Tally Practical Examination Notification for B.Com (H) Ist Semester - Notice regarding Tally Practical Examination B.Com (H) Ist Semester.
Chemistry Department Semester 1 Practical Datesheet - Datesheet of Semester 1 Practical, Chemistry Department.
Semester IV & VI Online Classes Notice - Notice regarding online classes of Semester IV & VI students.
Advertisement for the Post of Principal - An advertisement has been released for the recruitment of a new Principal.
Seating Plan for 16-01-2025 Evening - The seating arrangements for the examination scheduled on the evening of January 16, 2025, have been finalized. Please refer to the official notice board for detailed seating assignments.
The Governing body grants scholarship to six students on the basis of excellence in the University Examinations.
A merit award will be given to a student of B.Com (Hons.) 1st year who scores at least 60% marks in aggregate in all papers and first position in the college. Other details of the award will be put up on the notice board after the re-opening of the college for the session 2011-2012.
National Merit Scholarship Scheme was introduced by Department of Education in 1961-62. It was available to brilliant but poor students from class XI to Post-Graduation level. In addition, a Scheme of Scholarship at the Secondary stage for talented children from rural areas was also introduced by Department of Education in 1971-72. It was available to talented but poor students from rural areas from class Vi to class XII. These two Schemes were merged and a single Scheme, namely, the 'National Merit Scholarship. Sche.mel was established by Department of Education for implementation from 2005-08. This was available to meritorious students from class IX to Post-Graduation level. However, since funds were not provided by the Planning Commission for the year 2007-08, the Scheme has been discontinued w.e.f. 1.4.2007. School Education _has come under a new Department, namely, .gepartment- of School Education & _thesear 2007-08. The Department of School Education and LiteraCy- has "if-trod Oed a new Scheme: 'National Means-Gum-Merit Scholarship Scheme'. This Scheme will cover students from class IX to XII. The Department of Higher Education has introduced a new scheme for meritorious students from low-income families going to colleges/universities for implementation during the XI Five Year Plan period with an approved outlay of Rs. 1000 crore. This is a Central sector scheme titled "Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University
to provide financial assistance to meritorious students from low-income families to meet a part of their day-to-day expenses while pursuing higher studies.
The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of the results of the senior secondary examination. 82000 fresh scholarships per annum [41000 for boys and 41000 for girls] will be awarded for graduate I postgraduate studies In colleges and universities and for professional courses, such as Medical. Engineering etc.
The total number of scholarships will be divided amongst the State Boards based on the States population in the age group of 18-25 years, after segregating share of CBSE ICSE on the basis of number of students passing out from various Boards in the
Mohali (Punjab)
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Aligarh Muslim University - Distance Learning
Deshbandhu College