
Assam University Cutoff 2025 - Assam University JEE Main Cutoff Released

LocationSilchar (Assam)
Updated on - Feb 20, 2025 10:31 AM IST

Assam University JEE Main Cutoff 2025

Assam University BTech cutoff 2024 for round five is now out. The round 5 cutoff was released by JoSAA on July 17, 2024. Assam University cutoff for general category for the HS quota is 71669 OR and 251170 CR. Similarly, for the AI quota, 43020 OR and 73632 CR. 

Assam University Cutoff 2024 - Round 5

RoundCutoff Link
Round 5 (last round)Click Here

Assam University cutoff 2024 for round 4 has been released on July 10, 2024. JoSAA released the cutoffs in the form of opening and closing ranks for all the engineering courses. Assam University cut off for all India quota is 36208 OR and 72331 CR for the general category candidates. For the same category, the HS quota cutoff in round 4 is 55594 OR and 233102 CR. Assam University cutoff CSE in 2024 round four is 96305 rank for the general category.

Assam University Cutoff 2024 - Round 4

RoundCutoff Link
Round 4Click Here

Assam University cutoff 2024 based on JEE Main has been released by JoSAA for round three BTech admission. According to the official data, Assam University cut off for general category is 45982-72056 (AI quota) and 96305-192442 (HS quota). The university offers admission in three BTech courses. For open category, Assam University CSE cutoff is 96305 for home state quota and 45982 for all India quota. 

Assam University Cutoff 2024 for Round 3

  • Assam University cutoff OBC is 54011-96381 (for HS quota) and 18357-26399 (for AI quota).
  • Assam University cutoff for SC category is 16105-24027 (for HS quota) and 10342-11897 (for AI quota).

Assam University CSE Cutoff 2024

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIGenFemale-only (including Supernumerary)4599245992
HSGenFemale-only (including Supernumerary)5559455594

Assam University Agriculture Engineering Cutoff 2024

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIGenFemale-only (including Supernumerary)6673166731
HSGenFemale-only (including Supernumerary)134705134705

Assam University ECE Cutoff 2024

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIGenFemale-only (including Supernumerary)5676056760
HSGenFemale-only (including Supernumerary)9975799757

Assam University cutoff JEE Main 2024 has been released for round 2 by JoSAA on June 28.  According to the official data, the Assam University cut off general category is 36208 OR and 71098 CR for all India quota and for home state quota, the cutoff is 71669 OR and 154746 CR. Assam University cutoff CSE is 95362 rank for HS quota and 44421 rank for all India quota for the general category.

Assam University Cutoff 2024 for Round 2

  • Assam University cutoff OBC is 40817-78322 (for HS quota) and 15286-25124 (for AI quota).
  • Assam University cutoff for SC category is 11271-21956 (for HS quota) and 8748-11897 (for AI quota).

Assam University CSE Cutoff 2024

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIGeneralFemale-only (including Supernumerary)4599245992
HSGeneralFemale-only (including Supernumerary)5559455594

Assam University Agriculture Engineering Cutoff 2024

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIGeneralFemale-only (including Supernumerary)6673166731
HSGeneralFemale-only (including Supernumerary)134705134705

Assam University ECE Cutoff 2024

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIGeneralFemale-only (including Supernumerary)5325053250
HSGeneralFemale-only (including Supernumerary)9975799757

Assam University JEE Main Cutoff 2024 - Category-wise

CategoryRound 2 Cutoff Link
GenClick Here
OBCClick Here
SCClick Here
STClick Here
EWSClick Here

Assam University Cutoff 2024 is released by JoSAA on June 20, 2024. JoSAA released the first round of cutoff and there will be four more rounds in 2024. Assam University cutoff JEE Main is released in the form of opening and closing ranks. The cutoff rank changes every year depending on exam difficulty, the number of students, and the intake capacity. Assam University Cutoff CSE in 2024 is 41353 rank for the open all India gender neutral category. Similarly, Assam University cutoff BTech is 123895 rank for the HS quota gender neutral category for Agricultural Engineering in 2024,

Assam University Cut Off JEE Main 2024 - Open Category

Academic Program NameQuotaGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Agricultural Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIGender-Neutral5293764102
Agricultural Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIFemale-only (including Supernumerary)6667466674
Agricultural Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)HSGender-Neutral95999123895
Agricultural Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)HSFemale-only (including Supernumerary)9139691396
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIGender-Neutral1765041353
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIFemale-only (including Supernumerary)4225242252
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)HSGender-Neutral6600880400
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)HSFemale-only (including Supernumerary)5559455594
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIGender-Neutral3889749856
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIFemale-only (including Supernumerary)5026150261
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)HSGender-Neutral8157795469
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)HSFemale-only (including Supernumerary)8952789527

