BEd Syllabus & Subjects 2024

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Sep 24, 2024 20:58PM IST

BEd syllabus and subjects are divided into three sections, namely perspective in education, curriculum and pedagogic studies, and engagement with the field. Each section has specific subjects that will be taught to BEd aspirants over the course of 4 semesters and 2 years of the degree. The subjects include childhood and growing up, language across the curriculum, Part 1 and 2 for pedagogy of two subjects, engagement with the field, school internships, etc.

What is BEd Syllabus?

BEd syllabus and subjects is a curriculum that is designed to include many education-based subjects to make sure it forms skilled teachers. It contains important topics like Childhood and Growing Up, Language Across Curriculum, Understanding ICT and Applications. Every semester has its own set of important topics like development & learning in the BEd syllabus 1st year while field engagement, gender school, and society, etc., in the final year.

For aspiring candidates preparing for BEd entrance exams like CTET, the B Ed Entrance Exam Syllabus contains topics like English Comprehension, General Hindi, Logical & Analytical Reasoning, General Awareness and Teaching Aptitude in subjects. The B.Ed Course syllabus and subjects hold importance because it gives students who wish to become teachers a good base in educational theories and practical abilities. It is very useful for forming strong techniques of teaching as well as improving professional capacities.

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B.Ed Syllabus and Subjects Highlights

The highlights ofthe BEd syllabus 2024 and subjects are provided here. Those who wish to become teachers in educational institutions must check this:

BEd Course Duration2 years
BEd Degree TypeFull-Time/ Distance
Total Semesters in B.Ed4 semesters
Number of BEd Subjects per Semester4 - 6 subjects typically per semester. However, it may vary according to different institutes and their curriculum.
BEd EligibilityBachelor's degree in any discipline.
BEd AdmissionThrough entrance exams or merit-based.
B Ed Course Common Subjects

1. Pedagogy of a School Subject.

2. Education in Contemporary India.

3. Educational Philosophy

4. Classroom Management

5. Child Development and Psychology, etc.

B.Ed Course Optional Subjects
  1. Special Education
  2. Guidance and Counseling
  3. Health and Physical Education
  4. Art and Aesthetics in Education
  5. Information and Communication Technology in Education, etc.
Teaching SpecialisationCandidates can choose a teaching specialisation, e.g., Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, etc.
B.Ed Syllabus StructureIncludes theoretical and practical aspects of teaching, classroom management, and educational psychology.
B.Ed Internship/ PracticumTeaching practice in schools for hands-on experience.
B Ed AssessmentBoth theory and practical exams.
Research ProjectMany B.Ed courses require candidates to complete a research project or dissertation.
Language ProficiencyProficiency in at least one language (typically the regional language and English).
Teaching MethodsSemester-based exams and theoretical teaching along with practical components
Practical TrainingClassroom observations, micro-teaching, and lesson planning.
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B.Ed Syllabus & Subjects Year-Wise

In this section, we will delve into understanding the general B.Ed Syllabus in a year-wise format while also mentioningthe BEd syllabus semester-wise in a table format.

B.Ed Syllabus & Subjects 1st Year 

B Ed 1st Year Syllabus consists of two semesters. Now, let’s get to know the semester-wise B.Ed syllabus:

B.Ed 1st Semester Syllabus & Subjects

SubjectsTopics Covered
Childhood & Growing Up
  • Learner as a Developing Individual
  • Development and Learning
  • Understanding Childhood in Socio-Cultural Perspectives
  • Adolescence: Issues and Concerns
  • Child Development Stages
Contemporary India & Education
  • Contemporary India
  • Constitutional Provisions and Education
  • Policy Framework for Development of Education in India  
  • Initiatives of the Government of India
  • Contemporary Indian Education: Concerns and Issues
Pedagogy of a School Subject 1- Part 1Subject-Related Teaching Methods, Lesson Planning, Classroom Management, Assessment Techniques
Pedagogy of a School Subject 2- Part 2Subject-Related Teaching Methods, Lesson Planning, Classroom Management, Assessment Techniques
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) & Its Applications
  • Introduction to Information and Communication Technology
  • ICT and Pedagogy
  • ICT for Assessment and Management  
School-Based ExposureField-Based Activities, Observation and Participation in Schools, Report Preparation and Participation
Language Proficiency (English/ Hindi)
  • Language Background of Students
  • Nature of Classroom Discourse
  • Informational Reading and Writing 
Practicum/ Assignments/ TasksCompleting assignments and assigned tasks

