B.Ed Special Education Syllabus: Semester Wise B.Ed Special Education Subjects & Syllabus

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Sep 24, 2024 21:09PM IST

B.Ed Special Education Syllabus Overview

The B.Ed Special Education is a two-year full-time undergraduate program focused on equipping teachers with advanced skills for instructing mentally and physically challenged children. Graduates can pursue teaching roles in various sectors. The curriculum covers theories, practices, and methodologies in special education, addressing topics like inclusive education, student assessment, behavior management, assistive technology, and tailored curriculum development. Students gain insights into disabilities such as autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, and intellectual disabilities. Practical experience through internships or teaching placements is integral to applying theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.

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About B.Ed Special Education

The B.Ed Special Education is a specialized program offering a range of courses tailored to equip teachers with the expertise required for effective engagement with diverse learning needs. Key aspects of the program include:

1. Providing knowledge on principles and practices of inclusive education, guiding teachers in designing classrooms and learning environments accommodating all students, including those with disabilities.

2. Offering an in-depth exploration of various disabilities such as autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disabilities, and intellectual disabilities. This enhances students' understanding of the characteristics, needs, and challenges associated with each disability.

3. Developing effective strategies crucial for managing and supporting the behavior of students with disabilities. This encompasses techniques for promoting positive behavior and handling challenging behavior.

4. Graduates from B.Ed. Special Education programs are highly sought after in diverse settings, including special schools, government schools, and private schools.

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B.Ed Special Education Syllabus and Subjects

B.Ed Special Education is a two-year course that consists of four semesters. B.Ed Special Education colleges in India have curriculum and subjects designed to provide teachers with special and advanced skills and training.

In the colleges, students pursuing B.Ed, special education are equipped with knowledge of teaching material, special teaching methodology, and teaching-learning aids of this type that meet the educational needs of children with special learning disabilities. 

B.Ed Special Education Core Subjects 

The core subjects play an important role in the B.Ed Special Education curriculum. Since the core or important subject, helps students to gain detailed information and knowledge about the subject or topic. Below mentioned are some core/main subjects that are included in the B.Ed Special Education syllabus 

  • Education
  • Culture
  • Human Values
  • Educational Psychology
  • Guidance and Counselling
  • Holistic Education
  • Philosophy of Education 

B.Ed Special Education Elective Subjects 

During the program, students have the opportunity to choose electives based on their area of ??interest or career field, allowing students to gain additional information that leads to a deeper or more detailed knowledge of their chosen subject. Below are some of the electives offered to students during the course.

  • Human Growth and Development 
  • Contemporary India and Education
  • Behavior Analysis
  • Research in Special Education  
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B.Ed Special Education Semester-Wise Syllabus

The course of B.Ed special education covers a wide of subjects/topics that include Educational Psychology, Philosophy of Education, Introduction to Special Education, and more. Mentioned are the subjects which are included in the B.Ed Special Education syllabus

B.Ed Special Education Semester 1 Syllabus 

Candidates can find the B.Ed Special Education Semester 1 subjects in the following table.

Human growth and development Sensory disabilities
Neurodevelopmental disabilitiesLocomotive and multiple disabilities
Contemporary India and educationNeeds: identification and assessment

B.Ed Special Education Semester 2 Syllabus 

Candidates can find the B.Ed Special Education Semester 2 subjects in the following table.

Teaching, learning, and assessmentSchool subjects pedagogy (Mathematics, Science, Social science)School subjects pedagogy 2 (English, Hindi)
Designing, adaptation, and evaluation of curriculumInclusive educationPractical

B.Ed Special Education Semester 3 Syllabus 

Candidates can find the B.Ed Special Education Semester 3 subjects in the following table.

Teaching strategies and methodsFamily issues and psychosocialDisabilities and technology
Visual and performing artsReading and reflection on the testPractical

B.Ed Special Education Semester 4 Syllabus 

Candidates can find the B.Ed Special Education Semester 4 subjects from the following table.

Skill-based optional course ISkill-based optional course IIStatistics and research
Inclusive school creationPracticalInternship

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B.Ed Special Education Course Structure

The course is divided into four semesters comprising skill development programs, certification, and industry-oriented training. In addition, practical meetings and visits increase the understanding of theoretical concepts. According to the curriculum, submission of the thesis is a mandatory element that must be submitted by the end of the fourth semester. The structure of the course is as follows:

  • II Years 
  • IV Semesters
  • Core and Main Subjects
  • Elective and Optional Subjects
  • Practical Meet-ups and Visits
  • Research Project
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B.Ed Special Education Practical Projects/ Assignments

