B Tech Food Technology Syllabus & Subjects 2024

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Sep 24, 2024 21:09PM IST

B Tech Food Technology Syllabus Overview

B Tech Food Technology syllabus covers the study of Food processing, preservation techniques, and applications of food engineering used in the food industry to increase the shelf life of the product. In the B Tech Food Technology course, students will learn about various aspects of the food industry such as biochemistry, food marketing and innovation, process engineering, food chemistry, industrial research techniques, food microbiology, food formulation technology, food and packaging engineering, food preservation, food assessment techniques, and quality and reliability management. They will also gain knowledge about the packaging and engineering of food products and the techniques used for quality control. The course will provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the food industry from start to finish.

B Tech Food Technology course is a four-year course that consists of eight semesters. They learn to assess, understand, and adapt methods to preserve and package the foods as per the needs of the sector. They develop problem-solving skills like implementing regulations to develop food and allied products etc. Apart from that, they study about the modern tools and techniques used for making value-added products in the sector of Food Technology. The core BTech food technology subjects are Kinematics of Machinery Momentum Transfer, Dairy Plant Engineering Food Industry Waste Management, Food Plant Safety and Hazard Analysis Food Packaging Technology while the BTech Food Technology Elective Subjects are Food Sensory Science, Nutraceuticals, Packaging and Related Technology, Food Technology and Safety, etc.

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BTech Food Technology Year Wise Syllabus

BTech Food Technology syllabus content is prepared by industry experts who select the course subjects and projects based on the industry’s needs. To engage the students in real-life work situations, universities/institutes organize internship programs. Some private universities also offer international exposure along with core studies. The syllabus can vary between universities, but the concepts of the BTech Food Technology subjects are the same. The differences can be found in the outline of the syllabus. Whenever the students decide on a course, they should first check the syllabus as it is the only way to get an idea of what the course is about. There are numerous objectives behind the BTech Food Technology course syllabus. A few of them are mentioned here:

·    As a course, BTech Food Technology aims at developing academic excellence in the field.

·    One of the important objectives is to make the students aware of the science-based models and technologies used in Food and Science Technology.

·    The BTech Food Technology includes scientific information that the students learn to evaluate. Based on that learning they will be able to effectively resolve the issues that arise in the industry.

·    Developing a research-based skill is one of the aims the course targets to meet. With these skills, the students will be able to fetch solutions to the day-to-day problems of the Food Science and Technology fields.

B Tech Food Technology 1st Year Syllabus

The following table shows the 1st year syllabus and subjects of BTech Food Technology:

Semester ISemester II
Mathematics IValue Education
Physics IBiology for Engineers
EnglishPrincipals of Environmental Science
Chemistry IMathematics II
Basic Engineering, IEnvironmental Science
Food BiochemistryMaterial Science
-Advanced Engineering
Lab-Based Practical Classes
Physics LaboratoryEnvironmental Science Lab
ChemistryEngineering Drawing
ComputerFood Bio-Chemistry Laboratory
Engineering DrawingWorkshop Practice
Personality Development

B Tech 2nd Year Food Technology Syllabus

Mentioned below is the 2nd year BTech Food Technology syllabus:

Semester IIISemester IV
Mathematics IIIKinematics of Machinery
Applied Mechanics and Strength of MaterialsFood Process Engineering
Food MicrobiologyCrop Processing Technology
Unit Operation in Food ProcessingFruit and Vegetable Processing
Momentum TransferKinematics of Machinery
Stoichiometry and Engineering ThermodynamicsHeat and Mass Transfer
Lab-Based Practical Classes
Food Microbiology LabKinematics of Machinery Lab
General Microbiology LaboratoryEngineering Properties Laboratory
Unit Operations in Food Processing LaboratoryFruit and Vegetable Processing Laboratory

BTech Food Technology 3rd Year Syllabus

In the 3rd year BTech Food Technology syllabus, the following topics are taught to the students:

Semester VSemester VI
Dairy Plant EngineeringFood Fermentation Technology
Biochemistry of processing & PreservationFood Plant Safety and Hazard Analysis
Post-Harvest Physiology of Fruits and VegetablesFood Industry Waste Management
Fat & Oil Processing TechnologyInstrumentation and Process Control
Refrigeration and Air - ConditioningElective I
Computer SkillsElective II
Lab-Based Practical Classes
Food Analysis LaboratoryFood Microbiology and Fermentation Laboratory
Food Engineering LaboratoryFood Process Equipment Design and Drawing Laboratory
Industrial Training - IElective Lab

