English Grammar Rules for AFCAT Exam

Mrunmayai Bobade

Updated On: September 15, 2023 04:02 pm IST | AFCAT

In the quest to excel in the AFCAT exam, a strong grasp of English grammar is indispensable. The rules and principles discussed in this guide are the building blocks of effective communication and will significantly enhance your performance in the English Language section of the exam.
English Grammar Rules for AFCAT Exam

The Air Force Common Admission Test, also known as AFCAT, is an examination that is extremely competitive and is taken by candidates who want to become officers in the Indian Air Force. English Language is one of the most important sections of the AFCAT exam . To excel in this section, you must have a solid understanding of English grammar rules. Applicants from all academic fields who received at least 60% in both Physics and Mathematics in their 10+2 coursework and who are Indian citizens are eligible to apply for this graduate-level exam.

Further, English for AFCAT is essential for success on the test. The person taking the exam must be proficient in English because it is the language medium for this online computer-based test. Most test takers find it difficult to earn a high score in the AFCAT English section. In this comprehensive guide, we will examine the fundamental English grammar rules that every AFCAT aspirant should be familiar with. It will help you boost your confidence and performance on the AFCAT English section, whether you are a beginner or need a refresher.

Parts of Speech

Composing grammatically correct sentences requires an understanding of the various parts of speech. Here is a breakdown of the major parts of speech:


A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can be classified as common or proper and can be singular or plural.

Example: The pilot (common noun) flew an aircraft (common noun).


Pronouns replace nouns in sentences to avoid repetition. Common pronouns include he, she, it, they, and we.

Example: She is a skilled pilot. She flies aircraft.


Verbs are action words that show what someone or something is doing.

Example: The pilot (noun) flies (verb) the aircraft (noun).


Adjectives modify nouns and provide more information about them. They answer questions like "What kind?" or "Which one?"

Example: The fast (adjective) aircraft (noun) soared through the sky.


Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They provide more details about how, when, where, and to what extent an action occurs.

Example: The pilot flew the aircraft extremely (adverb) skillfully (adverb).


Prepositions show the relationship between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence.

Example: The aircraft flew above (preposition) the clouds.


Conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence.

Example: The pilot and the co-pilot checked the aircraft before takeoff.


Interjections are short, exclamatory words or phrases used to express strong emotions.

Example: Wow! That aircraft is impressive.

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Subject-Verb Agreement

For constructing grammatically correct sentences, subject-verb agreement is essential. A sentence's verb and subject must agree in number (singular or plural). Listed below are some reference examples:

Singular subjects require singular verbs.

Example: The pilot flies the aircraft.

Plural subjects require plural verbs.

Example: The pilots fly the aircraft.

Compound subjects (subjects joined by "and") usually require plural verbs.

Example: The pilot and the co-pilot fly the aircraft.

When the subject is collective (a group acting as one unit), a singular verb is used.

Example: The team flies the aircraft.


In a sentence, tenses indicate the timing of an action. There are three main tenses in English: past, present, and future, each with a variety of forms. The following table shows the same along with a brief description and example:





Used for actions happening now or regularly

The pilot flies the aircraft.


Used for actions that have already happened

The pilot flew the aircraft.


Used for actions that will happen in the future

The pilot will fly the aircraft.

Perfect Tenses

Indicate actions that were completed at a specific time or before another action

The pilot has flown the aircraft.

Continuous/Progressive Tenses

Indicate ongoing or incomplete actions

The pilot is flying the aircraft.

Perfect Continuous Tenses

Combine perfect and continuous aspects to show an action that started in the past, continued, and is relevant to the present

The pilot has been flying the aircraft for hours.


Articles (a, an, the) are used to limit or specify nouns. Understanding when and how to use them is crucial for clear sentence construction. Here are some examples:

"A" and "an" are indefinite articles used before singular nouns.

Example: A pilot flies an aircraft.

"The" is the definite article used before specific nouns.

Example: The pilot flies the aircraft.

Active and Passive Voice

In the active voice, the subject performs the action, while in the passive voice, the subject receives the action. Active voice is usually preferred for its clarity and directness.

Active Voice Example: The pilot flew the aircraft.

