Data Science

- Anonymous UserUpdated On February 10, 2020 04:04 PM

Dear Student,

Data Science / Data Analytics is one of the most lucrative fields that you can get into today. In the age where businesses are increasingly relying on gathering, processing as well as the use of information and data to identify problems as well as to improve and come up with new services for their consumers, the role of a Data Scientist / Data Analyst is increasingly becoming crucial and commonplace in many organizations.

While education in the field of Data Science can still be said to be in its nascent stage in the Indian context, the number of colleges offering Data Science courses in India is increasing steadily and more top colleges are expected to follow suit in the coming years.

Data Scientists and Analysts today are able to demand high salaries as well as prominent roles in some of the top organizations in India as well as abroad and the scope is only expected to widen as time passes by. Please refer to the following for more information:

Please feel free to write back to us if you have any other queries.

Thank you.

- Anjani ChaandAnswered on February 10, 2020 04:04 PM
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