Assam University Cutoff CSE 2024

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)4225242252
AIOPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral19331933
AIOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1631816318
HSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)5559455594
HSOPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral35053505
HSOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)6019460194
HSSCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1672316723

Assam University Cutoff 2024 for Agricultural Engineering

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)6667466674
AIOPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral31183118
AIOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)2313623136
HSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)9139691396
HSOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)8794587945
HSSCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1743017430

Assam University Cut Off 2024 for ECE

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)5026150261
AIOPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral25492549
AIOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1860318603
HSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)8952789527
HSOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)6656466564
HSSCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1397613976
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Assam University JEE Main Cutoff 2025 (Expected)

Assam University cutoff for CSE is expected to remain between 48929-48939 for Gender-Neutral students from the Open (AI) category, while it may be 87924-87934 for Gender-Neutral Open (HS) category in 2024. Female candidates from the Open category may expect the Assam University cutoff 2024 for CSE to be within 47655-47665 (AI) and 76420-76430 (HS).

On the other hand, Assam University cut off is expected to be 58629-58639 (Gender-Neutral) for Open (AI) and 102401-102411 (Gender-Neutral) for Open (HS). It may stay between 19932-19942 (Gender-Neutral) for OBC-NCL (AI) candidates. The closing ranks for Agricultural Engineering may stand at 76770-76780 (Gender-Neutral) and 187893-187883 (Gender-Neutral) for Open (AI) and Open (HS), respectively, at Assam University in 2024. 

Assam University CSE Cutoff 2024 - Expected

Course NameQuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Computer Science and EngineeringAIOPENGender-Neutral37130-3714048929-48939
Computer Science and EngineeringAIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)47655-4766547655-47665
Computer Science and EngineeringAIOPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral1980-19901980-1990
Computer Science and EngineeringAIEWSGender-Neutral7916-79268284-8294
Computer Science and EngineeringAIOBC-NCLGender-Neutral16380-1639118070-18080
Computer Science and EngineeringAIOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)15597-1560715587-15597
Computer Science and EngineeringAISCGender-Neutral6887-689710072-10082
Computer Science and EngineeringAISTGender-Neutral3033-30444308-4320
Computer Science and EngineeringHSOPENGender-Neutral72478-7248887924-87934
Computer Science and EngineeringHSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)76430-7644476420-76430
Computer Science and EngineeringHSEWSGender-Neutral19983-1669319603-16913
Computer Science and EngineeringHSOBC-NCLGender-Neutral31349-3135948027-48037
Computer Science and EngineeringHSOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)59949-5993959939-59949
Computer Science and EngineeringHSSCGender-Neutral11535-1152513063-13073
Computer Science and EngineeringHSSCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)18746-1875618736-18746
Computer Science and EngineeringHSSTGender-Neutral5923-59336172-6182

Assam University ECE Cut off 2024 (Expected)

Course NameQuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Electronics and Communication EngineeringAIOPENGender-Neutral54479-5448958629-58639
Electronics and Communication EngineeringAIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)51849-5185951859-51870
Electronics and Communication EngineeringAIEWSGender-Neutral9641-965210041-10051
Electronics and Communication EngineeringAIOBC-NCLGender-Neutral18818-1882819932-19942
Electronics and Communication EngineeringAIOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)19514-1952419514-19524
Electronics and Communication EngineeringAISCGender-Neutral10453-1046310883-10893
Electronics and Communication EngineeringAISTGender-Neutral4520-45304636-4646
Electronics and Communication EngineeringHSOPENGender-Neutral90065-90075102401-102411
Electronics and Communication EngineeringHSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)94373-9345394383-94373
Electronics and Communication EngineeringHSEWSGender-Neutral22680-2269024388-24398
Electronics and Communication EngineeringHSOBC-NCLGender-Neutral41134-4114458446-58456
Electronics and Communication EngineeringHSOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)61742-6175261732-61742
Electronics and Communication EngineeringHSSCGender-Neutral12603-1261316449-16459
Electronics and Communication EngineeringHSSCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)23543-235-5323533-23543
Electronics and Communication EngineeringHSSTGender-Neutral5752-57626330-6340

