UCEED Syllabus 2025: Download Part A & B Syllabus PDF, Important Topics & Topic-wise Syllabus

Updated By Tiyasa Khanra on 09 Dec, 2024 15:13

UCEED syllabus 2025 has been released by IIT Bombay in the information brochure on uceed.iitb.ac.in. It contains the syllabi of Part A and Part B of the entrance test, which candidates must go through to begin their preparation.

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UCEED Syllabus 2025 Overview

The UCEED syllabus2025 has been prescribed by IIT Bombay. Candidates can check out the syllabus in the information brochure released on the official website at uceed.iitb.ac.in. Studying the UCEED syllabus is important because it helps you understand the specific topics and areas that will be covered in the exam. By familiarizing yourself with the syllabus, you can focus your preparation on the relevant subjects, which can improve your chances of performing well in the exam. Understanding the syllabus also allows you to identify your strengths and weaknesses in different areas, enabling you to allocate your study time more effectively.

UCEED exam includes Part A, which will be a computer-based test (CBT) featuring three types of questions: Numerical Answer Type (NAT), Multiple Select Questions (MSQ), and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). Part B will consist of two sections: one focused on drawing and the other on design aptitude. Each section will include one question. If you are appearing for UCEED 2025, go through the details syllabus provided below.

    UCEED 2025 Subject-Wise Syllabus

    Check out the tbael below ofr the UCEED syllabus 2025 for Parts A and B.

    UCEED Part A Syllabus 2025



    Visualisation and spatial reasoning

    Ability to visualise and transform 2D shapes and 3D objects and their spatial relationships

    Practical and scientific knowledge

    Capacity to detect concealed properties in day-to-day life and think critically about them. Attention to detail, classification, analysis, inference and prediction. 

    Observation and design sensitivity

    General awareness of environmental, social and cultural connections with design. 

    Environment and society

    General awareness of environmental, social and cultural connections with design. 

    Analytical and logical reasoning

    Ability to analyse qualitative and quantitative information. 


    Proficiency in reading and comprehending Standard English


    Grasp of verbal and non-verbal analogies, metaphors, signs, and symbols

    UCEED Part B Syllabus 2025




    Ability to draw products, people, or scenes in proportion with good line quality, composition, proportion, perspective and shading. 

    Design aptitude

    Capability to respond to problems/situations practically and appropriately with ingenuity and empathy.

    Is the UCEED Syllabus 2025 Exhaustive?

    Certainly, the UCEED syllabus 2025 covers a wide range of topics, giving an idea of the questions that might appear in the UCEED exam. This implies that candidates only need to focus on the listed topics for exam preparation. It is important to note, though, that not all topics listed may be included in the UCEED 2025 question paper. 

    UCEED Syllabus 2025 Important Topics

    The UCEED syllabus is segregated into two parts: Part A and Part B. Find the important topics under UCEED syllabus 2025 below:

    Part A: It will be conducted as a Computer-Based Test comprising theory-based questions. Important topics under UCEED Part A are as follows:

    • Visualization and Spatial Ability consists of Pictorial and diagrammatic questions that aim to evaluate candidatesโ€™ understanding of transformation and manipulation of 2D shapes and 3D objects and their spatial relationships. Topics like shapes, shadows, solids, symmetry, perspectives, mirror reflections dominate this section.
    • Observation of details, analysis of situations, and determination of and discrimination of subtle differences in visual properties and forms, and Design Sensitivity. Topics like Patterns, textures, colors, and visual properties dominate this section.
    • Environmental, Social, & Cultural awareness of candidates to be evaluated on topics like Natural resources, climate change, pollution, public health, and sustainability. Cultural aspects, history of art, and symbols pertaining to design dominate this section.
    • Analytical and Logical Reasoning questions to evaluate the candidatesโ€™ problem-solving abilities, ability to analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and deduce logical conclusions. Topics like Number series, coding-decoding, logical arguments, and patterns dominate this section.
    • Language and Creativity evaluated on the basis of the candidatesโ€™ expertise in English comprehension and grammar, vocabulary, and creative writing. Topics like Sentence formation, synonyms-antonyms, and word associations dominate this section.
    • Design Thinking and Problem Solving skills of the candidates to be tested based on their innovative and creative approaches to practical situations and ability to apply logical and creative reasoning to deal with challenges.

    Part B: It will be conducted as a Pen and Paper Test to test the drawing skills and drawing fundamentals of the candidates.