B.Ed 2nd Semester Syllabus & Subjects

SubjectsTopics Covered
Learning & Teaching
  • Understanding The Learner
  • Understanding Learning
  • Learning in ‘Constructivist’ Perspective
  • Understanding Teaching
  • Teaching as a Profession
Pedagogy of a School Subject 1- Part 1Subject-Related Teaching Methods, Lesson Planning, Classroom Management, Assessment Techniques
Pedagogy of a School Subject 2- Part 2Subject-Related Teaching Methods, Lesson Planning, Classroom Management, Assessment Techniques
Knowledge and Curriculum
  • Knowledge and Knowing
  • Forms of Knowledge and its Organisation in Schools
  • Curriculum Determinants and Considerations
  • Curriculum Development (at School Level)
  • Curriculum Implementation and Renewal
Assessment For Learning
  • Assessment and Evaluation-An Overview
  • Context of Assessment
  • Assessment Procedure
  • Data Analysis, Feedback and Reporting
  • Examination Reform: Issues and directions
School Attachment & Community Living Lamp1+1 week programme
Field Work and Internship

Observations and Practical Teaching

Reflective Practices

Pedagogical approaches

Classroom Practices


B.Ed Syllabus & Subjects 2nd Year 

B.Ed 2nd Year Syllabus also consists of two semesters. Now, let’s get to know the Semester-wise B Ed Syllabus for the second year of the course:

B.Ed 3rd Semester Syllabus & Subjects

SubjectsTopics Covered
Field Work 

School Visits and Observation

Practical Teaching

Tasks and Assignments

Pre Internship1 Week

15 Weeks

  • Planning and Facilitating Teaching Learning
  • Assessment, Remediation and Action Research
  • Understanding School Context
  • Understanding Learner
  • Participation in School Activities
  • Community and school 

B.Ed 4th Semester Syllabus & Subjects

SubjectsTopics Covered
Gender, School & Society
  • Gender Issues: Key Concepts 
  • Socialisation Processes in India: Family, School and Society
  • Creating Gender Inclusive Classroom
Reading and Reflecting on Texts
  • Stories & Excerpts
  • Essays /Excerpts from literary texts
  • Essays /Excerpts from Educational and Scientific Texts
Arts in Education
  • Visual Arts & Crafts
  • Performing Arts: Dance, Music, Theatre and Puppetry
  • Appreciation of Arts
  • Project Work 
  • Workshop
Understanding The Self
  • Understanding of Self
  • Development of Professional Self and Ethics
  • Role of Teacher in Developing Understanding of Self among Learners
Creating an Inclusive School
  • Understanding Inclusion in Education 
  • Understanding physical, psychological and social-cultural diversity
  • Addressing Learners’ Diversity
Health, Yoga, and Physical Education
  • Health Education
  • Physical Education
  • Yoga
Field Work and Internship

Inclusive Classroom Observation

Teaching Students with Special Needs


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B.Ed Syllabus Subject List

In this section, we have mentioned in the below table all the B.Ed Syllabus Subject list that contains all the major subjects taught in a B Ed course and related important topics:

