List of Top Government Jobs after BBA in 2025: Profiles & Salary

Yash Dhamija

Updated On: March 13, 2025 09:05 AM

The top government jobs after BBA are available in Civil Sevices, Banking Sector, Police Force, Defense Services, Indian Railways, and more. These positions allow BBA graduates to apply their business acumen in a government setting, contributing to public service and administration.
Government Jobs after BBA

The top government jobs after BBA can be found in various sectors and industries with lucrative packages, even for freshers. Among the prominent career paths for BBA graduates include Civil Services, Banking & Finance, Police Force & Defense Services, Indian Railways, etc., where BBA graduates can utilize their expertise to enhance the efficiency and service quality of the institution or organization. Engaging in these roles, BBA graduates can find fulfilling careers that align with their skills and interests while also serving the greater good. If you are a recent BBA graduate or are enrolling in the course and are worried about career opportunities, explore the top government jobs after BBA and know where you can build a successful career.

Also Read: List of Top Government Jobs after B.Com

List of Top Govt Jobs after BBA & Salary

There are several government jobs after BBA course available for BBA graduates. You must research the job roles available and apply for the ones that you feel suit you the best. The top government jobs after BBA along with their respective salaries, have been mentioned below:

Government Jobs After BBA

Job Role

Average Annual Salary

Specialist Officer (SO)

INR 8,60,000

Executive Company Secretary

INR 8,80,000

Probationary Officer (PO)

INR 7,10,000

Clerk (Junior Associate)

INR 4,20,000

Senior Commercial-cum-Ticket Clerk

INR 4,00,000

Senior Clerk cum Typist

INR 5 29,200

Junior Account Assistant cum Typist

INR 4,30,000

Business Development Officer

INR 3,50,000

Finance Manager

INR 5,18,021

Project Coordinator

INR 6,29,311

Source: AmbitionBox

Overview of Government Jobs after BBA

There are many opportunities available in the government sector for BBA graduates. You can have a look at some of the jobs after BBA given below:

Banking Sector

Many government banks recruit BBA graduates for different posts. If you have cleared BBA, you can apply for the Provisional Officers (PO) and clerks posts. SBI conducts online exams and papers for the selection of the clerical cadre and Officer Cadre separately. All the public banks except SBI recruit students based on the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). Every year, IBPS conducts two examinations, namely IBPS Clerk and IBPS PO . The exam is conducted for selection to the clerk and PO posts respectively. The positions for which competitive exams are conducted are:

  • Probationary Officer (PO)
  • Specialist Officer (SO)
  • Clerk (Junior Associate)

Selection will be based on the preliminary written exam followed by a mains exam and a personal interview. There will not be any personal interviews for clerical cadre recruitment.

Civil Services

You can apply for the IPS and IAS job posts after clearing the UPSC CSE exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. Since BBA graduates have studied administration during the three years of their degree, they are ideal candidates for these posts. Selection of the candidates for these posts will be made based on the Preliminary exam, Main Exam, and interview. You will have to perform well in all three rounds to get selected. While appearing for the Main examination, you must choose an optional subject accordingly. There is a list of optional subjects available for the candidates. Most of the candidates opt for Economics, Management, Commerce, Accountancy, Public Administration, and Statistics, etc.

Police Sub-Inspector

You can also apply for the police sub-inspector post after completing your BBA. You must appear for an entrance test conducted by the SSC (Staff Selection Commission) to apply for this post. It must be noted that only candidates of Indian nationality can apply for this job. The minimum height requirement is 157 cm for male candidates and 152 cm for female candidates. Selection will be made based on merit in the written test. Due to increased crime scenes and the consequent public concern, there is a growing demand for police officers in India. The position of police sub-inspector is not gazetted.

Defence Services

If you are interested in serving your country by joining the armed forces, you can do so by joining the Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, Coast Guard, medical and engineering services, Judge Advocate General (JAG) Department, or the Education Corps. You must take either the CDS (Combined Defence Service) entrance exam or the SSC (Staff Selection Commission) entrance exam. Performance in the entrance exam will be taken into consideration when shortlisting the candidates. Defense entrance exams are conducted by the following organizations:

  • Cantonment Board
  • Indo-Tibetian Border Police
  • Central Armed Police Forces
  • Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
  • Border Defence Organisation
  • Railway Protection Force (RPF)
  • Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
  • Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
  • Union Public Service Commission- CDS
  • Bureau of Police Research and Development
  • State Police Subordinate Selection Commission

Indian Railways

Exams offered by the Railway Recruitment Board to fill different graduate and undergraduate posts in the non-technical popular categories are among the options for BBA graduates. This hiring process fills openings in Indian railroads' manufacturing units and zonal railways. For BBA graduates seeking non-technical positions or government employment in the railways, the following positions are available:
  • Traffic Assistant
  • Station Master
  • Senior Time Keeper
  • Commercial Apprentice
  • Senior Clerk cum Typist
  • Senior Commercial-cum-Ticket Clerk
  • Junior Account Assistant cum Typist


If you are looking for central government jobs after BBA, you can also apply for the Common Graduate Level (CGL) exam conducted by the SSC (Staff Selection Commission) every year. The examination is conducted annually to recruit students for various profiles in the government sector. SSC CGL 2025 consists of three steps of examination. Tier 1 and Tier 2 are objective type papers, and Tier 3 is a descriptive type paper that will consist of application, essay writing, letter, etc., in the exam. The maximum time allotted for the examination is 60 minutes, and it holds 100 marks. In some cases, tier 3 will be followed by a typing test or a skill test. You must have graduated in any stream from an accredited university to apply for the test. There is no minimum required percentage. You must, however, be younger than 32.

