NIT Mizoram cutoff JEE Main for round 5 has been released by JoSAA on July 17, 2024. According to the round 5 data, NIT Mizoram cutoff for general category is 373312 (OR) and 574304 (CR). Apart from this, NIT Mizoram CSE cutoff for general category is 712487, OBC is 11783, SC is 62026, ST is 18700 and EWS is 5469. Candidates can check below round wise NIT Mizoram cutoff JEE Main 2024 and also download PDF by clicking on the link below:
Round | Cutoff PDF |
round 5 | Click Here |
NIT Mizoram cutoff JEE Main for round 4 has been released by JoSAA on July 10, 2024. Candidates can check the category wise opening and closing rank on According to the round 4 data, NIT Mizoram cutoff for general category is 373312 (OR) and 505374 (CR). Apart from this, NIT Mizoram CSE cutoff for general category is 712487, OBC is 11236, SC is 562026, ST is 18700 and EWS is 5219. Candidates can check below round wise NIT Mizoram cutoff JEE Main 2024 and also download PDF by clicking on the link below:
Round | Cutoff PDF |
Round 4 | Click Here |
NIT Mizoram cut off 2024 based on JEE Mains scores for round 3 is now out. JoSAA released the cutoff on its official website on July 5, 2024. NIT Mizoram cutoff for general category is 28174 OR - 66180 CR under OS quota and 293110 OR - 1187082 CR under HS quota. NIT Mizoram cutoff CSE is 55287 for OS quota and 676694 for HS quota.
Quota | Seat Type | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | GEN | 309946 | 676694 |
OS | GEN | 28174 | 30186 |
Quota | Seat Type | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | GEN | 713287 | 1187082 |
OS | GEN | 43594 | 46125 |
NIT Mizoram cutoff for 2024 for round 2 is out. JoSAA released the cutoff on June 28, 2024. NIT Mizoram cutoff General category is 28174 OR - 53729 CR for OS quota and 293110 OR - 876024 CR for HS quota. NIT Mizoram cutoff CSE is 30186 for OS quota and 548303 for HS quota.
Quota | Seat Type | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | GEN | 309946 | 548303 |
OS | GEN | 28174 | 30186 |
Quota | Seat Type | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | GEN | 313293 | 715483 |
OS | GEN | 46810 | 49167 |
Quota | Seat Type | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | GEN | 293110 | 712487 |
OS | GEN | 32713 | 40015 |
Open | Click Here |
OBC | Click Here |
SC | Click Here |
ST | Click Here |
EWS | Click Here |
NIT Mizoram cutoff for 2024 is now out. The cutoff for round 1 was released by JoSAA in its official website on June 20, 2024. Candidates must note that a total of 5 rounds of counselling will be conducted in 2024. Hence, five NIT Mizoram cut off list will be released. NIT Mizoram cutoff 2024 for general (gender-neutral) category is 281784 for CSE programme under OS quota. In round 1 under HS qouta, NIT Mizoram cut off OBC is 542102 for CSE. The cutoff was 530876 for OBC (gender-nuetral) category for Civil Engineering at NIT Mizoram. Tabulated below is the category-wise NIT Mizoram cut off 2024:
Course Name | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Civil Engineering | Gender-Neutral | 43818 | 50571 |
Civil Engineering | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 56256 | 57744 |
Computer Science and Engineering | Gender-Neutral | 25028 | 28174 |
Computer Science and Engineering | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 35200 | 38757 |
Electrical Engineering | Gender-Neutral | 38031 | 42564 |
Electrical Engineering | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 44720 | 52491 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | Gender-Neutral | 32713 | 36437 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 46291 | 48877 |
Mathematics and Computing | Gender-Neutral | 28401 | 29467 |
Mathematics and Computing | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 39780 | 39780 |
Mechanical Engineering | Gender-Neutral | 33313 | 45177 |
Mechanical Engineering | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 51631 | 51631 |
Course Name | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Civil Engineering | Gender-Neutral | 308944 | 360908 |
Civil Engineering | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 325387 | 373171 |
Computer Science and Engineering | Gender-Neutral | 271262 | 347496 |
Computer Science and Engineering | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 294520 | 370684 |
Electrical Engineering | Gender-Neutral | 490040 | 688073 |
Electrical Engineering | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 372412 | 500521 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | Gender-Neutral | 293110 | 589420 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 772989 | 772989 |
Mathematics and Computing | Gender-Neutral | 596054 | 712487 |
Mathematics and Computing | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 993801 | 993801 |
Mechanical Engineering | Gender-Neutral | 313293 | 475217 |
Mechanical Engineering | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 856058 | 1070084 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 271262 | 347496 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 294520 | 370684 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 242646 | 542102 |
HS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 62026 | 62026 |
HS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 128135 | 128135 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 7068 | 7068 |
HS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 10784 | 10784 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 25028 | 28174 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 35200 | 38757 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4572 | 4572 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6965 | 6965 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 7750 | 9099 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 14893 | 14893 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 3682 | 3816 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5473 | 5473 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1737 | 1737 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 308944 | 360908 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 325387 | 373171 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 530876 | 530876 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 329699 | 329699 |
HS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 89895 | 89895 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 6484 | 6484 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 43818 | 50571 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 56256 | 57744 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 8214 | 8214 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9982 | 9982 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 16089 | 16315 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 21391 | 21391 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7213 | 7222 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9447 | 9447 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2585 | 2585 |
OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4066 | 4066 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 313293 | 475217 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 856058 | 1070084 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 11141 | 11141 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 33313 | 45177 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 51631 | 51631 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 7321 | 7321 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9396 | 9396 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 13159 | 14852 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 21312 | 21312 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 6935 | 6983 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2801 | 2801 |
OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4034 | 4034 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 490040 | 688073 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 372412 | 500521 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 16395 | 16395 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 38031 | 42564 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 44720 | 52491 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 7164 | 7164 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9049 | 9049 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 13344 | 14458 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 20363 | 20363 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 6296 | 6612 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2456 | 2726 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 293110 | 589420 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 772989 | 772989 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 14018 | 14018 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 32713 | 36437 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 46291 | 48877 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5846 | 5846 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7939 | 7939 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 12534 | 12786 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 17726 | 17726 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 5976 | 5980 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6888 | 6888 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2166 | 2166 |
NIT Mizoram cut off for BTech courses is based on JEE Main 2024 scores. The cutoff for the year 2024 will be released by JoSAA in July-August. NIT Mizoram cutoff JEE Mains will be released for multiple rounds of admission. Furthermore, the cutoff will be released separately for home state and other states candidates.
For now, candidates can go through the expected cutoff prepared for 2024 BTech admission after analysing previous years official NIT Mizoram cutoff. The studies show that the cutoff for CSE will range from 444859-444869 for the home state (open, gender neutral) category. The cutoff trends for mechanical engineering indicates that NIT Mizoram cutoff JEE Mains will be 636017-636027 for home state (gender-neutral open category). The course specific expected cutoff of NIT Mizoram is given below for candidates reference.
Academic Program Name | Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering | HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 284473-284483 | 444859-444869 |
Computer Science and Engineering | HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 316348-316358 | 516872-516882 |
Computer Science and Engineering | HS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 44146-44156 | 44146-44156 |
Computer Science and Engineering | HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 13064-13074 | 13064-13074 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 28938-28948 | 31336-31346 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 38283-38293 | 38562-38572 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1073-1083 | 1073-1083 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5121-5131 | 5121-5131 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8009-8019 | 8009-8019 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8983-8993 | 10103-10113 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 16897-16909 | 16897-16909 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 4201-4211 | 4524-4534 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7809-7819 | 7809-7819 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1507-1517 | 1507-1517 |
Academic Program Name | Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical Engineering | HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 661107-661117 | 661107-661117 |
Electrical Engineering | HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 560594-560604 | 560594-560604 |
Electrical Engineering | OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 45091-45101 | 48542-48552 |
Electrical Engineering | OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 54238-54248 | 54615-54625 |
Electrical Engineering | OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 8069-8079 | 8069-8079 |
Electrical Engineering | OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9895-9910 | 9895-9910 |
Electrical Engineering | OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 14658-14668 | 15230-15240 |
Electrical Engineering | OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 19104-19114 | 19104-19114 |
Electrical Engineering | OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7369-7379 | 7618-7628 |
Electrical Engineering | OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 11062-11072 | 11062-11072 |
Electrical Engineering | OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2915-2925 | 2915-2925 |
Electrical Engineering | OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4451-4461 | 4451-4461 |
Academic Program Name | Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 636899-636910 | 809789-809799 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 589620-589630 | 589620-589630 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 39005-39015 | 42287-42297 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 49164-49174 | 49164-49174 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 6720-6730 | 6720-6730 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8713-8723 | 8713-8723 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11741-11751 | 12796-12810 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 18635-18645 | 18635-18645 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 5476-5486 | 5868-5878 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2445-2456 | 2445-2456 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3245-3255 | 3245-3255 |
Academic Program Name | Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Civil Engineering | HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 339831-339841 | 678406-678416 |
Civil Engineering | HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 234729-234739 | 294734-294744 |