B.Ed SubjectsImportant Topics
Childhood and Growing UpDevelopment and Learning
-Learning as a Developing Individual
-Understanding Childhood in Socio-Cultural Perspectives
-Adolescence: Issues and Concerns
-Stages of Child Development; Implications for Teachers
Language Across CurriculumLanguage Background of Students
-Informational Reading and Writing
-Nature of Classroom Discourse
Understanding ICT and ApplicationsIntroduction to Information and Communication Technology
-ICT for Assessment and Management
-ICT and Pedagogy
-Primary School Engagement
-Pedagogy of School Subjects like English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science
Learning and TeachingUnderstanding Learning
-Understanding the Learner
-Learning from a Constructivist Perspective
-Teaching as a Profession
-Understanding Teaching
-Pedagogy of School Subjects like English, Mathematics, Physical Science, etc.
Knowledge and CurriculumForms of Knowledge and its Organisation in Schools
-Curriculum Development at School Level
-Curriculum Determinants and Considerations
-Curriculum Implementation and Renewal
Assessment for LearningOverview of Assessment and Evaluation
-The Procedure of Assessment
-Context of Assessment
-Issues and Directions Regarding Examination Reforms
Gender, School, and SocietyMaking a classroom that does not differentiate on the basis of gender
-Providing knowledge about gender discrimination and how to solve it
Arts in EducationStudy of Visual Arts and Crafts
-Performing Arts in the curriculum
-Importance of Arts in Education
Self UnderstandingUnderstanding Professional Self and Ethics
-Role of the Teacher in the Development of students
Creating an Inclusive SchoolCreating a classroom that does not differentiate on the basis of gender
-Providing knowledge about gender discrimination and how to solve it
Health, Yoga, and Physical EducationStudy of Health and Physical Education
-Yoga Education
Pre InternshipTasks and Assignments in Different Courses
InternshipSchool Internship (Classroom Practice Session)
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B.Ed Syllabus Specialisations

B.Ed course doesn’t have any sort of specialisation as such, however, the course helps you in providing specialisation in the subject from which you completed your graduation. So, let’s say you completed your graduation in B.Sc Biology, so now you have to take up Biology as a subject when applying for B.Ed. This will help you in achieving a deeper understanding and knowledge of Biology during your B.Ed course. So, based on this analogy, we have a couple of popular B.Ed specialisations as mentioned below:

  • B.Ed in Hindi
  • B.Ed Physical Science
  • B.Ed in Computer Science
  • B Ed Psychology
  • B.Ed Special Education
  • B.Ed Physical Education
  • B.Ed in Biology
  • B.Ed in Sanskrit
  • B.Ed Economics
  • B.Ed English
  • B.Ed Mathematics 
  • B.Ed Commerce

These BEd specialisations cover the following topics:

Pedagogy of School SubjectsTopics Covered (Sem 1)Topics Covered (Sem 2)
Social Sciences
  • Social sciences as an Integrating Area of Study: Context and Concerns
  • Teaching-Learning Resources in Social Sciences
  • Social Sciences Curriculum for Schools in India
  • Teaching-Learning of Geography—Space, Resources and Development
  • Teaching-Learning of Economics: State, Market, and Development
  • Teaching-Learning of History
  • Teaching-Learning of Political Science Democracy, Development, and Diversity
  • Assessment for Learning in Social Sciences
  • Analysis of Social Sciences Textbooks and Question Papers
  •  Inter-disciplinarily Through Projects and Field Visits
Biological Sciences
  • Nature and Scope of Science and Biology
  • Aims and objectives
  • Exploring Learners
  • Pedagogical Shift in Biological Science
  • Approaches and Strategies of Learning Biology
  • Curriculum of Biology at School Stage 
  • Learning Resources
  • Planning of Teaching-Learning of Biological Science
  • Tools and techniques for assessment of learning in Biological Science
  • Professional Development of Biology Teachers
Physical Sciences
  • Nature of Science
  • Aims and Learning Objectives of Physical Science
  • Exploring Learners
  • School Science Curriculum
  • Pedagogical shift and Approach and strategies of learning Physical Science
  • Learning Resources in Physical Science
  • Tools and Techniques Assessment for Learning Physical Science
  • Planning for teaching- learning of Physical Science
  • Physical Science: Lifelong Learning
  • Professional Development of Science/ Physics/ Chemistry Teachers
  • Nature and Scope of Mathematics
  • Exploring Learners
  • Aims and Objectives of Teaching School Mathematics
  • School Mathematics Curriculum
  • Approaches and Strategies in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Concepts
  • Planning for Teaching-Learning of Mathematics
  • Learning Resources in Mathematics
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Mathematics for All
  • Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers
  • Nature and role of language
  • Position and role of languages
  • Language education at a glance
  • Language behaviour and system
  • Language skills development
  • Language nature and history- 1
  • Language nature and history- 2
  • Framing and understanding language curriculum
  • Learning and teaching content
  • Assessment evaluation and importance
  • Nature and role of language
  • Role and Position of Languages - Constitutional Provisions and Policies of Language Education
  • Language Teaching - An Overview
  • Linguistic Behaviour and System
  • Developing Language Skills
  • Language, Literature and Aesthetics –I
  •  Language, Literature and Aesthetics–II
  • Development and Analysis of Syllabus and Textual Materials
  • Teaching-Learning Materials
  • Assessment - Its Role and Importance
  • Role of Language
  • Position of Urdu in India
  • Linguistic Behaviour and System 
  • Developing Language Skills
  • An Overview of Language Teaching
  • Language, Literature and Aesthetics –I
  •  Language, Literature and Aesthetics–II
  • Development and Analysis of Syllabus and Textual Materials
  • Teaching-Learning Materials and Aids
  • Assessment - Its Role and Importance
  • Role of Language
  • Importance of Sanskrit Language
  • Aims and Objectives of Sanskrit Language Teaching
  • Language Teaching
  • Sanskrit Language Teaching Skills
  • Teaching of Different Forms of Sanskrit Literature
  • Importance of Lesson Plan
  • Development and Analysis of Syllabus and Textual Materials
  • Teaching-learning Materials and Aids
  • Assessment- Its Role and Importance
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B.Ed Syllabus For Entrance Exams

The typical B.Ed entrance exam syllabus includes crucial topics like Teaching Aptitude, General Awareness, Logical & Analytical Reasoning, General English, Maths Ability, Mental Ability and Subject Test (Arts, Science, Agriculture and Commerce). It tests the candidates on their teaching methods knowledge; learner characteristics; general awareness; logical and analytical reasoning skills; English language proficiency as well as maths abilities or mental capabilities necessary for a good teacher to possess. The syllabus may change slightly depending on the university or state.

Below is a detailed syllabus for BEd entrance exam 2024 presented in a table format:

B.Ed Entrance Exam SubjectsTopics Covered
General KnowledgeCurrent Affairs
-History and Geography
-Polity and Governance
-Economy and Socio-economic Issues
-Science and Technology
English LanguageVocabulary and Grammar
-Reading Comprehension
-Synonyms and Antonyms
-Idioms and Phrases
Reasoning Ability- Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning
-Analytical and Logical Reasoning
-Syllogisms and Coding-Decoding
-Puzzles and Data Interpretation
Teaching AptitudeTeaching-Learning Process
-Educational Psychology
-Classroom Management
-Educational Philosophy and Thinkers
Subject KnowledgeBased on the chosen specialisation (e.g., Math, Science, Social Studies, Language, etc.)
Numerical AbilityNumber System and Arithmetic
-Algebra and Geometry
-Data Interpretation and Statistics
Environmental StudiesEcosystems and Biodiversity
-Environmental Issues and Conservation
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IGNOU B.Ed Syllabus

IGNOU B.Ed is a 2-year distance education course covering important topics as mentioned below. IGNOU B Ed Syllabus covers 8 - 10 subjects in 1st year and at least 5 - 7 subjects in 2nd year of the course. IGNOU B.Ed Syllabus encompasses some crucial topics like Learning and Teaching, Understanding Disciplines and Subjects, Gender, School and Society, etc. which helps aspiring teachers develop the conceptual understanding of classroom management and the essence of being a good teacher. Here’s the latest IGNOU BEd Syllabus 2024 in case you are curious about it:

