There are total 9 M.Tech. (Master of Technology) colleges in Chandigarh. Out of the total, 5 M.Tech. (Master of Technology) colleges are private and 2 M.Tech. (Master of Technology) are owned by the government.CCMT, PU CET PG, GATE are accepted for admission in M.Tech. (Master of Technology) colleges in India.
Total Number of colleges | 9 |
Accepted Entrance Exams | CCMT, PU CET PG, GATE |
Average Fees | ₹ 88.9 K |
Applied Filters :
50,500 - 1,94,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
CSIR Exams
9,595 - 17,55,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
13.7 Lacs Avg Package
10,000 - 2,20,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
3 Lacs Avg Package
CBSE 12th Exams
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college recommendations.
36,000 - 98,000 Fees
4.5 Lacs Avg Package
NEET Exams
1,93,000 - 2,45,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
JAC Chandigarh Exams
48,236 - 4,61,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
JAC Chandigarh Exams
17,488 - 6,19,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
JAC Chandigarh Exams
80,150 - 1,25,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
GATE Exams
20,000 - 5,90,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
PSEB 12th Exams
JEE Main
JEE Advanced