Civil Engineering | HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 22492-22510 | 22492-22510 |
Civil Engineering | OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 43318-43328 | 58131-58141 |
Civil Engineering | OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 65925-65935 | 65980-65990 |
Civil Engineering | OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 9619-9629 | 9619-9629 |
Civil Engineering | OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 10922-10932 | 10922-10932 |
Civil Engineering | OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 18152-18162 | 18600-18610 |
Civil Engineering | OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 22607-22617 | 22607-22617 |
Civil Engineering | OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 8378-8388 | 8379-8389 |
Civil Engineering | OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 12718-12728 | 12718-12728 |
Civil Engineering | OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2669-2679 | 2669-2679 |
Academic Program Name | Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering | HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 636017-636027 | 636017-636027 |
Mechanical Engineering | HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 659805-659815 | 1014892-1014910 |
Mechanical Engineering | OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 51403-51413 | 53050-53060 |
Mechanical Engineering | OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 63458-63468 | 64571-64581 |
Mechanical Engineering | OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 9016-9026 | 9016-9026 |
Mechanical Engineering | OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 10758-10768 | 10758-10768 |
Mechanical Engineering | OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 16373-16383 | 17242-17252 |
Mechanical Engineering | OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 21616-21626 | 21616-21626 |
Mechanical Engineering | OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 8207-8217 | 8646-8656 |
Mechanical Engineering | OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 3049-3059 | 3081-3091 |
The 2024 NIT Mizoram cutoff for CSE can be expected to be 351 - 361 for general category candidates. For M.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (Microelectronics and VLSI Design) the cut off is expected to be 333 - 343. NIT Mizoram MTech cutoff for the year 2024 for Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Power Electronics and Drives) is expected to be 357 - 367 and for Mechanical Engineering (Thermal Engineering) it is expected to be 334 - 344.
Course | Category | 2023 |
M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering | General | 351 - 361 |
M.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (Microelectronics and VLSI Design) | General | 333 - 343 |
M.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Power Electronics and Drives) | General | 357 - 367 |
M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering (Thermal Engineering) | General | 334 - 344 |
Note: The expected cutoff 2024 for NIT Mizoram is made out of official cutoff data of the previous years. Hence, it highlights an approximate cutoff range for the specific categories instead of absolute rankings.
NIT Mizoram cutoff JEE Main trends are provided here with course-wise analysis. As per the trends of the last three years, the cutoff ranks for CSE ranged between 383441-652841 for the OPEN (HS Gender-Neutral) category. For Civil Engineering course, NIT Mizoram cutoff dropped by 47756 ranks (552207 rank) in 2022 from 2021 (599963 rank), however, in 2023 it increased by 126199 ranks for the Open HS category. For ECE (Open HS Gen-Neutral), the NIT Mizoram cut off JEE Mains dropped by 40672 ranks from 2021 to 2022. However, in 2023, the cutoff increased by 65849 ranks and closed at 809789 rank. The table below shows the cutoff trends for all engineering degrees provided by NIT Mizoram.
Academic Program Name | Quota | Seat Type | Gender | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Civil Engineering | HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 599963 | 552207 | 678406 |
Civil Engineering | HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 486352 | 326350 | 294734 |
Civil Engineering | OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 58055 | 58024 | 58131 |
Civil Engineering | OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 69090 | 69057 | 65980 |
Computer Science and Engineering | HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 652841 | 383441 | 444859 |
Computer Science and Engineering | HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 459808 | 428833 | 516872 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 31967 | 28829 | 31336 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 43460 | 36757 | 38562 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 784612 | 743940 | 809789 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 550243 | 675339 | 589620 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 43465 | 40554 | 42287 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 50688 | 43962 | 49164 |
Mechanical Engineering | HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 749904 | 847546 | 636017 |
Mechanical Engineering | HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 567860 | 776488 | 1014892 |
Mechanical Engineering | OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 54715 | 51976 | 53050 |
Mechanical Engineering | OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 65239 | 64220 | 64571 |
Course | Category | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering | General | 371 | 381 | 375 |
M.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (Microelectronics and VLSI Design) | General | 353 | 350 | 350 |
M.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Power Electronics and Drives) | General | - | - | 377 |
M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering (Thermal Engineering) | General | - | 368 | 354 |
The below mentioned NIT Mizoram cutoff trends based on JEE Main and GATE provides a better understanding of the institute's admission system. Hence, interested students can check the highlights of NIT Mizoram JEE Main cut-off trends along with GATE cutoff trends for various engineering disciplines to know the significant change in the closing ranks:
What's new about NIT Mizoram cutoff 2023: The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) has released the opening and closing ranks for Round 6 seat allotment. JoSAA will release the NIT Mizoram 2023 cut off for B.Tech in 6-7 rounds depending on the seat availability. Students can check their ranks and secure the allotted seats by reporting online. The NIT Mizoram B.Tech cutoff has been released for different seat types, quotas and gender. Students can check out the JoSAA 2023 Round 1,2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 cutoff ranks for all the courses offered at NIT Mizoram in the tables below.