YearIGNOU B.Ed Syllabus

1. Childhood and Growing Up

2. Contemporary India and Education

3. Learning and Teaching

4. Language across the Curriculum

5. Understanding Disciplines and Subjects

6. Pedagogy of School Subject - Part I

7. Workshop-Based Activities

8. Reading and Reflecting on the Texts

9. Application of ICT

10. Internship 1 (4 weeks)


1. Pedagogy of School Subject - Part II

2. Knowledge and Curriculum

3. Assessment for Learning

4. Creating an Inclusive School

5. Gender, School, and Society

6. Optional Courses

  1. Open and Distance Education
  2. Guidance and Counselling
  3. Adolescence and Family Education
  4. Vocational Education
  5. Information and Communication Technology

7. Workshop-Based Activities

8. Drama and Art in Education

9. Understanding the Self and Yoga

10. School Internship (16 weeks)

Please note that the syllabus mentioned here might tend to differ from the current IGNOU B.Ed Syllabus, therefore, it is advisable to check the official website for an accurate and updated syllabus. 

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B.Ed Syllabus for Distance Education

The detailed general syllabus for B.Ed distance education is mentioned below to give you an idea of what kind of subjects the course includes:


B.Ed Distance Subjects

Year 1Childhood And Growing Up
-Learning and Teaching
-Pedagogy of a School Subject
-Drama and art in education
-Creating an Inclusive school
-Understanding Disciplines and Subjects
-Knowledge and Curriculum
-Contemporary India and Education
Year 2Gender, School and Society
-Reading and reflecting on texts
-Critical Understanding of ICT
-Assessment For Learning
-Health Education
-Language across the curriculum
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B Ed Syllabus Important Books

Here are the BEd syllabus important books in English to study for good marks:

SubjectsImportant Books 
Educational Psychology"Psychology of Individual Differences" by C.S. Sharma
-"Educational Psychology" by Anita Woolfolk
-"Advanced Educational Psychology" by S. K. Mangal
Philosophical Foundations of Education"Philosophy of Education" by Y.K. Singh
-"Education for Values: Morals, Ethics, and Citizenship in Contemporary Teaching" by K.C. Vashistha
-"Educational Philosophy" by R. S. Prasad
Sociological Foundations of Education"Sociology of Education" by Rajendra Kumar Sharma
-"Sociology of Education in India" by Suresh Pathak
-"Sociology of Education" by J.C. Aggarwal
Pedagogy of School Subjects"Pedagogy of Mathematics" by R. S. Sharma
-"Pedagogy of Science" by Poonam Batra
-"Pedagogy of English Language" by Ramanujam Parthasarathy
Assessment and Evaluation"Educational Testing and Measurement" by K. V. S. Madaan
-"Assessment in Schools: An Alternative Approach" by Poonam Batra
-"Designing and Constructing Instruments for Social Research and Evaluation" by David Colton
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B.Ed Course Structure

In case you are wondering what the B.Ed course structure looks like then here’s the complete breakdown of the same in the below table for your better understanding and knowledge:

B.Ed Course StructureDescription
Foundation CoursesThe courses provide an understanding of core principles in education like Educational Psychology, Philosophy of Education, and Sociological Perspectives. They look into the foundation of the education system from theoretical and philosophical viewpoints.
Pedagogy CoursesCourses that are specific to the discipline where students learn competencies and information needed to teach different subjects excellently. For instance, those who wish to become a science teacher may take up courses related to the pedagogy of science. These classes concentrate on curriculum development for teaching science, methods of delivering lessons, and ways to assess learning outcomes in this field.
Practical TrainingTeaching Practice and Internship, these modules offer students a chance to gain experience in a real-school setting where they can use their learned understanding of practical teaching situations.
Optional SubjectsStudents are also allowed to take elective classes in Inclusive Education, Educational Technology and Special Education. It helps students get career prospects where they are interested.
AssessmentFor the course during its duration, the assessment includes examinations in assignments and teacher demonstrations. This is necessary for any aspiring student desiring to acquire a bachelor's degree qualification in education.
Internship and Practice TeachingAn internship or practice teaching period is usually undertaken during the final stages by the students. This is where they will undertake teaching at schools under the guidance of accomplished educators in order to gain work experience.
Final Examinations and EvaluationFinal examinations and assessments are a necessity for students so that they may be awarded a B.Ed degree. This is after the student completes the coursework and all practical training.
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FAQs about B.Ed Syllabus

Is B Ed a PG or UG?

B Ed (Bachelor of Education) is a professional course at the undergraduate level, not postgraduate. It's a 2-year course for people who want to be teachers in schools, colleges and other educational places.

How do I choose a B Ed subject?

Selecting a B Ed subject is done by matching your interests, skills, and what you want to achieve in work life. You must select subjects that correspond to the ones you studied in graduation or post-graduation because NCTE demands at least two years of study in those areas. Also, think about how related these subjects are with your own teaching ambitions and if there's a high need for teachers in these subjects currently. You may also select subjects that go well together and are in line with your future professional path.

What changes in B Ed Syllabus from college to college?

The B Ed syllabus can be different from college to college because institutes can have their itineraries designed according to their specifications, that is, in line with their goals and requirements. Even though the crucial subjects and topics are likely to be the same, the entrance tests, examination methodology and even the displayed course load may be different. For instance, some colleges could present courses in certain disciplines or teaching methodologies whereas others could focus more on practical training and in. Another factor which affects the approach of instruction is the type of instruction which is online or in-person.

What is curriculum in B Ed?

The B Ed curriculum is focused on child development theories, teaching aids, and different methods of teaching. It is a four semesters program that prepares future educators with pedagogical and classroom management abilities. Educational psychology, language, science and pedagogy are some subjects in it. Emphasis lies on understanding multilingual classrooms, fostering learning environments, and grasping the learning process.

What are B Ed 2nd year subjects?

The B Ed second year subjects are normally Gender, School and Society, Create an Inclusive School, Health and Physical Education, Peace Education, Guidance & Counseling and Yoga Education. The objective of these subjects is to improve knowledge in different parts related with education like gender problems; making a school that includes everyone; health & fitness; counselling skills among others. Also, Pedagogy of a School Subject Part-II and School Internship can be there in the second year which gives real-life experience for teaching methods along with more understanding about it.

What are B Ed 1st year subjects?

The syllabus for B Ed 1st year is divided into two semesters covering major subjects like Childhood and Growing Up, Language across the Curriculum, Pedagogy of School Subject-2-Part I and School. These subjects have been designed to offer a solid base in educational theories, teaching methods and useful skills needed for successful teaching. The B Ed 1st year syllabus is made to give students the needed knowledge and abilities for them to become skilled and thoughtful teachers.

What is the B Ed entrance exam syllabus?

B Ed entrance exam syllabus usually contains major topics like General English Comprehension, General Hindi, Logical & Analytical Reasoning, General Awareness and Teaching Aptitude. The exam is objective with multiple-choice questions. Slight changes in the syllabus can be seen depending on university or institution. Candidates must understand educational psychology well along with English phonology; they also need to know about foundations of education and pedagogy.

What is the UP B.Ed Syllabus 2024?

The UP B Ed Syllabus 2024 contains many topics for Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the exam. In Paper 1, there is a General Knowledge and language paper that can be in either English or Hindi. For Paper 2, it focuses on General Ability along with a subject paper from Arts/ Commerce/ Science/ Agriculture to be taken from levels of education like 11th - 12th grade or graduation stage.

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