Assam University Agricultural Engineering Cutoff 2024 - Expected

Course NameQuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Agricultural EngineeringAIOPENGender-Neutral53772-5378276770-76780
Agricultural EngineeringAIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)66352-6636266342-66352
Agricultural EngineeringAIEWSGender-Neutral12923-1293313621-13631
Agricultural EngineeringAIOBC-NCLGender-Neutral23304-2331425384-25394
Agricultural EngineeringAIOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)24870-2488024870-24880
Agricultural EngineeringAISCGender-Neutral10988-1099811364-11374
Agricultural EngineeringAISTGender-Neutral4435-44456481-6491
Agricultural EngineeringHSOPENGender-Neutral93123-93133187893-187883
Agricultural EngineeringHSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)155851-155861155861-155871
Agricultural EngineeringHSEWSGender-Neutral31241-312313549035500
Agricultural EngineeringHSOBC-NCLGender-Neutral78654-7896490984-90994
Agricultural EngineeringHSOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)94861-9487194871-94881
Agricultural EngineeringHSSCGender-Neutral22783-2279325912-25922
Agricultural EngineeringHSSCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)24353-2436324353-24363
Agricultural EngineeringHSSTGender-Neutral7789-77998453-8464
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Assam University Cutoff Trends

As per Assam University JEE Main cutoff trends, the closing ranks for CSE went up in 2022 by 1645 ranks compared to 2021 (49422 rank) for the Gender-Neutral Open (AI) category and stood at 47777. However, it went down in 2023 by 1152 ranks, ending up at 48929. On the other hand, Assam University cutoff for ECE increased by 1.5% in 2023 compared to 2022 for the Gender-Neutral students from the Open (AI) category. It was 59602 in 2022 and became 58639 in 2023.     

Assam University JEE Main Cutoff Trends

Course NameQuotaSeat TypeGender202120222023
Computer Science and EngineeringAIOPENGender-Neutral494224777748929
Computer Science and EngineeringAIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)475994331347665
Computer Science and EngineeringHSOPENGender-Neutral1137388627487934
Computer Science and EngineeringHSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)855108042976430
Electronics and Communication EngineeringAIOPENGender-Neutral569445960258639
Electronics and Communication EngineeringAIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)584885567251859
Electronics and Communication EngineeringHSOPENGender-Neutral173767119711102401
Electronics and Communication EngineeringHSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)12831013738794373
Agricultural EngineeringAIOPENGender-Neutral787448471376770
Agricultural EngineeringAIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)717657725866352
Agricultural EngineeringHSOPENGender-Neutral274792186477187883
Agricultural EngineeringHSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)191592159529155861

Assam University Cutoff Analysis (JEE Main 2021-2023) - Open-Gender Neutral (AI Quota)

Assam University Cutoff Trends

Assam University JEE Main Cut off Trend Highlights

Assam University cutoff trends is an excellent indicator for aspiring admission seekers to gauge the admission scenario at the university. Here are a few key points that can be fetched from closely studying the Assam University JEE Main cut off trends:

  • The closing ranks for Agricultural Engineering went down significantly by 7941 ranks in 2023 compared to 2022 for Gender-Neutral Open (AI). It was 84713 in 2022 and ended up at 76770 in 2023 during the last round of JoSAA counselling.
  • Assam University cutoff rank for CSE increased by 5% in 2023 for female candidates from the Open (HS) category. It went to 76430 in 2023 from 80429 in 2023.
  • ECE cutoffs for Gender-Neutral aspirants from the Open (HS) category increased gradually from 2021 to 2023. It was 173767 in 2021, became 119711 in 2022, and closed at 102401 in 2023.
  • Female Agricultural Engineering students from the Open (HS) category also witnessed the gradual rise of the closing ranks from 191592 in 2021 to 159529 in 2022 to 155861 in 2023.
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Assam University Cut off 2023

Assam University Cut off 2023: The Assam University B.Tech cut off 2023 list round 5 has been released by the JoSAA 2023 authorities. JoSAA counselling 2023 is the centralised counselling process for Assam University B.Tech admissions 2023. There will be a total of six rounds of counselling and each seat allotment round will be followed by a round-specific Assam University cut off 2023 for B.Tech. JoSAA releases the cut off in the forms of opening and closing ranks for Assam University.

Find out more about Assam University cut off 2023 for B.Tech in the tables below.

Assam University Cut off 2023 B.Tech - Round-wise

Round 3 Click here
Round 4Click here
Round 5Click here
Round 6Click here

Assam University Cutoff 2023 for B.Tech - Round 2

Students can view the course-specific Assam University cut off 2023 B.Tech round 2 in the table below.