Round 3 | Click here |
Round 4 | Click here |
Round 5 | Click here |
Round 6 | Click here |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 253708 | 370912 |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 316348 | 516872 | ||
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 44146 | 44146 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 7379 | 7379 | |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 24236 | 27566 |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 38283 | 38562 | ||
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4418 | 4418 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7070 | 7070 | ||
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8983 | 9497 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 16897 | 16897 | ||
SC | Gender-Neutral | 4041 | 4074 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7809 | 7809 | ||
ST | Gender-Neutral | 1507 | 1507 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 636899 | 946894 |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 589620 | 589620 | ||
OS | Gender-Neutral | 34214 | 37134 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 42820 | 42820 | ||
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 6115 | 6115 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7896 | 7896 | ||
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 10720 | 11798 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 17747 | 17747 | ||
SC | Gender-Neutral | 5476 | 5495 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2445 | 2445 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3245 | 3245 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 444859 | 815291 |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 560594 | 1057910 | ||
ST | Gender-Neutral | 25340 | 25340 | |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 41976 | 43851 |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 50345 | 50899 | ||
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 7067 | 7067 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8664 | 8664 | ||
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 14186 | 14362 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 18635 | 18635 | ||
SC | Gender-Neutral | 6264 | 7119 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 10624 | 10624 | ||
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2824 | 2824 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3592 | 3592 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 636017 | 898861 |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 659805 | 1014892 | ||
OS | Gender-Neutral | 46344 | 49141 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 57406 | 57855 | ||
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 8109 | 8109 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9506 | 9506 | ||
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 14713 | 15206 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 20828 | 20828 | ||
SC | Gender-Neutral | 7836 | 7980 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 3012 | 3049 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 339831 | 573968 |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 234729 | 294734 | ||
ST | Gender-Neutral | 14589 | 14589 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 15945 | 15945 | ||
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 43318 | 51239 |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 54176 | 58721 | ||
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 8501 | 8501 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9701 | 9701 | ||
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 16319 | 16416 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 21072 | 21072 | ||
SC | Gender-Neutral | 8281 | 8289 | |
Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 11338 | 11338 | ||
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2669 | 2669 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 834722 | 834722 |
OS | Gender-Neutral | 21955 | 32412 | |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 41363 | 41363 | |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 9870 | 9870 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 5114 | 5114 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 226595 | 310535 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 316348 | 516872 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 44146 | 44146 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 6986 | 6986 | |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 19957 | 23850 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 30063 | 34180 | |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4047 | 4047 | |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5807 | 5807 | |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 6137 | 8265 | |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13004 | 13004 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 3091 | 3655 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4625 | 4625 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 1252 | 1252 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 294734 | 370912 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 201922 | 234729 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 11665 | 11665 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 11425 | 11425 | |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 43318 | 46544 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 54176 | 54238 | |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 7693 | 7693 | |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9042 | 9042 | |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 14380 | 14777 | |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 18984 | 18984 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 6853 | 6862 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9317 | 9317 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2507 | 2507 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 363415 | 571217 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 560594 | 614925 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 15209 | 15209 | |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 33551 | 38576 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 47004 | 49965 | |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 6490 | 6490 | |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8664 | 8664 | |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 12040 | 12121 | |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 18635 | 18635 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 5931 | 6118 | |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9566 | 9566 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2575 | 2575 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3451 | 3451 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 556736 | 742762 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 659805 | 758764 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 21590 | 21590 | |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 41406 | 42862 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 50899 | 52362 | |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 6832 | 6832 | |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8632 | 8632 | |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 13112 | 13932 | |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 18919 | 18919 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 6742 | 6911 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2568 | 2621 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 573968 | 684517 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 589620 | 755659 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 19177 | 19177 | |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 30112 | 33026 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 38562 | 38562 | |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5220 | 5220 | |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6451 | 6451 | |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 9690 | 10720 | |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 15037 | 15037 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 4916 | 4937 | |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2364 | 2364 | |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3152 | 3152 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 371890 | 581701 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 497137 | 497137 | |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 20414 | 21955 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 40542 | 40542 | |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 9434 | 9434 | |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 4237 | 4237 |
NIT Mizoram cutoff 2023 for CCMT for rounds 1, 2, and 3 has been released by CCMT. NIT Mizoram accepts the GATE cutoff released through the Centralised Counselling for M.TECH/M.ARCH/M.PLAN (CCMT) Admission (CCMT) procedure for admission to various M.Tech programmes. The table below contains the NIT Mizoram GATE cutoff 2023 in the form of minimum and maximum GATE scores for all the programmes.