The B.Ed Special Education curriculum includes practical activities that give students a quick understanding of the workplace and increase practical knowledge. These activities are designed to develop student's skills and learning abilities. Below is a list of projects or assignments that are asked by colleges to submit:


  • Conducting Speech therapy 
  • Conducting Occupational therapy
  • Working as an assistant teacher during Prayers

Second Year

  • Preparing teaching materials
  • Preparing or creating audio-visual projects 
  • Preparation of TLM
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B.Ed Special Education Subject Details

B.Ed Special Education encompasses essential subjects, addressing both theoretical and practical aspects. Topics covered include assessment and evaluation in special education, the philosophical foundations of special education, assistive technologies, and inclusive classroom management. The specialized syllabus spans various areas, such as Learning Disabilities, Hearing Impairment, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Behavioral Disorders, and more. A detailed overview of specific subjects within the B.Ed Special Education syllabus is provided below:

B.Ed Special Education Subjects

Important Topics

Child Development and LearningChild Development Theories, Parental Development and Birth, Language Development, Parent-Child Relationships, etc.
Educational PsychologyTheories of Learning, Cognitive Development, Social and Emotional Development, Memory and Learning, etc.
Behavior Management Behavioral Theories and Models, Functional Assessment of Behaviour, Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence Analysis, etc.
Special Education Law and PoliciesLegal Rights of Parents and Guardians, Special Education Advocacy and Compliance, State and Local Education Laws, Due Process and Mediation, etc.
Inclusive Education Principles and PracticesLegal Framework and Policies, Universal Design for Learning, Individualised Education Plans, Collaborative Teaching and Co-Teaching, Assessment and Evaluation in Inclusive Settings, etc.
Technology and DisabilityTechnology in Education and Instruction, ICT, Use of Multimedia in Education, Application of Technology
Pedagogy of Teaching ScienceNature and Significance of Science, Planning for Instruction, Teaching Learning Aids, Evaluation
Psycho-social and Family IssuesPsycho-Social Issues, Adolescent Issues, Community People Participation, Interpersonal Relationships
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B.Ed Special Education Important Books

While pursuing a B.Ed Special Educationcourse, students refer to books that help to improve their knowledge and understanding of a particular topic or subject. Below are the popular books recommended for students studying B.Ed Special Educationcourses.

  • The Philosophical Bases of Education by Rusk
  • The Textbook of Advanced Education by Dandapani.S
  • Child Development by Hurlock EP
  • Nature & Conditions of Learning by Gary.k & Kingsley
  • Principles & Methods of Teaching by Agarniai, JC
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FAQs about B.Ed Special Education Syllabus

What are subjects taught in B.Ed Special Education 2nd year?

The subjects taught in B.Ed Special Education 2nd year are:

  • Teaching Strategies and Methods
  • Family Issues and Psychosocial
  • Inclusive School Creation
  • Statistics and Research
  • Vishal and Performing Arts

What are the subjects taught in B.Ed Special Education 1st year?

The subjects taught in B.Ed Special Education 1st year include:

  • Human Growth and Development 
  • Sensory Disabilities 
  • Educational Psychology
  • Curriculum Designing
  • Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

For how long is the course of B.Ed Special Education?

The course of  B.Ed Special Education is for 2 years.

Name some of the top recruiters in B.Ed Special Education field?

The graduates of  B.Ed Special Education can be hired by top recruiters from the sectors of schooling, coaching centers, publishing houses, education consultancies, content writing firms, and many more. 

How is the career after doing B.Ed Special Education?

There are many career opportunities after graduating with a degree of B.Ed Special Education. The graduates can be hired as school teachers, private/home tutors, online tutors, educational consultants, principals, vice-principals counselors, and more.

Is the B.Ed Special Education course considered hard?

Yes, the course of  B.Ed Special Education is considered hard because there are only limited seats. The subjects covered in this course require great patience and hard work. Therefore not everyone can pass the course easily.

Which entrance examinations are held for B.Ed Special Education course?

The  B.Ed Special Education entrance examination includes national, state, and college/university-level examinations such as UP B.Ed JEE, TS EADCET, AP EDCET, MAH B.Ed CET, IPU CET, DUET B.Ed Special Education, and more.

What is the average placement package for B.Ed Special Education?

The average placement package is around INR 2 LPA.

What is the average course fee for B.Ed Special Education?

The average course fee for B.Ed Special Education is around INR 50,000 - 1 LPA.

Which are the best colleges for B.Ed Special Education?

Sanskriti University Mathura, Amity University Lucknow, Amity University Noida, Banaras Hindu University, Kurukshetra University, Andhra University, Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi, Dr. BR Ambedkar Open University and Christ University Bangalore are some of the best colleges that offer courses of B.Ed Special Education.

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