Assam University CSE Cut off 2023 - Round 2

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Female-only (including Supernumerary)4610646106
Female-only (including Supernumerary)1559715597
Female-only (including Supernumerary)7643076430
Female-only (including Supernumerary)5577255772
Female-only (including Supernumerary)1874618746

Assam University Cut off 2023 for ECE - Round 2

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Female-only (including Supernumerary)5173551735
Female-only (including Supernumerary)1932519325
Female-only (including Supernumerary)8739887398
Female-only (including Supernumerary)6174261742
Female-only (including Supernumerary)1786917869

Assam University B.Tech Cut off 2023 for Agricultural Engineering - Round 2

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Female-only (including Supernumerary)6412664126
Female-only (including Supernumerary)2411724117
Female-only (including Supernumerary)9757897578
Female-only (including Supernumerary)6609566095
Female-only (including Supernumerary)2147521475

Assam University Cut off for B.Tech 2023 - Round 1

Learn about the Assam University B.Tech cut off 2023 round 1 in the tables below.

Assam University CSE Cut off 2023 - Round 1

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Female-only (including Supernumerary)3451334513
Female-only (including Supernumerary)1559715597
Female-only (including Supernumerary)6080760807
Female-only (including Supernumerary)4695846958
Female-only (including Supernumerary)1428914289

Assam University Cut off 2023 for ECE - Round 1

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Female-only (including Supernumerary)4704547045
Female-only (including Supernumerary)1804718047
Female-only (including Supernumerary)7643076430
Female-only (including Supernumerary)4910549105
Female-only (including Supernumerary)1713017130

Assam University B.Tech Cut off 2023 for Agricultural Engineering - Round 1  

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Female-only (including Supernumerary)5745657456
Female-only (including Supernumerary)1913219132
Female-only (including Supernumerary)8739887398
Female-only (including Supernumerary)5108551085
Female-only (including Supernumerary)1416914169
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Assam University Cut off 2022 for B.Tech

Assam University Cut off 2022 for JEE Main has been released by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) in six rounds. Admission to the Assam University B.Tech programme is based on qualifying for the Assam University JoSAA cut off for Joint Entrance Test (JEE) Main conducted at the national level by the National Testing Authority (NTA). JoSAA is the counselling body for JEE Main examination and it releases the cutoff in form of opening and closing ranks for courses offered by the institute. Aspiring students can check the Assam University B.Tech Cut-off 2022 for JoSAA divided into the quota, seat type, gender and closing rank for each round in the tables below. 

Assam University Cutoff 2022 for B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering - JoSAA Round 6 

QuotaSeat TypeGenderClosing Rank
AIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)77258
AIOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)25407
AISCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)12540
HSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)159529
HSEWSFemale-only (including Supernumerary)27646
HSOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)91270
HSSCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)28769

Assam University JoSAA Cutoff 2022 for Round 6 - B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering 

QuotaSeat TypeGenderClosing Rank
AIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)43313
AIOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)15122
AISCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)9588
HSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)80429
HSEWSFemale-only (including Supernumerary)22175
HSOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)49835
HSSCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)18185

Assam University JEE Main Cutoff 2022 for Round 6 - B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering 

QuotaSeat TypeGenderClosing Rank
AIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)55672
AIOPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral1629
AIOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)18813
AISCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)10897
HSOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)137387
HSEWSFemale-only (including Supernumerary)22476
HSOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)53440
HSSCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)22257

 You can also check cutoff 2022 of Assam University for the previous rounds of JoSAA in the table below. 

Assam University JoSAA cutoff 2022 for Rounds 1 to 5

Assam University JoSAA cutoff 2022 for Round 5 Click Here
Assam University cutoff 2022 for JoSAA Round 4 Click Here
Assam University cut-off 2022 for JEE Round 3Click Here
Assam University JEE Main cutoff 2022 for Round 2Click Here
Assam University B.Tech cut off 2022 for JoSAA Round 1 Click Here

Unlock your future with JEE Main College Predictor & Rank Predictor:  

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Assam University Cutoff 2023 For NEET UG

NTA NEET UG results 2023 were released on June 13, 2023. NTA also released the NEET UG 2023 qualifying marks, which will be the Assam University cutoff 2023 for NEET UG. That is because Assam University is a NEET UG participating college, and students who qualify for the exam become eligible for admission to UG medical courses offered by Assam University. Aspiring candidates can check the Assam University NEET UG cutoff 2023 in the table below. 

Assam University Cutoff 2023 For NEET UG

CategoryNEET 2023 Cutoff PercentileNEET 2023 Cutoff Marks
General/UR50th Percentile720 to 137 Marks
EWS50th Percentile720 to 137 Marks
OBC40th Percentile136 to 107 Marks
SC40th Percentile136 to 107 Marks
ST40th Percentile136 to 107 Marks
General/UR-PwD45th Percentile136 to 121 Marks
ST-PwD40th Percentile120 to 108 Marks
SC-PwD40th Percentile120 to 107 Marks
OBC-PWD40th Percentile120 to 107 Marks
EWS-PwD45th Percentile136 to 121 Marks

NEET UG Data Comparison Table

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Assam University Cut off 2023 for GATE

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur released the GATE 2023 cutoff on March 16, 2023. Assam University accepts the GATE cutoff for admission to M.Tech programmes. Aspiring students are required to qualify for the Assam University cutoff 2023 for GATE to be eligible to apply.  

