Applied Filters :
1,39,000 - 14,68,000 Fees
NAAC Accredition
NID Entrance Exam Exams
41,300 - 3,45,700 Fees
Govt. of I Accredition
4 Lacs Avg Package
XAT Exams
3,12,000 - 6,79,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
90,000 - 3,50,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
JEE Main Exams
1,00,000 - 7,74,080 Fees
NTU Accredition
4,20,000 - 16,20,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
SEED Exams
35,400 - 3,32,000 Fees
ISO Accredition
4.2 Lacs Avg Package
Academy Exams
25,000 - 12,34,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
NIFT Exams
74,340 - 3,32,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
3 Lacs Avg Package
CBSE 12th Exams
17,000 - 12,34,000 Fees
Other Accredition
CBSE 12th Exams
70,800 - 5,58,000 Fees
AICTE Accredition
NIFT Entrance Exam Exams
1,68,300 - 1,75,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
70,800 - 3,32,000 Fees
NIFT Exams
34,270 - 2,86,000 Fees
ISO Accredition
4 Lacs Avg Package
NIFT Exams
Other Accredition
CBSE 10th Exams
NAAC Accredition
90,000 Fees
41,500 - 43,000 Fees
Other Accredition
65,000 - 7,50,000 Fees
Other Accredition
XAT Exams
Other Accredition
14 Lacs Avg Package
CEED Exams
27,000 - 6,54,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
6 Lacs Avg Package
LSAT-India Exams
13,517 Fees
NAAC Accredition
Maharashtra HSC Exams
Other Accredition
NAAC Accredition
CBSE 12th Exams
Other Accredition
2,46,000 Fees
IOA Accredition
Govt. of M Accredition
1,80,000 - 5,00,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
37,000 - 1,15,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
1.8 Lacs Avg Package
28,500 - 1,62,000 Fees
CBSE 10th Exams
NIFT Entrance Exam