PG Programme | Category | Max GATE Score | Min GATE Score |
Computer Science & Engineering | SC | 243 | 243 |
Structural Engineering | ST | 272 | 272 |
Programme | Category | Max GATE Score | Min GATE Score |
Structural Engineering | ST | 272 | 272 |
Computer Science & Engineering | OBC-NCL | 314 | 314 |
Computer Science & Engineering | SC | 243 | 243 |
PG Program | Category | Min GATE Score | Max GATE Score |
Computer Science & Engineering | SC | 273 | 273 |
Computer Science & Engineering | OBC-NCL | 322 | 326 |
Microelectronics & VLSI Design | SC | 235 | 248 |
Computer Science & Engineering | OPEN | 371 | 393 |
Microelectronics & VLSI Design | OPEN | 353 | 389 |
Microelectronics & VLSI Design | OBC-NCL | 347 | 347 |
Structural Engineering | ST | 272 | 272 |
Unlock your future with JEE Main/JEE Advanced/GATE College Predictor & Rank Predictor:
NIT Mizoram cut off 2022 for round 6 has been released at Students can check the NIT Mizoram cutoff 2022 for all the academic programmes offered atNIT Mizoram in the tables below.
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 552207 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 326350 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 19321 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 55664 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 65949 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 8197 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9855 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 16328 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 22330 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7625 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9874 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2336 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 383441 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 428833 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 228357 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 277174 |
HS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 66836 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 10162 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 27751 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 36757 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4682 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6136 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8405 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13915 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 3803 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5304 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1428 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 857734 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 44246 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 53655 |
OS | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 2188 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 6662 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8553 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 13888 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 16922 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 6533 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8717 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2421 |
OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3566 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 743940 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 675339 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 310551 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 37917 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 42620 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5628 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7663 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 10889 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 16253 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 5835 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1579 |
OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3262 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 847546 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 776488 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 50493 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 60275 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 7822 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9412 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 15132 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 21866 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7515 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2898 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 552207 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 326350 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 17766 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 54531 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 65167 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 8079 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9855 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 15986 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 22201 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7625 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9874 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2336 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 383441 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 428833 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 228357 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 277174 |
HS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 66836 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 10162 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 27483 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 36757 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4682 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6136 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8405 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13915 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 3803 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5304 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1428 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 857734 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 43331 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 53655 |
OS | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 2188 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 6662 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7951 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 13616 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 16922 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 6430 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8717 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2421 |
OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3566 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 743940 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 675339 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 310551 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 37668 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 42620 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5628 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7663 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 10533 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 16253 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 5373 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1579 |
OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3262 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 847546 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 776488 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 49153 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 60275 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 7822 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9412 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 15132 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 21866 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7515 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2898 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 547961 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 326350 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 15628 |
HS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 15094 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 53673 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 64301 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 8057 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9652 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 15814 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 22201 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7515 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9874 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2336 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 383441 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 428833 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 228357 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 277174 |
HS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 66836 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 10162 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 27483 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 36757 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4682 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6136 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8405 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13915 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 3803 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5304 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1428 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 857734 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 43331 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 53655 |
OS | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 2188 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 6651 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7951 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 13401 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 16922 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 6430 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8717 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2421 |
OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3566 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 743940 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 675339 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 310551 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 37668 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 42620 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5628 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7663 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 10533 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 16253 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 5373 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1579 |
OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3262 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 847546 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 776488 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 49083 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 60132 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 7648 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9412 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 14998 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 21866 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7503 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2898 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Ranks |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 467581 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 326350 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 14838 |
HS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 15094 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 50614 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 60132 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 7595 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9037 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 15014 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 21751 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7515 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9874 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2336 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Ranks |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 383441 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 428833 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 228357 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 277174 |
HS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 66836 |
HS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 10162 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 26708 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 36757 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4226 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6136 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8254 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 13915 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 3751 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5304 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1167 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Ranks |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 857734 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 42697 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 47445 |
OS | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 2188 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 6227 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7951 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 13225 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 16922 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 6430 |
OS | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8717 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2421 |
OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3566 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Ranks |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 743940 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 675339 |
HS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 310551 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 37294 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 42620 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5628 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7663 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 10428 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 16253 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 5373 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 1579 |
OS | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3262 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Ranks |
HS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 847546 |
HS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 776488 |
OS | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 45899 |
OS | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 57460 |
OS | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 7442 |
OS | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8768 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 14484 |
OS | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 21365 |
OS | SC | Gender-Neutral | 7024 |
OS | ST | Gender-Neutral | 2687 |
Programme | Quota | Gender | Closing Ranks |
Civil Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | HS | Gender-Neutral | 365984 |
Civil Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | HS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 326350 |
Civil Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OS | Gender-Neutral | 45637 |
Civil Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 56896 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | HS | Gender-Neutral | 383441 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | HS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 344844 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OS | Gender-Neutral | 22956 |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 32847 |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | HS | Gender-Neutral | 592137 |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | HS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 880196 |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OS | Gender-Neutral | 38174 |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 45574 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | HS | Gender-Neutral | 708072 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | HS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 675339 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OS | Gender-Neutral | 31118 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 39610 |
Mechanical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | HS | Gender-Neutral | 760322 |
Mechanical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | HS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 776488 |
Mechanical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OS | Gender-Neutral | 41844 |
Mechanical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) | OS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 55883 |
The GATE cut-off 2022 has been released by IIT Kharagpur and the Centralised counselling for M.Tech/ M.Arch/ M.Plan (CCMT 2022) is being conducted by MNIT Jaipur.