Students can check the Assam University GATE cutoff for 2023 in the table below. 

Assam University GATE Cut off 2023 (Paper-Wise Qualifying Cutoff)

Programmes offered GATE 2023 Qualifying Marks
Computer Science and Information Technology32.529.221.6
Electronics and Communication Engineering2926.119.734
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Assam University Cutoff 2022 for MBA

Assam University MBA cutoff 2022 has been released by the university. The cutoff plays the most vital role in selection for the admission to the MBA programme. Assam University cutoff for MBA is declared for the exams accepted for admission which are CAT, XAT, CMAT and CUCET. Those who have taken these exams can take the Written Skill Assessment Test (WSAT) conducted by the university and clear the Assam University WSAT cutoff to be eligible for the next round of admission. Aspiring students can check below the cutoff for both exams accepted and conducted by the university. 

Assam University Cut off 2022 for MBA

ParticularsCutoff Score
CAT/XAT/CMAT/CUCET60 percentile or 60% of the maximum marks. 
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Assam University CutOffs Latest Update

February 20, 2025

Spot Admission in the Department of English - Notification regarding Spot Admission in the Department of English.

February 20, 2025

Suspension of Classes for 22nd Convocation - Notification regarding suspension of classes and University remaining closed in view of the 22nd Convocation-2025.

February 17, 2025

Academic Calendar for 2025-26 - Notification regarding Academic Calendar for PG/UG/Integrated Courses, 2025-26.

February 17, 2025

Spot Admission for M.Tech Courses - Notification regarding Spot Admission (Open) to M.Tech. courses.

February 17, 2025

B.Ed Admission Notification - Notification regarding B.Ed. Admission, 2024.

February 17, 2025

MBA Admission Notification - Notification regarding MBA Admission, 2025.

February 17, 2025

COM-554 Financial Literacy Course Notification - Notification regarding COM-554 Financial Literacy (Skill Enhancement Course) offered by the Department of Commerce for other departments of Assam University.

February 17, 2025

Rescheduled B.Voc. Examination Dates - Notification regarding rescheduling of date of examination of courses of B.Voc. 3rd Semester examination, 2025.

  • exam
  • degree
  • course
  • round
  • year

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, Cutoff, Round 2, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)4599245992
PwD (PwD)29962996
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)77287301
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1812915286
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1631816318
SC (SC)100628748
ST AI3587948
Gen. HS9536271669
General (HS - Female-Only)5559455594
PWD ( GEN ) HS35053505
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1885315864
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)5313340817
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)6019460194
SC HS1490911271
SC (HS - Female-Only)1672316723
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)45004280

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, Cutoff, Round 3, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)4599245992
PwD (PwD)32133213
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)78107728
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1835717774
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1631816318
SC (SC)103428748
ST AI3587948
Gen. HS9630571669
General (HS - Female-Only)5559455594
PWD ( GEN ) HS35053505
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2001418040
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)5401140817
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)6858968589
SC HS1610511271
SC (HS - Female-Only)1672316723
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)45004280

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, Cutoff, Round 4, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)4599245992
PwD (PwD)32133213
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)84517728
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1896617774
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1631816318
SC (SC)103428748
ST AI3587948
Gen. HS9630571669
General (HS - Female-Only)5559455594
PWD ( GEN ) HS35053505
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2001418040
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)5401140817
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)6858968589
SC HS1610511271
SC (HS - Female-Only)1672316723
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)45004280

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, Cutoff, Round 5, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)4599245992
PwD (PwD)32133213
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)86678558
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1916117774
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1631816318
SC (SC)104228748
ST AI3587948
Gen. HS9743171669
General (HS - Female-Only)8952789527
PWD ( GEN ) HS35053505
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2022218955
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)5401140817
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)6858968589
SC HS1610511271
SC (HS - Female-Only)1672316723
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)45004280

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Cutoff, Round 2, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)5325053250
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)94018962
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1927716743
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1882518825
SC (SC)1034210231
ST AI42603662
Gen. HS11438195469
General (HS - Female-Only)9975799757
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2049820014
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)5852852078
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)7747177471
SC HS1692714218
SC (HS - Female-Only)1743017430
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)64585944

