Overall: great bplateform to gain kniowledge ,,. learning more skill and experience to develop ourseleves ,,,good and excellent sevice they provide us;;.,../.
Overall: In 2021 St Berchmans College is celebrating 100 years that itself is a big thing. As a part of this college it is ranked amongst top 10 colleges in kerala . The college has created professional and many economic gaints in India today. If you're looking at sports 5 students from the college has been selected to the khelo India and into the Indian Basketball Team.
Overall: alkhsdjklfahsdjklfhajskdhl fjklasdhfkjahsdf jklashdjkf hasjkdhfajksdfhajsdfasdfasdfas dasdf asdfalkhsdjklfahsdjklfhajskdhl fjklasdhfkjahsdf jklashdjkf hasjkdhfajksdfhajsdfasdfasdfas dasdf asdf