Thought of the Day for School Assembly 1 September 2023: Check quote of the day with meaning

Angana Nath

Updated On: August 31, 2023 05:08 pm IST

The thought of the day for school assembly 1 September 2023 is by Audrey Hepburn. Note down the quote of the day today, along with its corresponding detailed meaning.
Thought of the Day for School Assembly 1 September 2023Thought of the Day for School Assembly 1 September 2023

Thought of the Day: The inspirational quote of the day is stated by Audrey Hepburn, an eminent Belgian-born British actress and humanitarian. Here the students will find the thought of the day along with its inner meaning, and significance in life. Go through the motivating quote for school assembly to motivate the students to shine in their careers so that they can bring positivity in their lives as well as in society.

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Thought of the Day 1 September 2023

Check out the thought of the day 1 September 2023 for School Assembly here:

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible”

Meaning of the Thought of the Day 1 September 2023

Through the statement, the narrator tries to entrench the word “impossible” in yesterday as well as make the students aware of today, who are looking for tomorrow to make things possible. There should not be the existence of certainty and pessimism, which fetch things to leave impossible. Instead, the imaginative optimists dare to dream and create a brighter future.

As per Hepburn, to apply the thinking in everyday life, one should follow the below-highlighted pointers:

  • Purpose or Goal: One should achieve something if he feels interested and is intrinsically motivated
  • Practice: The achievements are not coming overnight. Only after a lot of practice, the same will be achieved
  • Persistence or Perseverance: Hepburn stated that mastery can be achieved only when one finds a constant method for improving himself

So, if anybody wants, he can do more than he thinks. Better try continuously until it is done/ achieved.
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