the robot is a greatest man who had to be ast the robot is a greatest man who had to be ast the robot is a greatest man who had to be ast the robot is a
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Namakkal (Tamil Nadu)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)