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Cutoff, Round 3, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)5676056760
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)94958962
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2048916743
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2224322243
SC (SC)1090010231
ST AI42603662
Gen. HS11714595469
General (HS - Female-Only)9975799757
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2171720222
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)6381555437
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)7866478664
SC HS1745316616
SC (HS - Female-Only)1743017430
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)66595944

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Cutoff, Round 4, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)5676056760
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)95468962
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2055916743
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2307623076
SC (SC)1090010231
ST AI42603662
Gen. HS12382295469
General (HS - Female-Only)114979114979
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2454321973
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)6847355437
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)7975779757
SC HS1977216927
SC (HS - Female-Only)1743017430
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)66655944

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Cutoff, Round 5, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)5676056760
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)98499699
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2086319277
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2307623076
SC (SC)1090010231
ST AI42603662
Gen. HS13470195469
General (HS - Female-Only)114979114979
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2728426117
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)7270155437
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)7975779757
SC HS1977216927
SC (HS - Female-Only)1743017430
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)66655944

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, Cutoff, Round 2, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
Gen. HS154746129172
General (AI - Female-Only)6673166731
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)1225212043
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2512422144
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2408924089
SC (SC)1189710159
ST AI55295504
General (HS - Female-Only)134705134705
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2907325673
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)7832266833
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)9067390673
SC HS2195620184
SC (HS - Female-Only)1806918069
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)67216498

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, Cutoff, Round 3, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)6673166731
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)1317512126
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2639922144
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2512425124
SC (SC)1189710159
ST AI55295504
Gen. HS192442129172
General (HS - Female-Only)134705134705
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)3864534724
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)9638166833
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)9717297172
SC HS2402721045
SC (HS - Female-Only)2018420184
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)70366665

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, Cutoff, Round 4, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)6673166731
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)1373012126
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2740523145
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2512425124
SC (SC)1189710159
ST AI55295504
Gen. HS233102129172
General (HS - Female-Only)134705134705
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)4038437659
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)10963088617
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)9717297172
SC HS2571021045
SC (HS - Female-Only)2018420184
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)75096721

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, Cutoff, Round 5, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)7363273632
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)1406212126
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2770623145
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2809328093
SC (SC)1259810347
ST AI56565529
Gen. HS251170129172
General (HS - Female-Only)134705134705
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)4233541077
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)12682088617
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only)9717297172
SC HS2640021045
SC (HS - Female-Only)2018420184
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)75096721

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, Cutoff, Round 1, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)1569036694
General (AI - Female-Only)3588939620
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)8581641
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)55505959
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1136313498
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1420114201
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)65527568
SC (AI - Female-Only)79287928
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)24583182
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)5982172303
General (HS - Female-Only)7532178298
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1110613080
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))1720617206
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)3230437507
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)4106541065
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)799011842
SC (HS - Female-Only)1818518185
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)36213876

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, Cutoff, Round 2, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)1569042231
General (AI - Female-Only)3588939620
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)18231823
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)62056787
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1272915087
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1512215122
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)65528033
SC (AI - Female-Only)82888288
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)36063765
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)6744779427
General (HS - Female-Only)7829880429
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1163113859
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2167321673
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)3633342687
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)4736547365
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1039212955
SC (HS - Female-Only)1818518185
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)41404182

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, Cutoff, Round 3, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)1569043313
General (AI - Female-Only)3962040667
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)67577057
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1272915701
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1512215122
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)75688750
SC (AI - Female-Only)86638663
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)36063924
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)6744781746
General (HS - Female-Only)7829880429
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1308015116
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2217522175
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)3750748461
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)4983549835
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1039213278
SC (HS - Female-Only)1818518185
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)41404382

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, Cutoff, Round 4, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)1569044284
General (AI - Female-Only)3962043313
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)67577057
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1272915958
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1512215122
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)75688816
SC (AI - Female-Only)90859085
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)36063924
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)6744785043
General (HS - Female-Only)7829880429
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1308015116
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2217522175
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)3750748461
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)4983549835
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1039213278
SC (HS - Female-Only)1818518185
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)41404547

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, Cutoff, Round 5, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)1569044284
General (AI - Female-Only)3962043313
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)67577057
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1272916179
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1512215122
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)75688816
SC (AI - Female-Only)90859085
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)36063924
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)6744785043
General (HS - Female-Only)7829880429
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1308015116
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2217522175
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)3750748461
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)4983549835
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1039213278
SC (HS - Female-Only)1818518185
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)41404547

