2017 Must-Have Resolutions for a Satisfactory New Year

Akansha Sirohi

Updated On: December 29, 2016 05:22 pm IST

Now that 2016 has come to an end, it is time to recollect all your achievements, failures, inspiring moments, enlightening events and other valuable experiences of this year and make resolves to make 2017 amazing.
2017 Must-Have Resolutions for a Satisfactory New Year

Now that 2016 has come to an end, it is time to recollect all your achievements, failures, inspiring moments, enlightening events and other valuable experiences of this year. New Year brings new hopes, new aspirations and new targets. It is the time to make new resolutions and plan all that we want to do in the year to come.

Here are some of the best New Year 2017 resolutions for students:

Do that activity you keep pushing for later:

If you have been planning to take guitar lessons, learn salsa, start painting, write a blog, etc. then don’t push it for later. Seize the day! Start your activity today and fulfill your dream.

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Start Contributing for a Cause:

Work for the cause that you ardently support. It can be education, environmental conservation, women empowerment, energy saving or any other. You can start by volunteering for the local organizations. This will also help strengthen up your academic profile.

Start an Internship or Job:

Get an experience of work life. Take up a part-time job or do a paid internship where you can learn and earn at the same time. This will not only enhance your resume but will also broaden your industrial horizons.

Develop a Reading Habit:

Courtesy: shhhhhhimlisteningtoreason

Reading is something that has diverse utility. It will not only strengthen your horizon but will also help you if you are planning to appear for aptitude-based entrance exams. Make sure that you read at least two books every month in 2017.

Start Managing your Expenses:

Courtesy: amc

Saving money is the only shortcut to becoming rich! Start managing your money and keep track of all that you spend so that you can cut out your extra expenses and save money.

Go Healthy:

Health is the one thing that gets neglected the most. Planning a workout schedule and committing to a healthy diet is something you must look forward to this year.

Start Fighting Stress:

Studying is good but you should let yourself get worked up because of performance pressure. Stress-busting activities like sports, entertainment, travelling, etc. are also important. Make sure that you take care of your mental health.

Choose Real-sociality over Social Media:

Make efforts to meet your friends rather than devoting your time to social media platforms. Sipping coffee and munching snacks with friends is always better than pinging them on WhatsApp. So go out and have fun!

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Being students, your first resolution should be to successfully finish your education. Education being one of the most essential as well as enjoyable part of life, make sure that you attempt to achieve all that you dream about.

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Yash Dhamija, Student / Alumni

Dear Student 

Yes, Sadguru Gadage Maharaj College, Karad offers B.Voc.( Hotel Management & Catering Technology) program at the UG level. The eligibility criteria to apply for the program is passing the HSC examination and it is available in English / Marathi mediums. You can apply for admissions at Sadguru Gadage Maharaj College, Karad by filling the application form available on the college website. Besides this, you can also apply for admission by filling our Common Application Form.

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Ankita Sarkar, Student / Alumni

Hello Vansh,

Punjabi University, located in Patiala, offers a Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM) course of four years duration. The programme has an intake of 66 students. One who has passed 10+2 in any discipline with a minimum of 45 % marks is eligible for admission. Selection is based on the scores obtained in the qualifying examination. The BHM fees at Punjabi University are Rs 2.97 lakh.

Hope this was helpful. Feel free to ask for any more queries.


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