
Sant Hari Dass College of Higher Education Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationNew Delhi (Delhi)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 05:57 PM IST

Sant Hari Dass College of Higher Education Overall Rating

(Based on 3 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.0/5
Placement 4.3/5
Hostel 3.7/5
Faculty 4.7/5
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What students says about Sant Hari Dass College of Higher Education

  • No politics
  • Friendly environment

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Sant Hari Dass College of Higher Education Reviews

Sant Hari dass college of Higher Education - New Delhi - review
By Jitender Kumar | Bachelor of Education | 2020
April 05, 2024 06:23:11

Overall: This college is very great from looking .This college has so many resources available. This college infrastructure is also very good. And the faculty of this college are also very humble students.

Placement: The placement of this college is very good. So many student who are graduated from this university those students had got the best packages from this university.

Infrastructure: The infrastructure of this college is very great and there are so many gigantic buildings and Library is available for students. It provides also Wi-Fi facility to the student.

Faculty: The faculties are very great with students. There is so many faculties for each subject and courses. The faculty always do help to the students. The faculty has so many year of experienced .

Hostel: The hostel facility in this college is very good. The hostel is available for both boys and girls. The college has created so many Strict rules for the students.








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About Sant Hari Dass College of Higher Education
By ANJALI | Bachelor of Education | 2020
March 29, 2024 12:15:01

Overall: The college facilities was good and neat. And they provide equal education system in students it's very helpful. The hostel facility was good. They are such a great things

Placement: Our college has a separate cell for placement training. The placement provides a good place ment opportunity before completing the course The salary package should be depends the student qualification because every student has a different qualification

Faculty: We can easily access the teachers and other faculty of our college.the teachers are cooperative, so they are added in the class whatsapp groups to help students. They also attend calls and help the students when needed.

Hostel: The college has Separate hostels available for boys as well as girls. Hostel's rooms are big and clean. They mainteaind hygins. Food quality of Mess is also good.






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About Sant Hari Dass College of Higher Education
By Aditi Shukla | B.Com (Hons) | 2020
March 26, 2024 05:30:12

Overall: Admission processes is very easy for students There are not required any entrance exam for can take admission directly in the college campus

Placement: Some of our seniors got placements. Around 5% of the students got placements. All students are paying the fee equally. Our college is offering placements after the course

Infrastructure: The campus itself is beautiful, with plenty of green spaces to relax or study outdoors. It felt like a true home away from home. There were always events, clubs, and activities to get involved in.

Faculty: The quality of teaching is very well the all the college professors are very good I pursed my graduation from this college and after that I pursued my mba. The college is very good in academics also .

Hostel: The college has Separate hostels available for boys as well as girls. The institute provides a fan, bed, study table, chair, and Wardrobe/ Almirah , etc.








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