LLB Salary in India

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Jun 24, 2024 18:26PM IST

LLB Salary

The LLB salary package is huge both in India and abroad. Salary after an LLB course depends on several factors such as years of experience, the right set of skills, the company one is hired into, the position at which one is hired, etc. 

Salary in LLB varies in the government and private sectors. In the government sector, the LLB salary is less but the authority is more, one gets multiple benefits along with the LLB salary. Whereas in the private sector, there is no limit to the LLB salary package, the more hard work you do and the more dedication you have, the more salary in the LLB course you will have. 

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What is the Average Salary of a LLB Graduate?

LLB salary is quite decent when compared to the LLB course fees. The return on investment is really good when compared with other professions. The average LLB salary in India is INR 4,00,000-10,00,000 per annum. This can even go up to INR 20,00,000 per annum. 

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Specialization wise Salary of a LLB Graduate

There are many specializations under the LLB course. Some of the LLB specializations are very popular in India and they offer a huge amount of LLB salary packages. There are so many law specializations which are not so popular but their scope is getting widened with time as law is a universal subject, thus the law specializations are also demanding and ever expanding. 

Given below are the details of LLB salary specialization wise. Some of them offer huge LLB salary packages while others are still developing, but with consistent hard work and dedication can also offer great LLB salary with time.

LLB Specialisations

LLB Salary Package (per annum)

Constitutional LawINR 7,00,000-11,00,000 per annum
Corporate LawINR 10,00,000-18,00,000 per annum
Cyber LawINR 9,00,000-14,00,000 per annum
Criminal LawINR 9,00,000-15,00,000 per annum
Tax LawINR 12,00,000-17,00,000 per annum
Intellectual Property LawINR 14,00,000-18,00,000 per annum
Real Estate LawINR 8,00,000-12,00,000 per annum
Mercantile LawINR 8,00,000-14,00,000 per annum
Commercial LawINR 9,00,000-14,00,000 per annum 
Human Rights LawINR 7,55,000-11,50,000 per annum
Public Litigation LawINR 6,00,000-10,00,000 per annum
Labour LawINR 6,00,000-9,00,000 per annum
Patent LawINR 8,00,000-13,75,000 per annum
International LawINR 10,00,000-17,00,000 per annum
Media LawINR 8,00,000-12,00,000 per annum
Competition LawINR 5,00,000-8,00,000 per annum
Family LawINR 3,50,000-8,00,000 per annum
Mergers & Acquisition LawINR 10,00,000-15,00,000 per annum
Environmental LawINR 4,00,000-8,00,000 per annum
Maritime LawINR 10,00,000-16,00,000 per annum
Forensic LawINR 4,00,000-7,00,000 per annum
Energy LawINR 9,00,000-14,00,000 per annum
Business LawINR 8,00,000-15,00,0000 per annum
Air & Space LawINR 11,00,000-16,00,000 per annum
Banking LawINR 12,00,000-18,00,000 per annum
Administrative LawINR 4,00,000-7,00,000 per annum
Consumer LawINR 3,00,000-6,50,000 per annum
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Job Opportunities after LLB in India

There are numerous job opportunities after completing an LLB course in India. These jobs are offered both in the government and private sector. Salary in LLB jobs are also quite decent. 

Law is a holistic profession and the need of it is required everywhere, including schools, universities, colleges, hospitals, hotels, banks, sales and excise departments, government ministries, embassies, corporate houses, non-governmental organizations, government and non-governmental bodies, statutory bodies, national commissions, courts, judicial departments, administrative departments etc. 

The salary after LLB course completion depends upon certain determinants like skill set, years of experience etc. LLB salary packages depend upon the need of the organization, if all that is required is fulfilled, then an amazing LLB salary as well as exposure is provided to the candidate pursuing the LLB course. 

Some of the top job options after completing LLB course include the following job profiles:

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Jobs after LLB - Government and Private

Salary after LLB also depends upon whether one is working in the government sector or in the semi-private or private sector. The salary in LLB is more in the private sector but the amount of respect and exposure and even the authority that a government job offers is nowhere when compared to a private job. There is a complete sense of security and job satisfaction in government even with less pay. 

Mentioned below are the jobs that one can get after completing a LLB course. Along with the jobs and sectors, we have also provided the approximate salary in LLB jobs.

Government Jobs after LLB Salary Details

The complete details of LLB government jobs are tabulated below: 

Job Profile and Sectors

Average Annual Salary

District Court LawyerINR 4,00,000-10,00,000 per annum
High Court LawyerINR 9,00,000-15,00,000 per annum
Legal Manager in Public Sector CompaniesINR 10,00,000-17,00,000 per annum
Law Professor in Government Colleges/ Universities INR 9,00,000-14,00,000 per annum
Legal Manager in Public Sector BanksINR 10,00,000-18,00,000 per annum
Legal Officer in Statutory CorporationINR 8,00,000-16,00,000 per annum
Legal Member In Union Public Service CommissionINR 10,60,000-15,00,000 per annum

Private Jobs after LLB Salary Details

The complete details of LLB private jobs are tabulated below: 

Job Profile and Sectors

Average Annual Salary

Manager in Legal Department of Corporate HousesINR 12,00,000-18,00,000 per annum
Legal Manager in Private Sector BanksINR 9,00,000-16,00,000 per annum
Law Professor in Private Colleges/ UniversitiesINR 8,00,000-14,00,000 per annum
Law Teacher in Private SchoolsINR 6,00,000-10,00,000 per annum
Law Reporter in News AgenciesINR 5,75,000-8,20,000 per annum
Legal Manager in Insurance AgenciesINR 9,00,000-13,00,000 per annum


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Top Employment Areas of LLB

The scope of the LLB course is massive and ever expanding. Every year almost 5 lakhs students choose to do LLB after Class XII in India. The number is even more in countries abroad. 

There are many employment areas where LLB jobs are offered. Gone are the days when only courts and judicial setups demanded LLB graduates. Nowadays, even edtech, financial institutions, the healthcare industry, the hospitality industry, tourism, aviation, telecom, auditing and accounting hubs, human resources agencies, tax departments, cyber security cells, consultancies, and shipping industries offer LLB jobs and huge amounts of LLB salary. 

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Top Recruiters for LLB

Some of the finest organizations offer amazing LLB salary packages. Salary after LLB includes high profile multinational companies as well as small startups. It is very much possible to get a good amount of salary in LLB, if a student works hard and with motivation. A career in law can be challenging and demanding in starting, but with years of experience, it will help in securing a bright future. 

Some of the top recruiters of LLB graduates are mentioned below. All of these offer amazing LLB salary packages and respectable high profile positions. 

  • Amazon
  • DSK Legal
  • Accenture
  • PwC
  • Trilegal 
  • AMA Legal
  • Avantika Gas Ltd.
  • Acuity Knowledge Partners
  • Luthra & Luthra 
  • B&B Associates LLP
  • Deloitte
  • Clairvoyant Advocates
  • Wipro
  • Singh Law Firm
  • J Sagar Associates
  • HDFC Bank
  • Desai & Diwanji
  • ICICI Bank
  • Khaitan & Co.
  • IDBI Bank
  • Singhania & Partners
  • Bharti Airtel
  • Wadia Ghandy & Co. 
  • Anand and Anand
  • Zomato
  • Swiggy
  • Zepto
  • Blinkit
  • Flipkart
  • Walmart
  • JLJ Law Offices
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