BTech Food Technology 4th Year Syllabus

The 4th year BTech Food Technology syllabus is tabled below:

Semester VIISemester VIII
Elective IIIProject or Internship
Elective IVElective V
Food Packaging TechnologyElective VI
Management of Food Processing Industries-
Bakery & Confectionery Technology-
Lab-Based Practical Classes
Bakery & Confectionery Laboratory-
Industrial Training II-
Computer-Aided Drafting in Food Processing  -

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B Tech Food Technology Subjects

BTech Food Technology syllabus is prepared to train the students to impart detailed education on Food Processing. The core subjects are varied like the development of Food Products, Food Processing, Food Packaging, Food Safety, Quality Management, etc. Initially, the students are provided knowledge of the basic sciences like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Basic Engineering, etc. Gradually, they are introduced to the core subjects of Food Microbiology, Food Engineering, Dairy-Plant Engineering, Fruits and Vegetable Processing, etc. Lab-based practical classes are conducted almost in all semesters though they may vary according to the syllabus pattern of colleges/universities. Usually, in the third year, students are taught optional subjects. Listed below are the subjects taught through the BTech Food Technology course syllabus:

BTech Food Technology Core Subjects

A few of the core BTech Food Technology subjects are included in the table below. Some institutes offer English and some Foreign languages as a part of the BTech Food Technology syllabus. However, the list below will give an idea of the Food Technology related subjects only.

Kinematics of MachineryMomentum Transfer
Dairy Plant EngineeringFood Industry Waste Management
Food Plant Safety and Hazard AnalysisFood Packaging Technology
Processing of Spices and Plantation CropsCereal Processing
Food ThermodynamicsPost-Harvest Engineering
Food Chemistry of Macro and MicronutrientsFat & Oil Processing Technology
Food Processing TechnologyManagement of Food Processing Industries
Storage EngineeringFood Processing Equipment Design
Food Additives and PreservativesFood Enzymes
Food Laws and RegulationsEntrepreneurship Development
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BTech Food Technology Common Subjects for All Semester

The BTech Food Technology syllabus contains some technology and engineering-based common subjects. The engineering subjects deal with Food Processes, Thermodynamics, Dairy Plants, etc. and the set of technology-related common subjects focuses on Crop Processing, Fats and Oil Processing, Food Fermentation, etc. Having some common subjects in the syllabus helps the students to correlate the subject matter with each other. It enables them to obtain a complete knowledge of the topics. Understanding the underlying concepts of the common subjects becomes easy for them.

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BTech Food Technology Optional Subjects

BTech Food Technology optional subjects are large in number. It depends on the institute which subjects they will provide as optional papers. While some universities offer Food Technology-based subjects as optional, some others include management-related subjects. The students choose the optional BTech Food Technology course subjects according to their subject interests. Whichever option they choose for their course, it widens their knowledge and improves their core competencies.

The list below shows a few of the BTech Food Technology optional subjects taught at different universities:

·    Convenience and Specialty Foods

·    Cane Sugar Technology

·    Food Plant Layout and Design

·    Extruded Food Products

·    Total Quality Management in Food Industry

·    Optimization Techniques

·    Marketing Management

·    Enzyme Technology

·    Fish Processing Technology

·    Meat & Poultry Processing Technology

·    Beverage Processing

·    Food Product Development

·    Operations Research

·    Biostatistics for Food Process Engineering

·    Management, Accounting, and Cost Control

·    Infestation Control and Storage of Food Grains

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BTech Food Technology Lab Subjects

The BTech Food Technology Subjects taught in the lab classes enhance the undergraduate Food Technology learning experience. In this learning method, the students are actively engaged in the hands-on work. By practicing the lab subjects, they gain practical competency, improved concentration, critical analysis skills, etc. Candidates can check the list of semester wise BTech food technology lab subjects below.

