How to score 200 in CUET 2023 Mathematics

Rajneesh Shukla

Updated On: May 18, 2023 02:28 pm IST | CUET

CUET 2023 is approaching soon. Aspirants who are aiming to achieve a perfect 200 marks in CUET Mathematics must not miss out on reading this insightful article entailing all the perfect strategies to achieve the desired goal.
How to score 200 in CUET 2023 Mathematics

The centralised entrance test of CUET (Common University Entrance Test). It provides all prospective students across the nation with an equal and open opportunity to enrol in their preferred UG programme at the most esteemed institutions and colleges in India. All of the exam's questions will be of the MCQ variety and will be administered by the NTA in CBT format.

Students who want to major in math in their undergraduate degree should extensively review the CUET math syllabus and get ready for the exam. The CUET test scores of applicants will be used to determine eligibility for all UG admissions at the 200+ participating universities. It is crucial that you study thoroughly and do well on the CUET exam. Examine the CUET math syllabus for 2023 and make a proper preparation plan to guarantee that you get a seat in the college or university of your choice.

Numerous science and business-related courses involve mathematics as a primary domain subject. Despite the fact that some people typically dislike maths, it is nonetheless crucial. It can be challenging, but not impossible, to receive a perfect score on the CUET Mathematics. Students can achieve a perfect 200 score with the appropriate approach and diligence.

The CUET syllabus for mathematics will be taken from NCERT class 12—including the reduced curriculum. The maths exam has a straightforward format with 50 questions, of which 40 must be answered correctly. This article will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to receive a flawless 200 on the CUET Math paper. To learn all the information you require regarding the exam and to bulletproof your preparation, go through this article.

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How to Score 200 in CUET 2023 Mathematics 

A plethora of aspirants are mostly perplexed about the CUET mathematics syllabus, what topics to study and what topics to leave. According to the CUET 2023 Math syllabus, candidates must know that the complete NCERT class 12th syllabus for Term 1 and Term 2 will be covered in the upcoming CUET 2023 Math exam. The next most important step towards scoring full marks in CUET Math exam is to know the accurate exam pattern. Any form of confusion related to the CUET Mathematics exam pattern can lead to faulty preparation resulting in you scoring much below your expectations.

The CUET 2023 Math will be a computer based exam and candidates will have to attempt 40 questions mandatorily out of the possible 50 questions. The question paper will be MCQ based carrying plus five marks for a correct answer and minus one mark each for wrongly attempted questions. No marks will be deducted for unattempted questions in the exam. The total duration of the exam will be of 45 minutes.

Now, as an aspirant, you are aware of the two most important things related to the CUET Math exam, one is the current syllabus and the other is the exam pattern. Aspirants must devise their preparation strategy keeping in mind the same and be thorough with all the concepts and, of course, the complete NCERT class 12th Math syllabus to score a full 200 marks in the exam.

Perfect Strategies for CUET 2023 Mathematics Preparation 

It is essential that you use your preparation time wisely and intelligently. You must have a suitable plan and agenda in place in order to invest your time wisely. Now that you know how to go about preparing for CUET Mathematics, this article will aid you by offering some tried and tested strategies to ace your preparation for the exam.

Be Thorough with the Syllabus

Knowing the syllabus alone will not help you prepare for the CUET in mathematics. A complete grasp requires you to recognise and rank the chapters according to their significance. You must be aware of your advantages and disadvantages and attempt to improve them. You will have more clarity and your strategy will be more fluid as a result. You must make every effort to keep your preparation targeted towards your goals and specific to the syllabus. You would have previously studied the whole syllabus for your class 12 final exam because the CUET 2023 Math syllabus and your 12th Math syllabus are nearly identical. You will succeed in the CUET if you are well prepared and have strong class 12 academics.

Daily Practice and Revision

Make it a habit to revise daily and prepare short notes from each chapter you study. Make a list of everything significant you need to keep in mind on each subject. Keep them organized in a 40 - 50 page notepad. Use it to revise all the crucial formulas/ theories and maintain your memory of them right before the exam. This will make you more proficient in all areas and prepare you for the exam better. Once you have finished the syllabus, carefully review it, paying particular attention to the CUET Mathematics important topics.

Rigorously attempt online practice papers, previous year’s question papers, quizzes and mock tests

Candidates must start solving chapter-wise and topic-wise practice MCQ problems to gauge their level of understanding and preparation of a particular topic. They must also attempt to solve as many online mock tests and quizzes as possible to improve their accuracy and speed for the upcoming exam. Solving CUET mock tests, quizzes, and previous year’s question papers of CUET also allows them to check where they are lagging and what areas they need to put more effort into.

Strengthen Speed and Accuracy

Candidates are supposed to attempt 40 questions in a matter of 45 minutes so approximately they will have a minute to answer one question and then move on to the next. Accuracy denotes that out of 40 questions, you are at least able to get 35+ correct answers to be in the competition and get your dream college. Speed denotes how much time you are spending on each question in the exam. Therefore, solving previous year’s question papers, mock tests, etc., will help you in improving your speed and accuracy during the exam, thus improving your overall chance of scoring a perfect score. 