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, Cutoff, Round 6, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)1569044284
General (AI - Female-Only)3962043313
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)67577057
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1272916179
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1512215122
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)75688816
SC (AI - Female-Only)90859085
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)36063924
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)6744785043
General (HS - Female-Only)7829880429
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1308015116
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2217522175
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)3750748461
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)4983549835
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1039213278
SC (HS - Female-Only)1818518185
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)41404547

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Cutoff, Round 1, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)4184146853
General (AI - Female-Only)4182647777
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)16291629
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)72537657
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1422215384
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1722717227
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)75728443
SC (AI - Female-Only)97369736
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)35303785
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)6857892732
General (HS - Female-Only)8042981825
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1459615120
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))1815718157
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)3420942365
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)4131541315
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1058313278
SC (HS - Female-Only)1908719087
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)39154182

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Cutoff, Round 2, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)4838152602
General (AI - Female-Only)4777754759
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)16291629
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)77048241
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1514016395
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1866918669
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)82589539
SC (AI - Female-Only)98439843
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)35303785
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)8570197368
General (HS - Female-Only)8078781825
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1479515700
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2217522175
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)4355046997
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)4983549835
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1119214627
SC (HS - Female-Only)2225722257
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)44184621

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Cutoff, Round 3, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)4838154477
General (AI - Female-Only)5557455672
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)16291629
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)81128282
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1585817113
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1881318813
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)92079766
SC (AI - Female-Only)1085510855
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)35304092
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)85701103382
General (HS - Female-Only)8182597810
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1570016907
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2242522425
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)4699753501
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)5344053440
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1407515587
SC (HS - Female-Only)2225722257
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)44184621

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Cutoff, Round 4, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)4838155284
General (AI - Female-Only)5557455672
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)16291629
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)82668839
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1620517326
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1881318813
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)93289881
SC (AI - Female-Only)1085510855
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)35304255
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)85701104380
General (HS - Female-Only)108096122054
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1570016907
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2247622476
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)4699757561
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)5344053440
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1407515587
SC (HS - Female-Only)2225722257
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)44184621

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Cutoff, Round 5, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)4838155284
General (AI - Female-Only)5557455672
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)16291629
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)84778870
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1664917575
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1881318813
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)93289931
SC (AI - Female-Only)1085510855
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)35304255
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)85701105334
General (HS - Female-Only)108096124133
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1570016907
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2247622476
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)4699758461
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)5344053440
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1407515587
SC (HS - Female-Only)2225722257
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)44184621

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Cutoff, Round 6, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)4838155284
General (AI - Female-Only)5557455672
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)16291629
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)84778870
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1664917575
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1881318813
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)93289931
SC (AI - Female-Only)1085510855
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)35304255
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)85701105334
General (HS - Female-Only)108096124133
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1570016907
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2247622476
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)4699758461
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)5344053440
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1407515587
SC (HS - Female-Only)2225722257
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)44184621

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, Cutoff, Round 1, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)4703358716
General (AI - Female-Only)6206662283
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)86019084
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1710619461
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1881318813
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)56659865
SC (AI - Female-Only)1113311133
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)32273377
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)96824119426
General (HS - Female-Only)115603122545
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)1690721146
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2131021310
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)4445851921
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)4474044740
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1359614627
SC (HS - Female-Only)2162921629
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)39574418

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, Cutoff, Round 2, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)5645367560
General (AI - Female-Only)6606067378
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)1001510045
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2035221450
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2200222002
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)566511146
SC (AI - Female-Only)1113311133
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)32273957
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)105334147179
General (HS - Female-Only)142690151517
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2092627646
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2200022000
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)4805060560
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)6175461754
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1428718928
SC (HS - Female-Only)2520525205
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)48256241

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, Cutoff, Round 3, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)5645372612
General (AI - Female-Only)6861268680
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)1080511499
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2118022999
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2344523445
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)566511474
SC (AI - Female-Only)1113311133
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)32273957
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)105334156986
General (HS - Female-Only)151517159529
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2764627897
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2247622476
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)5802173208
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)6306963069
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1428719026
SC (HS - Female-Only)2780927809
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)48256543

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, Cutoff, Round 4, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)5645373676
General (AI - Female-Only)6861268680
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)1158012244
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2262524248
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2460124601
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)566511552
SC (AI - Female-Only)1113311133
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)32273957
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)105334157469
General (HS - Female-Only)151517159529
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2766331666
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2764627646
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)5802180342
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)8888788887
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1428719422
SC (HS - Female-Only)2793427934
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)48256926

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, Cutoff, Round 5, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)5645376804
General (AI - Female-Only)6861268680
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)1158012621
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2299925723
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2460124601
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)566511552
SC (AI - Female-Only)1254012540
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)32273957
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)114821160955
General (HS - Female-Only)151517159529
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2766331666
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2764627646
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)6056084079
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)9127091270
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1428719737
SC (HS - Female-Only)2876928769
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)48256995