1st Year BTech Food Technology Lab Subjects2nd Year BTech Food Technology Lab Subjects
  • Chemistry Laboratory 
  • Microbiology and Biochemistry Laboratory
  • Physics Laboratory 
  • Food Chemistry Laboratory
  • Manufacturing Process Laboratory
  • Food Microbiology Laboratory
  • Unit Operations in Food Processing Laboratory
  • Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
  • Post Harvest Management of Fruits & Vegetables Laboratory
  • Food Process Engineering Laboratory
  • Mass Transfer Operations Laboratory
  • Food Biotechnology Laboratory
3rd Year BTech Food Technology Lab Subjects4th Year BTech Food Technology Lab Subjects
  • Heat Transfer Operation Laboratory
  • Packaging Technology Laboratory
  • Food Additives & Ingredients Laboratory
  • Dairy Technology Laboratory
  • Technology of Spices, Flavors, and Plantation Crops Laboratory
  • Engineering Properties of Food Materials Laboratory
  • Process Control & Instrumentation Laboratory
  • Advanced Instrumentation Laboratory
  • Meat Fish & Poultry Technology Laboratory
  • Bakery & Confectionery Technology Laboratory
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BTech Food Technology Entrance Exam Syllabus

To get admission to the BTech Food Technology course, the students need to appear in some national-level and state-level entrance exams. Some of the popular entrance exams are KIITEE, BITSAT, VITEEE, JEE Main, TANCET, SRMJEEE, etc. All these entrance exams are conducted to evaluate the aptitude of the students. They need to obtain minimum scores to get admission. However, a guaranteed good score depends on the preparation for the exam. Therefore, every aspirant must ensure that they are well-versed in the BTech Food Technology Syllabus prescribed for the entrance exams. The BTech Food Technology subjects for entrance exams must be thoroughly studied.

The table below gives a brief of some BTech Food Technology entrance exams along with the links to their prescribed syllabus:

Entrance ExamsSyllabus Details
JEE MainJEE Main 2024 Syllabus
JEE AdvancedJEE Advanced 2024 Syllabus
WBJEEWBJEE 2024 Syllabus
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Institute Wise B Tech Food Technology Syllabus

The institute-wise BTech food technology subjects have been listed below semester-wise.

Food Technology University of Delhi 

Candidates can check the B Tech Food Technology Syllabus of the University of Delhi from the following content.

1st year B Tech Food Technology Syllabus

Semester 1Semester 2
Fundamentals of Food TechnologyTechnology of Food Preservation
English Communications/ Environmental ScienceEnglish Communications/ Environmental Science
Principles of Food Science PracticalFood Processing Technology PRACTICAL
Fundamentals of Food Technology PracticalTechnology of Food Preservation Practical
Principles of Food ScienceFood Processing Technology
GE -1 PracticalGE – 2 Practical
GE -1GE -2 Theory

2nd year B Tech Food Technology Syllabus

Semester 3Semester 4
Technology of Fruits, Vegetables and Plantation CropsFood Microbiology
Technology of Dairy and Sea FoodTechnology of Meat, Poultry, and Egg
Food and Nutrition PracticalTechnology Of Cereals, Pulses And Oilseeds
Food and NutritionTechnology of Cereals, Pulses, and Oilseeds
Technology of Fruits, Vegetables, and Plantation Crops PracticalFood Microbiology Practical
Technology of Dairy and Sea Food PracticalTechnology of Meat, Poultry and Egg Practical
SEC - 1SEC -  2
GE - 3 TheoryGE - 4 Theory
GE - 3 PracticalGE - 4 Practical

3rd year B Tech Food Technology Syllabus

Semester 5Semester 6
Food Engineering PracticalFood Chemistry-II Practical
Food EngineeringFood Chemistry-II
Food Chemistry-I PracticalFood Quality and Sensory Evaluation practical
Food Chemistry-IFood Quality and Sensory Evaluation
DSE -1 PracticalDSE -3 Practical
DSE -1 TheoryDSE -3 Theory
DSE -2 PracticalDSE -4 Practical
DSE -2 TheoryDSE -4 Theory

B Tech Food Technology Syllabus in Sharda University

The following tables are based on the BTech Food Technology Syllabus in Sharda University for all four years.