The NIT Mizoram GATE cut-off 2022 is the GATE score required for a candidate to be eligible for admission to the institute.
CCMT will be conducted for the counselling process for admissions to the NIT Mizoram M.Tech programme.
Where can you find the NIT Mizoram GATE cut-off 2022?
Candidates can refer to this page to get the full details of the NIT Mizoram GATE cut-off 2022. The table below has the details for the round 3 cut-offs for each category.
Programme | Category | Max GATE Score |
Microelectronics & VLSI Design | EWS | 338 |
Power Electronics & Drives | ST | 213 |
Computer Science & Engineering | OPEN | 381 |
NIT Mizoram B.Tech admission is based on JoSAA counselling. As the JoSAA counselling is conducted in six rounds, a separate cutoff shall be released for each round. The candidates can check the links below for more details.
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 360908 | 308944 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 373171 | 325387 |
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 530876 | 530876 |
OBC-NCL (GO - Female-Only) | 329699 | 329699 |
SC HS | 89895 | 89895 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 6484 | 6484 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 50571 | 43818 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 57744 | 56256 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8214 | 8214 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 9982 | 9982 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 16315 | 16089 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 21391 | 21391 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7222 | 7213 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 9447 | 9447 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2585 | 2585 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 4066 | 4066 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 436630 | 373312 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 444094 | 429426 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 8595 | 8595 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 53729 | 43818 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 64846 | 62220 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8799 | 8799 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 10561 | 10561 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 17090 | 16852 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 21652 | 21652 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8462 | 8435 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 11248 | 11248 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2710 | 2710 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 4066 | 4066 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 505374 | 373312 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 588704 | 474074 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 11449 | 11449 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 55287 | 43818 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 66180 | 64846 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 9157 | 9157 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 10939 | 10939 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 17818 | 17164 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 23575 | 23575 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8515 | 8462 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 11364 | 11364 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2710 | 2710 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 4066 | 4066 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 505374 | 373312 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 663052 | 628523 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 12308 | 12308 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 55346 | 43818 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 67166 | 66788 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 9157 | 9157 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 10987 | 10987 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 18237 | 17164 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 23792 | 23792 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8515 | 8462 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 11364 | 11364 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2710 | 2710 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 4066 | 4066 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 574304 | 373312 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 846887 | 846887 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 14578 | 14578 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 56579 | 43818 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 69524 | 69070 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 9265 | 9265 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 11447 | 11447 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 18857 | 18847 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 25124 | 25124 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8515 | 8462 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 11990 | 11990 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2710 | 2710 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 4066 | 4066 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 347496 | 271262 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 370684 | 294520 |
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 542102 | 242646 |
SC HS | 62026 | 62026 |
SC (HS - Female-Only) | 128135 | 128135 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 7068 | 7068 |
ST (HS - Female-Only) | 10784 | 10784 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 28174 | 25028 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 38757 | 35200 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 873 | 873 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 4572 | 4572 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 6965 | 6965 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 9099 | 7750 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 14893 | 14893 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 3816 | 3682 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 5473 | 5473 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 1737 | 1737 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 548303 | 309946 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 544345 | 370684 |
SC HS | 62026 | 62026 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 12307 | 12307 |
ST (HS - Female-Only) | 12802 | 12802 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 30186 | 28174 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 39747 | 35200 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 1542 | 1542 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5162 | 5162 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7883 | 7883 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 11118 | 10941 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 17726 | 17726 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 3843 | 3682 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 5473 | 5473 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 1943 | 1943 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 676694 | 309946 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 544345 | 370684 |
SC HS | 62026 | 62026 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 17616 | 17616 |
ST (HS - Female-Only) | 22202 | 22202 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 30186 | 28174 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 39747 | 35200 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 1542 | 1542 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5219 | 5219 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7883 | 7883 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 11236 | 11071 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 17814 | 17814 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 3843 | 3682 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 5473 | 5473 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 1943 | 1943 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 712487 | 309946 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 544345 | 370684 |
SC HS | 62026 | 62026 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 18700 | 18700 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 30186 | 28174 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 39747 | 35200 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 1542 | 1542 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5219 | 5219 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7883 | 7883 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 11236 | 11071 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 17814 | 17814 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 3963 | 3843 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 5473 | 5473 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 1943 | 1943 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 712487 | 309946 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 544345 | 370684 |
