MSc Agriculture Syllabus & Subjects 2024

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Sep 24, 2024 21:07PM IST

MSc Agriculture Syllabus & Subjects Overview

MSc Agriculture syllabus includes advanced farming techniques as well as scientific studies of farming, agribusiness, and husbandry. MSc Agriculture courses syllabus cover topics such as water and nutrient management, seed technology, horticulture, agricultural statistics, plant biochemistry, and others. 

The syllabus for an MSc in Agriculture typically includes the following subjects:

  • Agronomy
  • Soil science and agricultural chemistry
  • Soil fertility and nutrient management
  • Plant breeding and genetics
  • Modern concepts in crop production
  • Principles and practices of weed management
  • Plant physiology
  • Entomology

Other subjects include: Health management, Human population, Environment dissertation, Seminar, and Survey-based projects. 

The MSc Agriculture subjects and syllabus are divided into four semesters that last two years. Candidates can specialise in agronomy, horticulture, forestry, genetics, and plant breeding through an MSc in Agriculture programme. The MSc Agriculture course subjects offer theoretical and methodological learning that prepares students to conduct research, comprehend product systems, and advance plant sciences. Students contribute to the environmental impact of agriculture by gaining the necessary knowledge and skills through the MSc Agriculture syllabus.

Each of the MSc Agriculture stream subjects has its own course syllabus by following which students will develop particular skills. The MSc Agriculture syllabus fosters the development of generic competencies. Aside from that, students learn to identify problems, develop research-based questions, choose experimental methods, and so on. 

Read on to know more about MSc Agriculture Syllabus & Subjects!

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MSc Agriculture Year Wise Syllabus (Semester Wise)

During the course of two years, students study both required and elective subjects. Students need to select a specialisation in their third semester. Students select their specialisations for their MSc in Agriculture according to their interests. During the last two semesters of the MSc Agriculture syllabus, internship programmes are offered. Through these programmes, students are exposed to industry-like platforms where they can grow professionally and acquire practical skills. Despite variations in syllabus structure, the majority of universities adhere to the same syllabus concept.

The MSc Agriculture subjects and syllabus are designed to meet the following course objectives:

  • To provide knowledge and help the students gain the ability for analysis, discussion, using tools and techniques, etc
  • To help them understand what would be their responsibility in the professional world and how they would achieve success through continuous professional development
  • The course imparts knowledge of terms and terminologies implemented in the field
  • It gives an overall idea of the agriculture industry of the nation. The students identify the ways to bring development to the field
  • The course focuses on agriculture machinery, plant management, and biochemistry, and gives scientific information on agriculture and farming

In the next section, the MSc Agriculture syllabus format is given below:

MSc Agriculture 1st Year Syllabus

The MSc Agriculture year 1 syllabus has the following semesters and topics:

Semester ISemester II
Principles and Practices of Water ManagementPlant Genetic Resources and Seed Technology
Micro Economic Theory and ApplicationModern Concepts in Crop Production
Principles of NematologyDryland Farming and Watershed Management
Plant BiochemistryAgricultural Statistics
Basic Plant BreedingCropping Systems and Sustainable Agriculture
Agrometeorology and Crop Weather ForecastingPrinciples of Cytogenetics
Principles and Practices of Soil Fertility and Nutrient ManagementPrinciples of Quantitative Genetics

MSc Agriculture 2nd Year Syllabus

The MSc Agriculture year 2 syllabus includes the following topics:

Semester IIISemester IV
Agronomy of Major Cereals and PulsesAgri Marketing Basics
Cropping System And Sustainable AgricultureAdvances in Crop Production
Irrigation ManagementAgrostology
Basic HorticulturePractical Training
Toxicology of InsecticidesResearch Project
Integrated Livestock Farming SystemInternship
Agronomy of Fodder And Forage Crops-
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Stream Wise MSc Agriculture Syllabus for Popular Specializations

Various streams in the MSc Agriculture course are Agronomy, Horticulture, Forestry, Genetics, Plant Breeding, etc. Each of them comes with a specific subject-related study. The students can choose the course according to their interests and desired careers. While choosing a career in the Agriculture field, students should check the MSc Agriculture streamwise subjects and syllabus of the related streams. Mentioned below are the MSc Agriculture streamwise syllabuses:

MSc Agronomy Course Syllabus

MSc Agronomy deals with the knowledge of sustainable methods of agriculture. The subjects of the MSc Agronomy syllabus include the following:

Concepts in Crop ProductionAgroforestry & Agrostology
Principles of Seed ProductionPrinciples of Cropping System and Sustainability
Principles of Soil Fertility and Nutrient ManagementResearch Methodology
Principles of Weed ManagementSeed Quality Testing
Agronomy of Tuber and Fiber CropsMaster's Seminar
Experimental DesignMaster’s Research
Principles of Organic Farming-
Seed Processing and Storage-
Dry Land Farming and Watershed Management-

MSc Horticulture Course Syllabus

Plant cultivation, Plant Management Techniques, Marketing, etc are the key learning areas of MSc Horticulture. The subjects included in its course curriculum are as follows:

Systematic HorticultureMedicinal and Aromatic Plants
Plant Propagation and Nursery HusbandryMinor Fruits
Statistical MethodTemperate Fruits
Vegetable CropPostharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops
Tropical and Subtropical FruitsQuality Control of Fruits, Vegetables, and Flowers
Orchard ManagementFloriculture and Landscaping
Design of ExperimentsBreeding of Horticultural Crops
Spices PlantationField Study and Thesis

MSc Forestry Course Syllabus

In the MSc Forestry course, the key focus area is Forests And Forest Ecology. Wood Harvesting, Wood Science, and Technology, Wildlife Management is also taught in the course. Some important subjects included in the MSc Forestry syllabus are mentioned below:

Advances in SilvicultureManagement of Insect-Pest and Diseases
Forest EcologyNursery and Plantation Technology
Forest Mensuration and BiostatisticsElective
Agroforestry Principles and SystemsForest Products and Industries
Forest Resources and EconomicsTree Seed Technology
Advanced in Forest ManagementEnvironment Science
Forest Biodiversity and ConservationDissertation / Project Work
Forest Legislation and PoliciesElective

MSc Genetics and Plant Breeding Course Syllabus 

As a course, MSc Genetics focuses on the application methods of Genetics, different methods used for the quality improvement of crops, etc. The subjects that are taught in the MSc Genetics are as follows:

Mendelian GeneticsGenetic Engineering           
Molecular GeneticsEnvironmental Genetics
CytogeneticsPopulation Genetics
CytologyModern Methods in Crop Breeding
Techniques in Cell BiologyPlant Biotechnology
Plant BiochemistryDevelopmental Genetics
Plant BreedingBiosystematics
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MSc Agriculture Subjects

MSc Agriculture course subjects include both core and optional subjects. All conceptual learning is provided by MSc Agriculture subjects taught as core or mandatory papers. The elective subjects supplement the learning got from the compulsory subjects. Students learn the fundamentals of various concepts at the start of the course. The critical concepts are gradually introduced. The course concludes with specialisation papers, internships, research projects, and practical training. All of them supplement the knowledge gained through the MSc Agriculture curriculum. In general, the MSc Agriculture course syllabus covers the same topics that universities and colleges teach. However, subject names and order may differ between colleges.

Listed below are the different MSc Agriculture course subjects taught to the students:

Agronomy   Agricultural Entomology   
Agricultural EconomicsPlant Pathology
Agricultural BotanyAgriculture Chemistry
Extension Education  Soil Science
Animal Husbandry Food Sustainability
Dairy ScienceGene Modification and Technology  
Crop Production     Horticulture
Agricultural Meteorology  Seed Technology
Harvest TechnologyMarketing Management
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MSc Agriculture Compulsory Subjects

The MSc Agriculture compulsory subjects provide a comprehensive understanding of Agriculture and Plant Science. Usually, the MSc Agriculture course subjects are introduced through classroom teaching. A wide range of subjects is taught as compulsory papers. Listed below are some of the core subjects for MSc Agriculture:

  • Agronomy
  • Soil Science
  • Plant Breeding
  • Genetics
  • Agricultural Chemistry
  • Forestry
  • Plant Physiology
  • Entomology
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MSc Agriculture Common Subjects for All Semester

Agronomy is the common subject for all semesters included in the MSc Agriculture course syllabus. It is all about science and technology used in the production of plants. It also deals with soil management. In all the semesters of the MSc Agriculture syllabus, agronomy-related subjects are taught to the students. The purpose is to provide a broad overview of the field and to make the students able to use different practices implemented in the field. 