A few more useful tips to improve your speed and accuracy for CUET 2023 Math exam are as follows:
  • Memorize well the formulas and question solving tricks.
  • Reduce the thinking time on each question
  • Thorough practice is of paramount importance
  • Solve as many mock tests, sample question papers, previous year’s question paper as possible
  • Avoid doing basic calculation based errors

Prepare a Formulae Sheet and Update Revision Notes

Candidates must prepare a list of all the crucial formulas from each chapter and keep revising them regularly and diligently in order to be able to solve questions accurately and efficiently. Moreover, they should also keep updating their short notes if they experienced any gap post attempting of mock tests. This will help them to further improve the gap during the intensive revision process.

In this article, we go into great detail about the CUET math preparation and how to score a perfect 200 in the upcoming CUET Mathematics exam. Now, the aspirants must carefully read through all the points and follow the methodical techniques and tips outlined in this article. Since CUET is a centralised exam, there will be fierce competition for a limited number of seats. It is preferable that you begin your planning as soon as you can and completely adhere to all the instructions. Start early to give yourself the best opportunity to enrol in prestigious colleges and institutions across the nation.

Also Read:CUET Marks vs Percentile

CollegeDekho wishes you All The Best for your upcoming CUET math exam. For more updates related to CUET UG 2023 and CUET PG 2023, stay tuned to CollegeDekho! You can send your queries through the QnA Zone or call on the toll-free student helpline number - 1800-572-9877.

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Is CUET examination confirmed for 2023?

Yes, NTA, on its official website, has confirmed the exam dates for both CUET UG 2023 and CUET PG 2023. CUET UG is slated to be held from May 21, 2023 till May 31, 2023 in multiple shifts. CUET PG is slated to be conducted from June 5, 2023 to June 12, 2023.

What is the passing score for CUET 2023?

Candidates will need to get between 300 and 400 scores to pass the CUET 2023. However, if someone wants to get accepted into a particular university, they should review the CUET eligibility requirements and aim for them.

Is it advisable to solve previous year question papers or sample papers for last-minute preparation in CUET Math?

Yes, it is highly advisable to solve previous year question papers or sample papers for last-minute preparation in CUCET Math. By practicing these papers, you will become familiar with the exam pattern, gain an understanding of the types of questions asked, and identify your weak areas. This will help you improve your time management, build confidence, and enhance your chances of scoring full marks in the exam.

What is the CUET Mathematics syllabus?

The CUET Mathematics syllabus is divided into two different sections as mentioned below:

Section A: This section is mandatory and contain topics like:

  • Algebra
  • Calculus
  • Integration and its Applications
  • Differential Equations
  • Probability Distributions
  • Linear Programming

Section B: This section is further subdivided into two parts as mentioned below:

Section B1: This section contains topics like:

  • Relations and Functions
  • Algebra
  • Calculus
  • Vectors and 3D Geometry

Section B2: This section contains topics like:

  • Numbers, Quantification and Numerical Applications
  • Algebra
  • Calculus
  • Probability Distributions
  • Index Numbers and Time-based Data
  • Index Numbers and Time-based Data
  • Index Numbers and Time-based Data
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Linear Programming

What are some of the best books for the CUET Mathematics preparation?

A few of the best books for the CUET Mathematics preparation are as follows:

  • NCERT Exemplar Mathematics Class 12 by Ankesh Kumar Singh
  • Differential Calculus for Beginners by Joseph Edwards
  • Class 12th Mathematics NCERT
  • Integral Calculus for Beginners by Joseph Edwards
  • Mathematics for Class 12 (Volume 1 and Volume 2)    by RD Sharma
  • Higher Algebra by Hall and Knight, etc.

Are there any important formulas or theorems that I should revise before the CUET Mathematics exam?

For the CUET Math exam, it is crucial to revise important formulas and theorems. Focus on topics like algebra, calculus, trigonometry, and geometry. Make sure to review formulas related to quadratic equations, differentiation, integration, trigonometric identities, and properties of geometric figures. Familiarize yourself with these formulas and understand their applications to solve problems efficiently during the exam. Practice using them in various contexts to enhance your problem-solving skills.

Is CUET 2023 city intimation slip released?

For the exams scheduled for May 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, 2023, the CUET UG city intimation slip has been released.

Is it necessary to join a coaching institute for CUET Math preparation?

No, joining a coaching institute is not necessary for CUET Math preparation. While coaching institutes can provide structured guidance and additional resources, you can also prepare effectively on your own. Utilize textbooks, online resources, and practice materials to understand the concepts and solve problems. Consistent self-study, practice, and seeking help from teachers or peers when needed can help you succeed in CUET Math without joining a coaching institute.

What are the important topics to focus on for the CUET Math exam?

A few of the  important topics to focus on for the CUET Math exam are as follows:

  • Higher order derivatives
  • Maxima and Minima
  • Continuity and Differentiability
  • Tangents and Normal
  • Matrices
  • Inverse of Matrix
  • Determinants
  • Random variables and its probability distribution, 
  • Standard Deviation and Variance of any random variable
  • Binomial Distribution
  • Definite and Indefinite Integrals
  • Differential Equations
  • Order and degree of differential equations
  • Vectors and scalars
  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  • Conditional probability
  • Mathematical formulation of LPP
  • Numbers, Quantification and Numerical Applications
  • Cartesian and vector equation of a line, etc.

What is the exam date for CUET UG 2023?

The exam date for CUET UG 2023 is from May 21, 2023 to May 31, 2023 for all the registered candidates.

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