Overall: I am impressed by the ATDC initiative in holding Online classes in Apparel Sector. It is unbelievable that such a sensitive practical oriented curriculum can be understood Online . Congratulations ATDC
Dear student,
In order to learn about pattern making, you have to take admission to a course of apparel designing. All the details including the theoretical as well as practical aspects of the specialisation will be taught to you in this programme. You can go through the list of design institutes in India to know which college and course will suit you the best. There are many diploma courses in design or certificate courses in design that you can check out to find the ideal programme for yourself.
If you seek admission in the Apparel Training and Design Centre (ATDC), Gurgaon, you can pursue a diploma course in Apparel Manufacturing Technology or Fashion Design from the institute.
Please write back to us in case you have any other doubts or queries. You can also call us on the toll-free student helpline number 1800-572-9877 where you can discuss your requirements with our counsellors and they will provide you with the best options for yourself.
Thank you.
NIFT Navi Mumbai