MP PAT 2025 Application Form is expected to be released tentatively in April 2025. Candidates considering pursuing courses related to dairy and agriculture must fill out the MP PAT 2025 Application Form.
How to fill out the MP PAT 2025 Application Form?
Once the application form gets online, students will be able to fill out the MP PAT 2025 application form. Students will be required to go to the official website to fill out the MP PAT 2025 exam application.
Go to the official website of the MP PAT 2025 exam
Click on the candidate login or register yourself with a valid email and password to fill out the application form.
Check for the given instructions and required documents and start filling out the MP PAT 2025 exam application form
Submit the application fee and wait for confirmation
Once the application is approved, save the application form information and login credentials for future reference
Documents Required for MP PAT 2025 Application Form
Before applying for the MP PAT 2025 exam, candidates should gather all the necessary documents. The documents which will be required to fill the MP PAT 2025 application form are mentioned below:
Valid email address and mobile number
Coloured passport-size photograph
Scanned signature of the candidate
Mark sheet of 12th and 10th class
Thumb impression
SC / ST / PWD Certificate (if applicable)
Father name
Date of birth and certificate to prove
Diploma certificate
MP PAT 2025 Application Fee
Candidates who are planning to apply for the MP PAT 2025 exam, can check the application fee below:
Category | Application fee (in INR) |
For General candidates | 500 |
For SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD/ EWS candidates | 250 |
Related Questions
Q1. What is the total marks of the MP PAT exam?
Ans. MP PAT exam will be conducted for a total of 200 marks.
Q2. How many questions will be asked in the MP PAT 2025 exam?
Ans. There will be a total of 200 questions in the MP PAT 2025 exam.
Q3. What is the marking scheme of the MP PAT 2025 exam?
Ans. As per the MP PAT marking scheme, one mark will be awarded for each correct answer and there is no negative marking for the exam.