LLB Jobs

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Jun 24, 2024 18:26PM IST

LLB Jobs Overview

LLB jobs will always be in demand as law is a universal profession, there is no place in the world where law does not exist. The legal field work is quite challenging, but with hard work, diligence and the right skills one can easily get amazing career options after LLB course

Law was, is and will always be an essential field when it comes to India or even in countries abroad. Some of the amazing LLB jobs include Legal Professor, Lawyer, Law Advisor, Notary, Oath Commissioner, Law Reporter, Paralegal, Solicitor, Magistrate etc.

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LLB Jobs Highlights

To get a quick and detailed analysis of career opportunities after LLB, one can go through the table provided below. In a very short and crisp manner, we have tried to provide students with the details of LLB jobs. This will give a basic clarity about the job profiles, salary structure and employment areas of LLB jobs. 



LLB Jobs

Attorney, Lawyer, Legal Advisor, Solicitor, Notary, Oath Commissioner, Barrister, Lecturer etc.

LLB Jobs Employment Sectors

Courts, Banks, Corporate Houses, Legal Firms, Financial Institutions, Tax Departments, Law Ministry etc.

LLB Jobs Salary

INR 5,00,000- INR 25,00,000 per annum


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Top LLB Job Profiles with Details

One can easily get amazing jobs after LLB. LLB is a holistic profession, and its scope is ever-expanding. With an LLB degree in hand, one can easily land respectable jobs and get high amounts of salary packages. 

Some of the top LLB job profiles are mentioned below with their work details for your reference.

  • Attorney: Attorneys represent and advise clients during criminal and civil cases. Attorneys provide legal advice, prepare legal papers and represent their clients in court.
  • Lawyer: The work of a lawyer is to counsel his or her clients on legal rights and obligations. Lawyers can also represent their clients in court.
  • Legal Advisor: Their work is to provide advice on legal matters to individuals, companies etc.
  • Solicitor: The work of a solicitor changes from case to case. They provide legal advice, prepare legal cases, write legal documents, liaise with other legal professionals, research etc.
  • Notary: A notary has multiple responsibilities like identifying fraud, affirming the state of mind of participating parties, verifying the agreements, ensuring the authenticity of legal documents presented, administering oaths and also to maintain the notary journal etc. 
  • Oath Commissioner: His work is to administer oaths and to take and receive affidavits for court proceedings.
  • Lecturer: The job includes teaching students about the laws of India and the legal field in general.
  • Legal Professor: A legal professor is an expert on Indian laws. They teach students in colleges, universities and law schools.
  • Law Reporter: He or she is responsible to report each and everything related to the legal profession. He can work in a news agency and capture all law related news and broadcast them to his fellow teammates.
  • Paralegal: They conduct legal research and find the appropriate laws that can be applied to a specific case. After gathering all the information, they prepare legal documents and reports that can help attorneys and lawyers while representing the case in court.
  • Magistrate: He or she is an IAS officer responsible for conducting the criminal court, maintaining law and order, supervising subordinate executive magistracy, hearing cases and conducting magisterial inquiries, etc.
  • Law Minister: They sit in the Law Ministry and make sure the law and order are followed in the country, thus ensuring the smooth functioning of the country.
  • Legal Document Writer: As the name suggests, the primary role is to write and prepare legal documents that are to be presented in court and also to translate the client's case into legal terms.
  • Document Drafting Lawyer: As the name suggests, his /her role is to draft and present the legal documents of clients.
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Top Academic Courses to Pursue after LLB

To excel in the legal profession, a high level of knowledge is required. India has a huge population to sustain, and for its smooth functioning, laws cannot remain constant and require changes according to the situation of the country. Just like the law can’t remain constant, so are the legal practices. Constant upskilling is required to have a brighter future and to get amazing jobs after LLB. 

To make sure you do not miss this part, certain advanced courses are offered which are best to be done after LLB, in various law schools and public as well as private universities to develop a great understanding of the laws of the country and to get great insights into the various specializations. This will definitely help you rise in your career. 

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Career Opportunities after LLB

Career in law has undergone massive changes over the years. Nowadays law professionals are not limited to courts but are also getting great opportunities in other fields. These include major fields like news agencies, sales tax and excise departments, the telecom sector, banks, the IT industry, hospitals, cyber security, corporate houses, aviation, human resources, logistics companies, food and beverages, colleges & universities, real estate, government ministries, insurance firms, tourism and finance companies etc. 

With the dynamic transformation in society, law has become an important factor for every company these days, be it a unicorn or a small start-up, organizations have no choice and have to opt for legal assistance that can ensure smooth functioning and take care of the emerging requirements. Some of the best jobs after LLB include profiles such as Attorney, Legal Document Writer, Lawyer, Barrister, Legal Advisor, Magistrate, Solicitor, Paralegal, Notary, Lecturer of Law, Oath Commissioner, Legal Professor, Law Reporter, Law Minister etc. 

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Top Companies Hiring LLB Graduates

LLB jobs are available in almost all industries and sectors, be it private or public. LLB jobs are available in banks, hospitals, legal departments, corporate houses, courts & judiciary, logistics companies, colleges & universities, government ministries, telecom, government departments, law firms, finance companies etc. Some of the top companies hiring jobs for LLB graduates are given below:

  • Phoenix Legal
  • HDFC Bank
  • DSK Legal
  • Deloitte
  • Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co.
  • Bharti Airtel
  • Desai & Diwanji
  • DD News
  • Khaitan & Co.
  • Hindustan Times
  • Trilegal
  • Law Ministry, GOI
  • Sagar Associates
  • Black Robes Legal
  • AZB & Partners
  • Paytm
  • Anand & Anand
  • Asahi India Glass Ltd.
  • S&R Associates
  • Panasonic 
  • Vaish Associates
  • Chamber of KTS Tulsi
  • J Sagar & Associates
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LLB Salary

Salary in LLB jobs may vary depending on several factors like prior work experience, skill set, the organization one is hired in, position one holds etc. An entry level LLB graduate can easily earn up to 3.5 lakhs per annum, followed by medium scale LLB professionals who can earn up to 5-7 lakhs per annum. Senior level profile designations can easily offer jobs between 8-15 lakhs per annum. Not only this, the salary range in LLB jobs can even go up to 17-22 lakhs per annum and even 25 lakhs per annum at expert level positions. One can also work independently in their own law firm and in associated chambers and can easily earn huge profits. 

LLB Jobs

Average Salary (per annum)

Notary Officer

INR 3,50,000 - INR 5,00,000

Document Drafting Lawyer

INR 4,00,000 - INR 6,00,000 


INR 7,00,000 - INR 10,00,000 

Law Professor

INR 5,50,000 - INR 10,50,000 

Private Practice

INR 18,00,000 - INR 25,00,000 

Legal Document Writer

INR 3,50,000 - INR 6,00,000

Legal Consultant/ Law Advisor

INR 5,60,000 - INR 9,00,000


INR 6,60,000 - INR 8,00,000


INR 7,20,000 - INR 9,40,000


INR 8,60,000 - INR 11,00,000


INR 6,80,000 - INR 8,70,000

Oath Commissioner 

INR 7,00,000 - INR 9,50,000


INR 7,60,000 - INR 11,90,000

Law Minister

INR 14,60,000 - INR 22,00,000


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