    • Drawing skills of the candidates will be tested on topics like line quality, perspective, proportion, and scale, their understanding and sketching in different perspectives (one-point, two-point, etc.), and their ability to sketch 3D objects, scenes involving memory, and product design concepts.
    • Creativity in Design will be evaluated on topics like composition of objects with a sense of aesthetics and detail, imaginative storytelling, and expression.
    • Perspective Drawing involving depiction of light, shadow, gradients, and texture detailing for materials like wood, metal, glass.

    How To Prepare For UCEED 2025 Using The Syllabus

    Candidates preparing for UCEED 2025 using the syllabus, must build a strategic approach that is in alignment with the syllabus and focus on consistent practice, conceptual clarity, and creativity. They can prepare effectively for the UCEED 2025 exam in the following ways:

    • Candidates must first be acquainted with the UCEED 2025 exam pattern and syllabus. Part A will be conducted in the Computer-Based test mode consisting of multiple-choice and numerical questions based on theory. Part B will be Pen-and-Paper based consisting of drawing questions designed to test the creativity, imagination, and perspective of the candidates. Topics like visualization, detail-observation, spatial reasoning, environmental awareness & society, analytical reasoning, language & creativity, and drawing basics are included in the UCEED syllabus.
    • Candidates must develop a strategic approach and allocate more time to topics they deem to be difficult and note down all the important and difficult points.
    • Candidates must create a study plan by allocating 2-3 hours for theoretical subjects (Part A) and 1-2 hours for sketching and drawing (Part B).
    • To prepare effectively for UCEED Part A, candidates must practice identifying shapes, visual details, patterns, differences in objects or images; improve vocabulary, grammar, and sentence construction; solve reasoning puzzles, number series, and data interpretation questions; and understand 2D-to-3D transformations.
    • For Part B, candidates must practise freehand sketching of everyday objects with an increased focus on line quality, proportions, and accuracy; work on 1-point, 2-point, and 3-point perspective sketches; and practice a variety of shading techniques.
    • It is also crucial to revise the key concepts and solve at least 2 mock tests or UCEED sample papers or previous yearsโ€™ papers per week under timed conditions to understand the exam pattern and difficulty level, identify their weak areas, and improve them.
    • Candidates must refer to the following books for effective preparation:

    (a) UCEED (BDes) Entrance Books and Test Series by AFA India

    (b) NIFT Entrance Exam Mock Papers by D Mittal

    (c) Analytical Reasoning, Mental Aptitude, Verbal Aptitude (UCEED Guide) by Institute Of Creative Sciences

    (d) Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal

    (e) Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal

    (f) UCEED Design Environment & Social Awareness In Design Perspective Combined With Mental & Verbal Aptitude by Sreejanshilpa

    (g) Cracking CEED & UCEED (with Previous Years' Papers and Mock Tests) by Ashok Goel and Arjun Kamal

    UCEED 2025 Exam Pattern

    Check out the UCEED 2025 exam pattern mentioned below.


    Part A

    Part B


    Online, Computer-based Test (CBT)


    Test duration

    2 hours 

    60 minutes

    Types of questions asked



    Total number of questions



    Total Marks



    UCEED 2025 Marking Scheme

    UCEED 2025 is held over three hours and consists of 300-mark questions divided into three sections. Part A has questions about numerical aptitude. Part B has only one question targeted at assessing drawing skills and will necessitate subjective judgment. This year, negative marking has been added to the UCEED exam's MSQ component. Students can view the marking scheme for UCEED 2025 in the table below:


    Marks are Added for Every Correct Answer

    Marks are Deducted for Every Wrong Answer (New)










    Drawing Question



    Total Marks


    UCEED Syllabus 2025 Preparation Tips

    Now that you have the UCEED 2025 syllabus, here are the steps which will take you effortlessly in preparing for the exam.

    • Study the Entire Syllabus Carefully: The candidate must go through the whole syllabus. It gives an idea about how much one needs to study.
    • Split the Material: Divide the syllabus into parts. Prepare a study plan focusing on which part of the syllabus must be given precedence.
    • Start with Easier Topics: First try to work your way through the easier topics, leaving the more complex ones to a later stage. This will give you some confidence and a bit of a foundation.
    • Address the Moderate-to-Difficult Topics: Once the easier topics have been dealt with, go ahead and focus on the more difficult areas. Succeed with these topics using all the knowledge that you gain from the easier ones.
    • Don't Get Stuck: If you are not able to study a particular topic properly, then don't waste too much time on it. Go ahead and skip that topic or get some help. If possible, you can come back to those topics later.
    • Cover the Entire Syllabus: Study every portion of the syllabus. Comprehension will increase your chances of performing better.