Other Government Jobs after BBA

Apart from the jobs mentioned above, many government departments, banks, and PSUs hire BBA graduates for various profiles. You can apply for different accountant and financial job posts at these government departments and PSUs. Some of the government departments and PSUs where you can apply are listed below.

  • ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization)
  • BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited)
  • DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization)
  • GAIL (Gas Authority of India Limited)
  • ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation)
  • MTNL (Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited)
  • NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation Limited)
  • SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited)

Government Jobs After BBA Entrance Exam Syllabus

The syllabus for different entrance exams conducted for government jobs after BBA has been provided in the table below.

Exam Category


Civil Services Exams

  • Comprehension.
  • Interpersonal skills including communication skills.
  • Logical reasoning and analytical ability.
  • Decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Current events of national and international importance.
  • History of India and Indian National Movement.
  • Indian and World Geography – Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.
  • Indian Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
  • Economic and Social Development Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, etc.
  • Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human actions; dimensions of ethics; ethics in private and public relationships.

Banking Exams

Reasoning Ability

Seating Arrangements, Puzzles, Inequalities, Syllogism, Input-Output, Data Sufficiency, Blood Relations, Order and Ranking, Alphanumeric Series, Distance and Direction, Verbal Reasoning

Quantitative Aptitude

Number Series, Data Interpretation, Simplification/ Approximation, Quadratic Equation, Data Sufficiency, Mensuration, Average, Profit and Loss, Ratio and Proportion, Work, Time, and Energy, Time and Distance, Probability, Relations, Simple and Compound Interest, Permutation and Combination

English Language

Cloze Test, Reading Comprehension, Spotting Errors, Sentence Improvement, Sentence Correction, Para Jumbles, Fill in the Blanks, Para/Sentence Completion

General/Financial Awareness

Current Affairs, Banking Awareness, GK Updates, Currencies, Important Places, Books and Authors, Awards, Headquarters, Prime Minister Schemes, Important Days, Monetary Policy, Budget, Economic Survey, Banking Reforms in India, Bank Accounts of Special Individuals Loans, Asset Reconstruction Companies, Non-Performing Assets

Computer Knowledge

Fundamentals of Computer, History of Computers, Future of Computers, Basic Knowledge of the Internet, Networking Software & Hardware, Computer Shortcut Keys, MS Office, Trojans Input and Output Devices, Computer Languages

Defence Exams


Reading Comprehension, Spotting the Errors, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms & Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Sentence Arrangement or Jumbled Questions, Ordering of words in Sentences, Sentence Improvement or Sentence Correction Questions


Natural numbers, Integers; Rational and Real numbers; H.C.F. and L.C.M.; Fundamental operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, Square roots, Decimal fractions; Tests of divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 1; Logarithms to base 10, use of logarithmic tables, laws of logarithms; Theory of polynomials, relation between its roots and coefficients

General Knowledge

Indian History, Political Science, Economics, Geography, Environment, General Science – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Current Affairs – National & International Awards, Summits, Sports, Conference; Books & Authors etc., Defence Related Questions – Army, Navy, Air Force

Police Exams

General Awareness and Knowledge

History, Economy, Geography, Indian Polity, Current events, History of India, Geography of India, Indian Culture and Heritage, Socio-Economic Development

Elementary Mathematics

Algebra, Averages, Interest, Partnership, Percentages, Profit and Loss, Mensuration 2D, Quadratic equation, Speed, Time and Distance

Reasoning and Logical Analysis

Analogies, Similarities, Differences, Observation, Relationship, Discrimination, Decision-making, Visual memory, Verbal and figure, Arithmetical reasoning, Arithmetical number series

English (For Final Written Test Only)

Verb, Noun, Articles, Voices, Tenses, Adverbs, Conjunctions, Phrasal Verbs, Comprehension, Spelling correction, Idioms and phrases, One-word substitution, Synonyms & antonyms, Direct & Indirect Speech, Subject Verb Agreement

How to Prepare for Government Jobs After BBA

Follow the tips mentioned below to prepare for entrance exams conducted for government jobs after BBA.

  • Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus in Detail: Regardless of the examination you are taking, whether it is SSC CGL, SSC CPO, SSC JE, or any other, your first step should always be to review the exam syllabus, pattern, and eligibility criteria. Make sure to compile a list of tests with a similar pattern so you can study them all at once. Exams covering technical subjects must be handled independently. You can better arrange your study time and subjects if you write down the entire exam syllabus.
  • Create a Timetable and Focus on Your Studies Daily: Set a schedule and chalk out your daily routine so that it must provide equal emphasis on every topic included in the curriculum or syllabus for the government exams. Create a timetable that allows the right amount of time for each topic you must cover, and the daily quizzes. Your weaker subjects deserve additional time. Depending on your preferences, you can learn through watching videos online or studying from books.
  • Read Current Affairs on a Regular Basis: A significant portion of every government test is devoted to current affairs. Political issues that are currently influencing individuals on a national or worldwide level are often covered in this section. The only way to stay updated is to read the news or magazines focusing on pertinent current affairs and keep track of what's occurring worldwide.
  • Solve Mock Tests and Previous Year Question Papers: The greatest approach to prepare for any exam is to take mock examinations. Regularly taking mock tests can help you overcome your exam phobia and give you the confidence you need to take the examination. Make it a habit to take one mock test every day for the exam you are preparing for. Previous Years' Question Papers will provide you with a better knowledge of the exam pattern, the questions that will be asked, and of course, the scoring pattern. You will also learn the time management required during the exam.
  • Assess your Performance and Retain Accuracy: It is crucial to evaluate where you stand with each step toward landing your ideal job. Ensure you continue to improve daily and retain accuracy when taking the exam. Accuracy is a key factor to remember if you want to perform well on any exam. Practice enough to provide a precise answer.

Apart from the job profiles listed above, many other posts are available in the government sector where you can apply. You can also shortlist the job positions after checking the job roles and eligibility criteria for that position.

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Can I get a bank job after BBA?

Yes, you can get a bank job after BBA. The banking sector is one of the most common areas for BBA graduates to find jobs. Job roles like Probationary Officer (PO), Specialist Officer (SO), etc. are some of the most popular government jobs after BBA. If you wish to get a bank job after BBA, you must appear for the Bank PO entrance exams.

Can I apply for the UPSC exam after completing BBA?

Yes, you can appear for the UPSC exam after completing BBA. BBA graduates are eligible for the UPSC exam and applying for the IAS and IPS government jobs. According to the eligibility criteria for UPSC, you must have a bachelor’s degree in any field from a recognized university. Thus, as long as you have a BBA degree form a recognized university, you are eligible for UPSC.

How can I get government jobs after BBA?

To get government jobs after BBA, you need to apply for the posts you are interested in. For example, if you are interested in becoming IPS or IAS, then you need to qualify for the UPSC CSE exam, which is considered one of the toughest entrance exams in India. Apart from qualifying for the exam, you also need to clear the interview and meet other selection criteria.

What are the top areas to find government jobs after BBA?

The top areas to find government jobs after BBA include Civil Services, Banks, Indian Police Force, Defence Services, Indian Railways, SSC CGL, etc. Some of the top government organizations where BBA graduates can apply for jobs include ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization), BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited), DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization), GAIL (Gas Authority of India Limited), ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation), MTNL (Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited), NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation Limited), SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited), etc.

What are the top government jobs after BBA?

The top government jobs after BBA include IAS Officer, IPS Officer, Police Officer, Probationary Officer, Clerk, SSB Officer, Station Master, Ticket Clerk, etc.

How to prepare for government entrance exams after BBA?

In order to prepare for government entrance exams after BBA, understand the exam pattern and syllabus in detail, set a timetable and study daily, attempt daily quizzes, practise reasoning and aptitude daily, practise mock tests and previous year questions, and analyze your performance and maintain accuracy, etc.

How can I become a Police Sub-Inspector after BBA?

After completing your BBA, you must take an entrance exam administered by the Staff Selection Commission in order to become a Police Sub-Inspector. This position is only open to applicants with Indian citizenship. Male applicants must be 157 cm tall, while female candidates must be 152 cm tall. Selection will be based on the merit of the written test.

What are the positions for which competitive entrance exams are conducted in the banking sector?

The positions for which competitive exams are conducted in the banking sector are Probationary Officer (PO), Specialist Officer (SO), Clerk (Junior Associate). All the public banks except SBI recruits students on the basis of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). Every year, IBPS conducts two examinations namely IBPS Clerk and IBPS PO. Selection will be done on the basis of the preliminary written exam followed by a mains exam and a personal interview.

What are the government exams I need to qualify to join the defence services?

You need to qualify entrance exams like the SSC (Staff Selection Commission) entrance examination or CDS (Combined Defence Service) entrance examination to join the defence services. Your performance in the entrance exam will determine your selection. Defence entrance exams are conducted by the Cantonment Board, Indo-Tibetian Border Police, Central Armed Police Forces, Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Border Defence Organisation, Railway Protection Force (RPF), etc.

Which are the best government entrance exams for BBA graduates?

The best government entrance exams for BBA graduates who wish to pursue a career in the government sector include UPSC CSE, IBPS PO, IBPS SO, IBPS Clerk, SSC exams, and entrance exams conducted for Indian Railways. There are several pathways available for BBA graduates to pursue a career in the government sector. Appearing for entrance exams can be an ideal step for aspirants after completing their BBA course.

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