The MSc Agriculture course subjects are helpful for developing an aptitude for research, and adequate knowledge of AgriculturalScience. The students come to know about the science of farming and various ways to improve the overall production of plants and food. As Agronomy includes Water Science, different principles of Water Management are also taught to the students. Apart from that, students also study Soil and Fertility Management. This way, all-inclusive knowledge is imparted through common subjects of MSc Agriculture.

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MSc Agriculture Optional Subjects

MSc Agriculture optional subjects allow students to gain a deeper understanding of the field. The optional papers are typically studied near the end of the course, after students have a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts. Optional MSc Agriculture course subjects are critical for developing a solid understanding of the course. Agriculture is linked to economics and statistics. Without an understanding of these subjects, students will not have a clear picture of how the agricultural field operates. As a result, these two subjects are listed as optional on the MSc Agriculture course syllabus. Similarly, there are additional elective/optional subjects. These subjects may differ between universities. 

We have provided a general overview of the MSc Agriculture optional subjects.

  • Economics
  • Plant Pathology
  • Biochemistry and Plant Physiology
  • Statistics
  • Plant Breeding and Genetics
  • Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
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MSc Agriculture Lab Subjects

MSc Agriculture course subjects taught as lab papers are those subjects that are taught to the students to give practical learning on MSc Agriculture. These subjects help the students to gain practical knowledge and learn lab-based activities on different MSc Agriculture subjects taught in lab classes. A few of them are mentioned below:

  • Statistics of Soil Science
  • Fertilizer and Biofertilizer Technology
  • Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use
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Syllabus for MSc Agriculture Distance Programs

MSc Agriculture course through distance education is offered in a few universities in India. It is a two-year degree course for which students must have a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture or Horticulture from a recognized board. The course is suitable for those who do not have the scope of pursuing the same from regular classroom teaching. 

Theoretical training, seminar, and research-based training all are included in the distance education program of MSc Agriculture. The MSc Agriculture syllabus of distance education is formulated so that the learners become knowledgeable about Farming, Cultivation, and its present scenarios. Like the regular course, it encompasses MSc Agriculture specializations as well.

The following table shows the MSc Agriculture syllabus included in the MSc Agriculture distance programs:

1st Semester2nd Semester

Agrometeorology and Crop Weather Forecasting

Principles and Practices of Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management

Principles and Practices of Water Management

Modern Concept in Crops Production

Dryland Farming and Watershed Management

Cropping Systems and Sustainable Management

Principles and Practices of Weed Management

3rd Semester4th Semester

Agronomy of Major Cereals and Pulses

Agronomy of Oilseeds, Commercial and Fibre Crops




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MSc Agriculture Entrance Exam Syllabus

The MSc Agriculture entrance exam is conducted at both the national and institute levels. Colleges and universities offer admission to the MSc Agriculture course depending on the candidates’ scores obtained in the entrance exams. Some of the popular entrance exams for MSc Agriculture are MCAER PG CET, CUET, ICAR AIEEA, etc.

Explained below is the MSc Agriculture syllabus for some of the popular entrance exams:

Exam Name                   AboutEntrance Exam Syllabus
MCAER PG CETMaharashtra Council of Agriculture Education and Research Post Graduate Common Entrance Test is conducted by MAUEB (Maharashtra Agriculture Universities Examination Board). This is a state-level PG exam conducted online.MCAER PG CET entrance exam syllabus
ICAR AIEEAThis exam is conducted to offer various Agricultural courses to PG and UG levels for different universities and colleges across India. National Testing Agency is the conducting body of this exam.ICAR AIEEA Entrance Exam Syllabus 
CUET PGCommon University Entrance Test is held to offer various PG courses offered by the Central Universities of India.CUET PG Entrance Exam Syllabus 
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MSc Agriculture Important Books

MSc Agriculture books play a pivotal role in getting good scores in all the semesters of the course. Therefore, students are suggested to choose only the most recommended books for the MSc Agriculture course. There is a plethora of options available in the market. However, one should refer to only those books that contain only helpful and subject-oriented content. The books can vary for different institutions. To help the students, a list of important books for MSc Agriculture is mentioned below:

