
PACE Mangalore Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationMangalore (Karnataka)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 10:31 PM IST

PACE Mangalore Overall Rating

(Based on 2 reviews)
Infrastructure 3.0/5
Placement 4.0/5
Hostel 4.0/5
Faculty 4.0/5
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What students says about PACE Mangalore

  • Admission process is good
  • Faculties are experienced and helpful
  • Environment is good
  • Good studying facilities
  • Management is not supportive
  • Placements are not too good

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

PACE Mangalore Reviews

My college experience.
By SHAMILA SULAIMAN MTP | B.E in Computer Science Engineering | 2024
November 20, 2024 10:24:45

Overall: Frst of all i am a final year BE computer science engineering student.Frankly about the college which contains a beautiful campus,but not that freeness to enjoy the campus.Faculties of the engineering are great ,very much friendly and suportive.Hostel food is so good compared to other places in manglore.

Infrastructure: As of now the infrastructure has improved alot and still improving and growing upwards,trying to give out the best infrastructure,hope there would be a great infrastructure by next year.

Hostel: First and foremost ,so much tasty and hygienic food.Should be appreciated, well treated by the food department.Comparing to other hostels in manglore,this would be a better one.




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Am satisfied on joining this college
By Afthab | Bachelors of Computer Application | 2024
February 20, 2024 02:35:24

Overall: This college include of degree , engineering, physiotherapy, polytechnic and B.pharm Here we get good teachers and well developed smart classes . Campus is very big and ambiance is very natural and beautiful. Bus facility, canteen, cafe , store , library , photocopy centers are inside the college

Placement: Many of the students gets place ment. College helps and support but not directly involve to give placements , in my knowns, and I don't know further details about place mentes

Faculty: There are lots of degrees there Each have seperate teachers . Most of them are talented teachers. Friendly and kind Helps to motivate and lead us to our path

Hostel: Both hostel are far.but equally distance to classes. Well maintained rooms and bathrooms . Canteen are inside it, good food , special day special food good ambiance






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