SC HS | 62026 | 62026 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 18700 | 18700 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 33181 | 31598 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 43362 | 35200 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 1542 | 1542 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5469 | 5469 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7883 | 7883 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 11783 | 11236 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 17814 | 17814 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5269 | 5066 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 5473 | 5473 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 1943 | 1943 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 589420 | 293110 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 772989 | 772989 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 14018 | 14018 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 36437 | 32713 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 48877 | 46291 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 2002 | 2002 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5846 | 5846 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7939 | 7939 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 12786 | 12534 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 17726 | 17726 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5980 | 5976 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 6888 | 6888 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2166 | 2166 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 712487 | 293110 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 772989 | 772989 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 18482 | 18482 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 40015 | 32713 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 50690 | 49188 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 2312 | 2312 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6532 | 6532 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 8871 | 8871 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 13193 | 12655 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 18574 | 18574 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6523 | 6221 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 6888 | 6888 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2166 | 2166 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 907116 | 293110 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 772989 | 772989 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 28060 | 28060 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 40768 | 36640 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 50690 | 49188 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 2312 | 2312 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6543 | 6543 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 8871 | 8871 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 13193 | 12655 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 18574 | 18574 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6735 | 6523 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 6888 | 6888 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2166 | 2166 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 1187082 | 293110 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 772989 | 772989 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 40816 | 36640 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 51406 | 49188 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 2312 | 2312 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6741 | 6741 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 8871 | 8871 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 13193 | 12655 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 18574 | 18574 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6735 | 6523 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 6888 | 6888 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2166 | 2166 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 1187082 | 293110 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 772989 | 772989 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 43128 | 40683 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 53289 | 49188 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 2312 | 2312 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7124 | 7124 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 8871 | 8871 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 13285 | 12786 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 20366 | 20366 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6735 | 6523 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 6888 | 6888 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2166 | 2166 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 475217 | 313293 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 1070084 | 856058 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 11141 | 11141 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 45177 | 33313 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 51631 | 51631 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 2574 | 2574 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7321 | 7321 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 9396 | 9396 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 14852 | 13159 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 21312 | 21312 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6983 | 6935 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2801 | 2801 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 4034 | 4034 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 715483 | 313293 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 22659 | 22659 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 49167 | 46810 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 56224 | 56224 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 3696 | 3696 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7986 | 7986 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 10040 | 10040 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 16709 | 16398 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 23426 | 23426 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8299 | 7668 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 3076 | 3076 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 4396 | 4396 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 1070169 | 313293 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 34318 | 34318 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 50395 | 46810 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 56224 | 56224 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 4235 | 4235 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8375 | 8375 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 10610 | 10610 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 17245 | 16398 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 23426 | 23426 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8299 | 7668 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 3078 | 3078 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 4396 | 4396 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 1228062 | 313293 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 41155 | 41155 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 50712 | 46810 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 56224 | 56224 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 4235 | 4235 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8375 | 8375 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 10888 | 10888 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 17633 | 16441 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 23426 | 23426 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8299 | 7668 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 3078 | 3078 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 4396 | 4396 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 1294100 | 313293 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 52165 | 49167 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 60713 | 60713 |
PWD ( GEN ) OS | 4235 | 4235 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8552 | 8552 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 11353 | 11353 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 17686 | 16441 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 23426 | 23426 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8299 | 7668 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 3078 | 3078 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 4396 | 4396 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 688073 | 490040 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 500521 | 372412 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 16395 | 16395 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 42564 | 38031 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 52491 | 44720 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7164 | 7164 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 9049 | 9049 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 14458 | 13344 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 20363 | 20363 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6612 | 6296 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2726 | 2456 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 876024 | 490040 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 818357 | 500521 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 24323 | 24323 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 45031 | 41200 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 55730 | 55169 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7821 | 7821 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 9190 | 9190 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 15227 | 13344 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 20366 | 20366 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7708 | 7347 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2801 | 2726 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 1187082 | 713287 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 500521 | 500521 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 36398 | 36398 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 46125 | 43594 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 