National Scholarship Portal Notice - Notice regarding National Scholarship portal.
Fee Concession Form - Online Offline Fee Concession Form.
Google Form for GE, SEC, and VAC Options - Google option form to fill GE, SEC and VAC options for SEM II, IV and VI.
Notice for filling up examination form - Notice for filling up examination form Regular and NCWEB students for the session May-June 2025.
Notice regarding online class schedule for semester IV and VI - Notice regarding online class for semester IV and VI.
Notice for offline classes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year - Notice for offline classes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year.
Notice for Students/Ex-Students who want to reappear in the upcoming Practical Examination of the Department of Electronics - Students or ex-students wishing to reappear in the Practical Examination of the Electronics department must submit their requests by the end of this week.
Notice regarding Admit Card for 1st Year Students - All 1st year students are required to collect their admit cards from the administration office before the upcoming examinations.
Practical Examination Schedule in the Department of Physics - The practical examination schedule for the Physics department has been released. Please check the department notice board for specific dates and times.
Notice regarding collection of ID Card - Students are advised to collect their ID cards from the administration office starting from next week. Proper identification is required for collection.
Conduct of First Year Classes Online - A notice has been issued regarding the conduct of first year classes which will be held in online mode.
Delhi University holds a competitive examination in the month of October each year for the award for All India Entrance Scholarships of Rs. 250.00 per month, each tenable for three years. Any Honours course Student with at least 55% marks in the aggregate may apply along with the examination fees of Rs. 50.00 latest by 25 August in the prescribed form which can be obtained from the Examination Branch VII(I) of the University of Delhi.
The Prize has been instituted in the memory of Dr. Surendra Singh Rao,Formerly Reader in Physics Department, Rajdhani College. Dr. S. S. Rao Memorial Prize of Rs. 1,000/- is awarded to a student of B.Sc. (H) Physics of Rajdhani College for exemplary merit.
An amount of Rs 3,000 is paid to first meritorious student of B.Sc. (H) Physics IInd year in memory of late Dr. Sanjay Malik, Associate Professor Department of Physics and Electronics.
The Prize has been instituted in the memory of Dr. N. K. Anand, formerly Reader in Chemistry Department, Rajdhani College. Dr. N. K. Anand Memorial Prize of Rs. 800/ - is awarded to the topper of B.Sc. (H) Chemistry IInd year of Rajdhani College.
It is meant for meritorious students of B. Com. (H)
Smt. Krishnawati Gautam Memorial Prize has been instituted to encourage meritorious performance in science stream.
Shri S. C. Gautam Memoirial Prize in Chemistry would be awarded to the topper of B. Sc. (H) Chemistry I and II year combined in Rajdhani College in DU examination.
Maa Murti Devi Smriti Puraskar in Hindi is offered to the topper of B. A. (H) Hindi.
Annual Prize of Rs. 3000/- every year for the highest marks in M.A. Hindi Final Year.
The scholarship schemes in Rajdhani College, DU is not currently present. Scholarships for students in Rajdhani College are affiliated from Delhi Univesity and Rajdhani College students are entitled to get those scholarships for merit cum means basis. Even though there are no Scholarship schemes in Rajdhani College, the college encourages students in academics with many monetary prizes given to meritious students.
Mohali (Punjab)
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
SCC bangalore
ECC Allahabad