1st year B Tech Food Technology Syllabus

Semester 1Semester 2
Programming for Problem SolvingApplication-based Programming in Python
Introduction to Biotechnology EngineeringPhysical Chemistry
Maths IValue Ethics
Environmental StudiesFunctional English Beginners 2/ Functional English Intermediate 2
Communicative EnglishThermodynamics
Programming for Problem-Solving LabPhysical Chemistry Lab
Principles of Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDesign/Creativity based course
Computer-Aided Design & DraftingFunctional English Lab II
Principles of Electrical and Electronics Engineering LabApplication-based Programming in Python Lab
Physics Lab 2Mechanical Workshop
-Physics Lab

2nd year B Tech Food Technology Syllabus

Semester 3Semester 4
Food ChemistryDairy Engineering
Management for EngineersAptitude Reasoning and Business Communication Skills-Intermediate
Heat and Mass TransferProgram Elective 1 (Post-harvest and storage engineering )
Food MicrobiologyUnit Operations in Food Processing
Aptitude Reasoning and Business Communication Skills-BasicFood Preservation
Computer Based Numerical methodsEngineering Properties of Food
Food Microbiology LabDairy Engineering Lab
Food Chemistry LabOpen Elective 1 (Entrepreneurship Essentials) NPTEL
Summer InternshipProject Based Learning (PBL) -2
Project-Based Learning (PBL) -1Food Preservation Lab

3rd year B Tech Food Technology Syllabus

Semester 5Semester 6
The technology of Meat, Marine, and Poultry ProductsAdvanced Food Process Engineering
Instrumentation for Food Quality AnalysisModeling and Simulation in Food Process Operations
Program Elective 2Program Elective-4
Food SafetyProgram Elective-3
Technology of Meat, Marine and Poultry Products LabTechnology of Cereals, Pulses, and Oilseeds Lab
Open Elective 2Open Elective -3
Technical Skill Enhancement Course-1Technical Skill Enhancement Course-2
Instrumentation for food quality analysis labProject Based Learning (PBL) -4
Project Based Learning (PBL) -3Higher Order Mathematics and Advanced People Skills
Summer Internship-
Quantitative Aptitude Behavioral and Interpersonal Skills-
Community Connect-

4th year B Tech Food Technology Syllabus

Semester 7Semester 8
Intellectual property and patentingMajor Project – 2
Food Packaging Technology-
Applied Nutrition and Biochemistry Lab-
Program Elective-5-
Open Elective – 4-
Food Packaging Technology Lab-
Program Elective-6-
Major Project- 1-
Summer Internship-
Comprehensive Examination-
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B Tech Food Technology Important Books

The struggle often faced by students is to find books that provide knowledge on the BTech Food Technology course subjects. Therefore, aspirants of BTech Food Technology must be well aware of the important books related to this subject. The books are usually prepared based on existing and emerging learning requirements of the Food Technology industry. There are subject-specific books often recommended for BTech Food Technology students. 

At the basic stage, Food science written by Norman H. Potter could be a great book for Food Technology learners. Universities and colleges recommend books for a specific course of study. These books may vary according to the BTech Food Technology syllabus. With these books, the students gain in-depth study on the syllabus including topics, know about the processes and technologies used in Food Technology, etc. Some books also give an idea of the present Food Technology industry.

Students can go through the list of BTech Food Technology Books provided below:

Text Books and AuthorsReference Books and Authors
Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables by Girdhari Lal, G. S. Siddappa, G. L. TandonTechnology of Food Preservation Desroiser N.W
Handbook of Food Preservation by Shafiur Rahman M.Food Processing Handbook Brennan JG
4 Emerging Technologies for Food Processing by Da-Wen SunFood Processing and Preservation written by B. Sivasankar
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice by P. FellowsEssentials of Food Science written by  Vickie AV
Introduction to Food Processing by Jelen P.Food Science Potter NN and Hotchkiss written by JH
Handbook of Analysis and Quality Control for Fruit and Vegetable Products written by Ranganna SIntroduction to Food Science and Technology by Stewart GP and Amerine MA
A Handbook on Post-harvest Management of Fruits and Vegetables by P. Jacob JohnHandbook of Vegetable Science and Technology: Salunke D. K. and Kadam S. S.
Post-harvest Technology of Fruits and Vegetables – Vol. 1 by Verma L. R. and Joshi V. K.Handbook of Postharvest Technology by Chakraverty A., Mujumdar A. S. and Ramaswamy H
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B Tech Food Technology Course Structure

The BTech Food Technology course structure is all about implementing an effective format for the course. The objective is to prepare a simple and adaptive course pattern for the BTech Food Technology students. The course structure of BTech Food Technology includes the BTech Food Technology course syllabus and subjects, workshops, seminars etc. 

Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, and Biology are usually covered in the 1st year BTech Food Technology Syllabus. Later on, students are also introduced to optional subjects and labs. While the core or compulsory papers and optional ones help to gain theoretical understanding, the lab subjects give practical knowledge. Another important feature of this course structure is that it is very straightforward in nature. And the course content is very effectively formulated for the students. The appropriate teaching pedagogy is required to follow the course structure. Teaching methodologies like theoretical and practical teaching provided through well-equipped labs elaborated study materials, project works, etc. are used by colleges and universities.

Mentioned below is the course structure usually followed for the BTech Food Technology course.

Core PapersOptional Papers
Lab ClassesProjects
Research PaperInternship
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B Tech Food Technology Projects

BTech Food Technology is a specialized course. An industry-oriented curriculum is followed at every university offering this undergraduate-level Food Technology course. Project work plays an important role in gaining hands-on learning. Food Science for Human Nutrition, Evaluation of Oil Obtained from Seeds, and Economic Assessment of Methods Adopted in Yoghurt Production are some of the BTech Food Technology course subjects assigned for projects. 

Some universities include industrial training in the BTech Food Technology course syllabus. In this case, students are required to take part in the industrial training program in the final semester. Industrial training is considered a major project here. The students work dedicatedly for 12-15 weeks in the relevant sector. Whatever they learn through theoretical training, they use it here to gain practical work experience. By handling this major project, they get an idea of how the food industry is operated and what skills are required here. In the end, they develop the art of planning, organizing, and managing the work atmosphere on their own. The efficacy they develop through the training helps them in securing jobs after the completion of the course.

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FAQs about B Tech Food Technology Syllabus

Can I do BTech Food Technology without jee?

Yes. You can do BTech Food Technology without JEE.

Which group is easy in BTech Food Technology?

Each group is interested in BTech Food Technology. The interesting subjects make all the groups easy for the students.

Is BTech Food Technology good for future?

Yes, B.Tech Food Technology is worthwhile for future. There are ample career options for both the fresher and experienced graduates of this field. They can work as Food Technologist, Food Safety Auditor, Food Technology Consultant etc. and work in companies like Hindustan Foods Ltd. Kwality Ltd., Britannia Industries Ltd., Nestle India Ltd, etc.

Are there any scopes of international jobs for BTech Food Technology students?

Enormous scopes are there at the international platform for BTech Food Technology students. The most preferred one is pursuing a Master’s degree from the academic institutes of US, UK, and Australia. As higher studies, students can pursue MS, MTech etc.

Is BTech Food Technology first year Tough?

No, BTech Food Technology first year is not tough. Interest is the key to learning a new thing. If students deal with the subjects with interest, then first year won’t be complicated for them.

What are the subjects in BTech Food Technology 1st year?

The 1st year subjects of BTech Food Technology may vary college to college. Mathematics, Value Education, Physics , Biology for Engineers, English, Principals of Environmental Science, Chemistry, Basic Engineering, Environmental Science, Food Biochemistry, Material Science, and Advanced Engineering are some of the BTech Food Technology core subjects taught in the 1st year. In the lab subjects, engineering drawing, environmental sciences, physics, chemistry lab-related topics are taught to the students.

What are the entrance examinations required for admission?

The popular entrance examinations for BTech Food Technology are JEE Main, JEE Advanced, WBJEE, AP EAMCET etc.

Is Mathematics necessary at the 12th class for admission into this program?

No, Mathematics is not necessary at the 12th for admission into BTech Food technology program. Students must have studied PCM/PCB Group at their 12th

What is the average placement package for B Tech Food Technology?

The average placement package for a fresh BTech Food technology graduate is INR 2 to 6LPA.

What is the average course fee for this programme?

The average course fee for the program is around INR 50K- 1 Lakh

What are the best colleges for BTech Food Technology?

IIT Kharagpur, Jadavpur University, National Institute of Technology, Amity University, Karunya University are some of the best colleges for BTech Food Technology.
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