55730 | 55169 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7822 | 7822 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 9190 | 9190 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 15720 | 14818 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 20366 | 20366 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7814 | 7708 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2801 | 2726 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 1317736 | 713287 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 500521 | 500521 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 46125 | 43594 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 55730 | 55169 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7822 | 7822 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 9190 | 9190 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 15861 | 14818 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 20366 | 20366 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7814 | 7708 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2801 | 2726 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Gen. HS | 1187663 | 713287 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 500521 | 500521 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 47514 | 43594 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 56224 | 55169 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7822 | 7822 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 9190 | 9190 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 16394 | 14818 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 21993 | 21993 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 7896 | 7708 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2801 | 2726 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 161306 | 365984 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 326350 | 326350 |
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 150287 | 150287 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 8280 | 8280 |
ST (HS - Female-Only) | 14649 | 14649 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 42284 | 45637 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 56896 | 56896 |
General PwD (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2214 | 2214 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6983 | 6983 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 8609 | 8609 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 13170 | 14036 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 20024 | 20024 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6068 | 6946 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 9190 | 9190 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2336 | 2336 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 221254 | 383441 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 255456 | 344844 |
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 228357 | 277174 |
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only) | 189186 | 189186 |
SC (HS - Female-Only) | 66836 | 66836 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 10162 | 10162 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 19863 | 22956 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 32403 | 32847 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 3502 | 3502 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 4924 | 4924 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6217 | 7513 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 13528 | 13528 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2744 | 2876 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 4786 | 4786 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 1035 | 1035 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 261229 | 708072 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 675339 | 675339 |
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 310551 | 310551 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 23309 | 23309 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 27521 | 31118 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 39610 | 39610 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 4926 | 4926 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 6194 | 6194 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 9530 | 9954 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 13987 | 13987 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 4593 | 4862 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 1154 | 1154 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 3262 | 3262 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 310198 | 760322 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 423841 | 776488 |
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 326611 | 326611 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 28129 | 28129 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 40013 | 41844 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 55273 | 55883 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6600 | 6600 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 8338 | 8338 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 12649 | 13010 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 18452 | 18452 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6296 | 6695 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2430 | 2463 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 337213 | 592137 |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 880196 | 880196 |
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 74191 | 74191 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 19321 | 19321 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 37032 | 38174 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 45574 | 45574 |
General PwD (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 1569 | 1569 |
EWS (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5628 | 5628 |
EWS (OS - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7050 | 7050 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 11190 | 12100 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 16922 | 16922 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5149 | 5693 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 8596 | 8596 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2026 | 2026 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 3476 | 3476 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 249116 | 206447 |
General (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 361200 | 206278 |
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 368264 | 156797 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 9790 | 8711 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 34794 | 34794 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 31640 | 25032 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 13275 | 13275 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 9370 | 9257 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5076 | 4450 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 1681 | 1681 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 324801 | 287466 |
General (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 605094 | 167934 |
OBC-NCL (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 382537 | 358138 |
SC (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 92881 | 92881 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 19332 | 19332 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 26899 | 26899 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 19963 | 19047 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 6471 | 5543 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 3501 | 3389 |
ST (OS - Female-Only) | 3984 | 3984 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 413761 | 413761 |
General (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 803629 | 469669 |
OBC-NCL (HS - Female-Only) | 302429 | 302429 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 31719 | 31719 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 27760 | 27760 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 25836 | 23631 |
General PwD (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 1289 | 1289 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 12911 | 12911 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8033 | 6381 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5001 | 4633 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2224 | 2224 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 1003797 | 969562 |
General (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 1008647 | 329749 |
ST (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 38739 | 38739 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 34045 | 34045 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 29027 | 26758 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Female-Only) | 14026 | 14026 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 8798 | 8465 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5117 | 4118 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 1910 | 1910 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (HS - Female-Only) | 950522 | 700915 |
General (HS - Gender-Neutral) | 1063199 | 629483 |
General (OS - Female-Only) | 34414 | 34414 |
General (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 30152 | 24542 |
OBC-NCL (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 9294 | 8938 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 708 | 708 |
SC (OS - Female-Only) | 7316 | 7316 |
SC (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 5130 | 4515 |
ST (OS - Gender-Neutral) | 2319 | 2319 |
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Hyderabad (Telangana)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)
MKSSS's Cummins College of Engineering For Women
J.J. College Of Engineering And Technology Tiruchirappalli
IIT Roorkee