Assam University (JEE Main, B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, Cutoff, Round 6, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)5645376804
General (AI - Female-Only)6861268680
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)1158012621
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)2299925723
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)2460124601
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)566511552
SC (AI - Female-Only)1254012540
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)32273957
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)114821160955
General (HS - Female-Only)151517159529
EWS (HS - Gender-Neutral)2766331666
EWS (HS - Female-only (including Supernumerary))2764627646
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)6056084079
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)9127091270
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1428719737
SC (HS - Female-Only)2876928769
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)48256995

Assam University (JEE Advanced, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, Cutoff, Round 1, 2018)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)3196831487
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)2656319003
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)411411
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1136111361
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)97278309
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)56452480
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)16681668
General (HS - Female-Only)6286062860
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)7084745148
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)3201232012
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)3826028129
SC (HS - Female-Only)1243012430
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)105587849
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)40693116

Assam University (JEE Advanced, B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Cutoff, Round 1, 2018)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)3323733070
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)3248828746
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)15321532
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1176411764
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)108108972
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)64014176
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)33933393
General (HS - Female-Only)8407067542
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)8363759726
General PwD (HS - Gender-Neutral)21632163
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)4246542465
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)3976628474
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1306111609
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)46134599

Assam University (JEE Advanced, B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, Cutoff, Round 1, 2018)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)3267427789
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)4046838360
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)12641264
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1599615996
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1115110207
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)71226271
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)30873087
General (HS - Female-Only)9693596935
General (HS - Gender-Neutral)10265975660
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only)4614246142
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral)4758740129
SC (HS - Female-Only)1035910359
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral)1273211622
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral)52914408

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-Robison -Updated on July-07-20231 Answers

Sakshi Srivastava, Student / Alumni

-Answered on July-07-2023

Dear student, 

You can fill out the Common Application Form on our website or reach us at - 1800-572-9877 for detailed assistance on admission at Assam University.


Abhishek Rathour, Student / Alumni

-Answered on June-26-2023

Dear Mallappa,

In order to take admission under the PhD programme offered by Assam University, you must have a valid PG degree with at minimum 55% marks. And if you belong to one of the reserved categories, then you should have minimum 50% marks. The selection process for PhD programme is on the basis of Research Entrance Test (RET) conducted by the university. This entrance test comprises of a written round and an interview. Post this, Assam University prepares a merit list as per the performance of the students in RET. if you talk about the weightage given, then 70% goes to the written test and remaining 30% in the interview.


Sakunth Kumar, Content Team

-Answered on July-02-2020

Dear Student,

As of now, Assam University has started admission process only for MBA, M.Phil and Ph.D courses. The notification for M.Sc admissions has not yet been released. The admission process is expected to start in July or August. We suggest you to keep checking CollegeDekho or the official website of Assam University for the updates on M.Sc admissions

You can also fill the Common Application Form on our website for admission-related assistance. You can also reach us through our IVRS Number - 1800-572-9877.

Assam University QnA

Does Assam University releases the cutoff for the M.Tech entrance examination?

No, the concerned department of Assam University conducts the entrance examination for M.Tech admission and releases merit lists of the selected students.

How to check Assam University JoSAA cutoff 2022?

Visit the official website of JoSAA 2022 and click on the ‘OR-CR 2022’ button in the drop-down menu under eServices or directly visit - to check Assam University Silchar cut off for 2022. 

What is the Assam University B.Tech ECE cutoff 2022 for the OBC category?

Assam university cutoff 2022 for B.Tech in ECE was released in form of opening and closing ranks for different quotas, seat types and gender. The All India closing rank for Assam University B.Tech in ECE under the OBC NCL category was ‘8992’ for gender-neutral and ‘18415’ for female-only including supernumerary. 

What is the Assam University MBA cutoff for 2022?

Assam University Silchar cutoff 2022 for MBA admission was 60% percentile or 60% of the maximum marks scored in CAT, XAT, CMAT, CUCET or WSAT. 

Who releases Assam University cutoff for B.Tech admission?

Joint Allocation Authority (JoSAA) is the counselling body for Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main that releases the Assam University cutoff for B.Tech programmes.

What is Assam University cutoff 2022 for B.Tech in CSE for the general category?

Assam University B.Tech cutoff 2022 is released in the form of opening and closing ranks for different quotas, seat types, and gender.  The All India closing rank for open seat type for Assam University B.Tech in CSE programme was ‘ 47777’  as released by JoSAA in round 6 seat allocation.

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