
Surya School of Business Management Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationPatiala (Punjab)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 07:30 PM IST

Surya School of Business Management Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
Infrastructure 5.0/5
Placement 5.0/5
Hostel 5.0/5
Faculty 5.0/5
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It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, as long as it's honest and true.

What students says about Surya School of Business Management

  • Engineering students can find good scope in government and public sector.
  • The mechanical engineering branch is an evergreen branch.
  • There are many private companies near the campus.
  • Management is not in best positions.
  • If you have patience they will solve ur problem.

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Surya School of Business Management Reviews

My Overall Experience in this college
By Ayush Raj | Masters in Business Administration | 2024
March 30, 2024 01:16:01

Overall: If I tell you about my overall experience in this college so that is really amazing and learn a lot of things here related to my course and as well as about actual life problem's and true friend's as well

Placement: A good placement we all need or expect for our college and I can proudly say that my college gave me really good placement opportunity and the best thing is that they prepare us for the interview so that we can crack interview easily

Infrastructure: Infrastructure of this college is really very good very beautiful and peacefull environment we can see because of good infrastructure very attractive buildings are there and they always keep it clean

Faculty: Faculties of this college are really great they are very supportive and really good nature they has they treat us like a family member and give always good advice for our future and way of teaching is really great

Hostel: Hostel is a place where we have to stay for not only two or three days we have to live there for some years and I can say that in this hostel I never felt like I'm not in my own house or home my homies are really good supporting and Enviornment is really great and food is so tasty and healthy as well








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