    UCEED 2025 Sample Papers and Previous Year Question Papers

    Solve and practice using UCEED 2025 sample papers and UCEED previous year question papers to acquire problem-solving skills and for a better understanding of various concepts. The earlier you start solving the sample papers, the better it will be for the preparation of your examination.

    For example, solve problems related to a particular topic after you have finished the topic. In this way, you will be able to develop problem-solving skills simultaneously while covering different chapters one by one. By the time you complete your whole syllabus, aim to comfortably solve all the sample papers. Make it a point to attempt as many sample papers and past question papers as possible.

    Want to know more about UCEED

    FAQs about UCEED Syllabus

    Can I solve previous year's papers considering the UCEED 2025 syllabus has been changed?

    The UCEED 2025 exam will be divided into two sections: Part A and Part B. While the material for the test has been changed, there are still some sections that overlap. Part A, for example, still includes Analytical and Logical Reasoning, Observation and Design Sensitivity, and a few other topics from previous editions. As a result, applicants can practice these topics by using past years' papers. Sample papers can be used for the remaining topics.

    What is evaluated by the environment and society section of the UCEED 2025 syllabus?

    The environment and society component of the UCEED 2025 syllabus assesses candidates' understanding of environmental and social concerns, as well as their ability to apply this understanding to create solutions. Climate change, population growth, natural resources, and cultural heritage are all included. The following are some specific themes that may be addressed in the UCEED syllabus 2025 environment and society section: climate change and its consequences, population expansion and its issues, natural resource management, cultural heritage protection, etc. 

    Are questions asked on General Knowledge in UCEED?

    Yes, the UCEED syllabus includes general knowledge questions. Part A of the exam often includes questions about visualisation and spatial ability, practical and scientific knowledge, observation and design sensitivity, environmental and social awareness, and language and creativity. The UCEED general knowledge questions are usually not tough, however, they might be hard if you are unfamiliar with the topics. 

    Can I complete the syllabus of UCEED in six months?

    Yes, you can easily complete the syllabus of UCEED in six months and with the correct preparation strategy, you can obtain a great score in the exam as well.

    How much time is required to complete the syllabus of UCEED?

    The time required for the completion of UCEED syllabus varies from candidate to candidate. Usually, the whole syllabus can be covered in six to eight months.

    Is the syllabus of UCEED too vast?

    The UCEED syllabus for the 2025 exam is not too vast, but it is certainly comprehensive. The test covers a wide range of themes, including visualisation and spatial skills, as well as environmental and social awareness. This implies that to succeed, applicants must have a solid foundation in a range of topics. The syllabus, however, is not tough to learn. Candidates can study the information and develop the skills required to perform well on the test with rigorous preparation. The idea is to begin early and concentrate on the most important topics.

    Which topics of grammar and language are asked in UCEED?

    The topics of English Language and Grammar asked in UCEED are articles, verb patterns tenses, active and passive voice, vocabulary, comprehension, and basic English grammar.

    What are the sections of UCEED Part B?

    Drawing and Design Aptitude are the sections of UCEED Part B. The Drawing section assesses the candidate's ability to draw proportional products, people, or situations with acceptable line quality, composition, proportion, perspective, and shading. The Design Aptitude portion assesses the ability of the candidate to think creatively and solve design challenges. Both sections of UCEED Part B are required, and the candidate's performance in both sections will be taken into account when determining ultimate admission to the B.Des programme.

    Which sections are asked in the Part A of UCEED?

    Part A of UCEED comprises the following sections: Visualization and Spatial Ability, Environmental and Social Awareness, Language and Creativity, Analytical and Logical Reasoning, Design Thinking and Problem Solving, and Observation and Design Sensitivity.

    Is the UCEED syllabus different for Part A and Part B?

    Yes, the UCEED syllabus differs for Parts A and B. Part A of the UCEED exam assesses the candidate's visual and spatial abilities, practical and scientific knowledge, observation and design sensitivity, environmental and social awareness, and language and creativity. Part B of the UCEED exam assesses the candidate's drawing and design aptitude.

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