  • Biotechnological Applications of Biodiversity written by Joydeep Mukherjee
  • Cropping System: Research Approach written by Benukar Biswas
  • Crop Production In Stress Environments: Genetic And Management Options by DP Singh
  • Decision Support Systems in Potato Production: Bringing Models to Practice by A J Haverkort and D K L Mackerron
  • Principles of Crop Production by SR Reddy
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MSc Agriculture Course Structure

Various subjects of Agriculture and Plant Sciences is discussed in the MSc Agriculture course. To provide course learning in an effective way, a constructive course structure is often followed in most universities. Classroom teaching, seminars, workshops, internship everything help the learners to build up their expertise in them so that they can bring the best solutions for everyday work challenges. A course-oriented and age-appropriate teaching methodology is used to offer the teaching which includes assignments, case studies, course books, etc. The course structure of MSc Agriculture is as following:

  • Four Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Optional Subjects
  • Practical Learning or Lab Sessions
  • Internship
  • Workshops
  • Projects

In most institutes, the course knowledge is shared through the above-mentioned course components. Though there may be slight differences in the structure. By learning through this structure, a student develops the required competency and become professionally capable of Agriculture and its allied sectors.

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FAQs about M.Sc Agriculture Syllabus

MSc Agriculture or MSc Agribusiness which course is better?

Both are age-appropriate courses. Now, it depends on the students’ interest. Those who want to make a research career in the agriculture field can go for MSc Agriculture and those who want to be in management studies after BSc can pursue MSc Agribusiness course.

How many types of MSc Agriculture are there?

There are various MSc Agriculture courses offered as per course specializations. MSc Agriculture Agronomy, MSc Agriculture Horticulture, MSc Agriculture Entomology, MSc in Plant Pathology are some of the courses one can opt for.

Which group is easy in MSc Agriculture?

All the groups are easy in MSc Agriculture if studied with dedication and interest.

Is MSc Agriculture good for the future?

Yes, MSc Agriculture is good for the future. The course prepares the students for some lucrative careers like Agricultural Scientists, Agricultural Managers, Food Inspector, etc.

How many papers are there in MSc Agriculture?

MSc Agriculture course is segregated into four semesters. In each semester 5-8 papers are taught resulting in 30 papers altogether. Though the total number of papers and the no. of subjects taught in each semester certainly vary for different universities/colleges.

What if I fail in MSc Agriculture?

If you fail in MSc Agriculture, you must reapply for the course.

What percentage is good in MSc Agriculture?

It is seen that students who score 55% and above easily secure seats in further studies. So, 55% is a good score in MSc Agriculture.

Is there any scopes of Govt. jobs after MSc Agriculture?

Yes, one can apply for Govt jobs offered in the relevant field after pursuing the MSc Agriculture course.

Is MSc Agriculture first year Tough?

MSc Agriculture first year is not tough for students who have come from a BSc Agriculture background. If the subjects are studied with interest, then it won’t be tough for any students.

What are the subjects in MSc Agriculture 1st year?

1st year of MSc Agriculture is divided into two semesters. Some of the topics covered in the 1st year MSc Agriculture syllabus are Plant Genetic Resources and Seed Technology, Agricultural Statistics, Basic Plant Breeding, Plant Biochemistry, Modern Concepts in Crop Production, Dryland Farming and Watershed Management, Principles and Practices of Water Management, Cropping Systems and Sustainable Agriculture etc.

What are the entrance examinations required for MSc Agriculture admission?

Some of the popular entrance examination for MSc Agriculture admission for different specializations are CUET PG Exam, ICAR AIEEA PG level exam, MCAER PG CET etc.

Is Mathematics necessary at 12th class for MSc Agriculture admission?

No, Mathematics is not a compulsory subject at 12th for the admission to MSc Agriculture courses.

What is the average placement package for MSc Agriculture?

The average placement package for MSc Agriculture is INR 3LPA – INR 4.5LPA.

What is the average course fee for MSc Agriculture?

The average course fee for MSc Agriculture is INR 50,000-INR 1,50,000 LPA

What are the best colleges for MSc Agriculture?

Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Punjab Agriculture University, Anand Agriculture University, Acharya NG Ranga Agriculture University, Junagarh Agriculture University are some of the best colleges offering MSc Agriculture
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