ATMA exam pattern varies every year, these changes are mainly made to choose the best students otherwise it is the best way to estimate the capabil

ATMA exam pattern varies every year, & the changes in the exam pattern are mainly made in order to choose the best students to study Masters in Busimess Administration or MBA in the top MBA colleges in India. The ATMA exam is so designed to estimate the capabilities of the students who undertake the exam. ATMA exam pattern consists of two hundred questions - each question carries 4 marks & for each incorrect answer, one mark is deducted from the total marks. You can check t he ATMA exam analysis of previous year to get an idea about the exam's difficulty level.
The questions in the ATMA entrance exam are spread out over 3 sections, which is to be completed in three hours. The exam pattern of ATMA covers verbal, analytical as well as the quantitative skills of the students. And in order to be able to achieve the best result in ATMA, here are a few curated books, reviewed & suggested by subject matter experts for cracking the ATMA exam.
Krishna's Verbal Ability And Logical Reasoning For The CAT And Other MBA Examinations by Time
The book is complied by the TIME institute, a leading institute for the preparation of MBA and its related courses.
Aptitude for
Entrance Examination 1st Edition (Paperback) by S
The book is mainly for the preparation of MAT, XAT and ATMA. This is among the top most preferred books by aspirants.
Arithmetic For The CAT And Other MBA Examinations (Paperback) by Time
By the Time institute gain, the book has multiple and large varieties of questions. The candidate can read it for CAT and its lower exams of MBA.
Master Key To MBA Entrance Exam 2009 01 Edition (Paperback) by S. L. Gulati, Ravi
Gulati is a leading author among MBA preparations books. It not only prepares a candidate for MBA but is well suitable for other MBA exams.
Mission MBA -
Solved Papers 2013-2011 1st Edition (Paperback) by Tarun Goyal BS Sijwalii
The book leads the race in 2004 and as per a review, students prefers this one for the ease of language and simplicity.
CMAT Entrance Guide with Mock Test CD 2 Edition by Disha Experts
The books have questions sets, each for a particular timing to prepare a student for the test. The questions have multitude variety including previous year questions which were asked frequently.
Study Package for CMAT by Arun Sharma, Meenakshi Upadhyay
Interested candidates must be aware of the Arun Sharma, a leading author for MBA preparation. You can prefer his books for all types of MBA exams.
SNAP / IIFT / XAT / TISS / CMAT / NMAT / IRMA / MAT Management Entrance Tests: MBA Solved Papers by Gautam Puri
The book has solved papers covering several fields, like- ATMA, IIFT and TISS as well. Based on a deep research, the book is recommended by many pass outs.
Once you clear the exam, you can take admission in BMS colleges in India . And if you wish to pursue MBA, then you may want to look at the following colleges:
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