Passive Voice Example: The aircraft was flown by the pilot.
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Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct speech involves quoting someone's words verbatim, while indirect speech reports what someone said without quoting them directly. When converting direct speech to indirect speech, it is essential to change pronouns, tense, and other elements accordingly.

Direct Speech Example: He said, "I will fly the aircraft".

Indirect Speech Example: He said that he would fly the aircraft.

Sentence Structure

Understanding sentence structure facilitates the construction of grammatically correct and comprehensible sentences. Common sentence structures are listed in the following table:

Sentences Type



Simple Sentences

Contain one independent clause

The pilot flew the aircraft.

Compound Sentences

Combine two or more independent clauses with coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or) or semicolons

The pilot flew the aircraft, and the co-pilot monitored the instruments.

Complex Sentences

Contain one independent clause and at least one dependent clause

While the pilot flew the aircraft, the co-pilot monitored the instruments.

Compound-Complex Sentences

Combine two or more independent clauses with at least one dependent clause

The pilot flew the aircraft, and the co-pilot monitored the instruments while the ground crew prepared for landing.


The use of proper punctuation enhances the readability of your writing. These are some essential punctuation marks:

Period (.)

Used to end declarative sentences.

Example: The aircraft is ready.

Question Mark (?)

Used to end interrogative sentences.

Example: Is the aircraft ready?

Exclamation Mark (!)

Used to indicate strong emotions or exclamatory sentences.

Example: What a fantastic aircraft!

Comma (,)

Used to separate items in a list, set off introductory phrases, and separate clauses in compound sentences.

Example: The pilot, co-pilot, and ground crew work together.

Colon (:)

Used to introduce a list, explanation, or quotation.

Example: The aircraft has many features: speed, agility, and reliability.

Semicolon (;)

Used to join closely related independent clauses.

Example: The pilot is skilled; the co-pilot is experienced.

Apostrophe (')

Used to indicate possession or contraction.

Example: The pilot's skills are impressive. (possession)

Quotation Marks (" ")

Used to enclose direct speech or titles of short works.

Example: The instructor said, "Stay focused".

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Articles and Determiners

To specify or limit nouns, articles (a, an, the) and determiners (words such as some, any, many) are used.

Definite Article "The"

Used before specific nouns.

Example: The aircraft is impressive.

Indefinite Article "A" or "An"

Used before nonspecific nouns.

Example: A pilot needs training.

Demonstrative Determiners (This, These, That, Those)

Indicate specific nouns.

Example: This aircraft is modern.

Quantifiers (Some, Any, Many, Few)

Indicate the quantity of a noun.

Example: Many pilots attend the training.

Modifiers and Phrases

Modifiers and phrases add depth and detail to sentences. Understanding how to use them correctly is essential. The table below shows the same along with a brief description and example:





Modify nouns and answer questions like "What kind?" or "Which one?"

The sleek aircraft is fast.


Modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs and provide more information.

The pilot flew the aircraft extremely skillfully.

Prepositional Phrases

Begin with a preposition and provide additional information about location, time, or direction.

The aircraft flew above the clouds.

Participial Phrases

Begin with a participle (usually ending in -ed or -ing) and provide information about the subject.

The pilot, exhausted from the long flight, landed safely.

Gerund Phrases

Begin with a gerund (verb + -ing) and function as nouns.

Flying the aircraft is his passion.

Sentence Types

When writing, it is helpful to employ a variety of sentence types for different purposes. Having a good understanding of them is beneficial to having effective communication. The following table shows the same along with a brief description and example:

Sentence Type



Declarative Sentences

Make statements or convey information.

The aircraft is ready for takeoff.

Interrogative Sentences

Ask questions.

Is the aircraft ready for takeoff?

Imperative Sentences

Give commands or make requests.

Prepare the aircraft for takeoff.

Exclamatory Sentences

Express strong emotions or exclamations.

What an incredible aircraft!

Conditional Sentences

Conditional sentences express a condition and the likely outcome of it. They typically have an "if" clause and a main clause as their structural components. The following table shows the same along with a brief description and example:

Sentence Type



Zero Conditional

Expresses general truths or facts.

If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.

First Conditional

Expresses real or possible future situations.

If the weather is clear, the aircraft will take off.

Second Conditional

Expresses unreal or hypothetical situations in the present or future.

If I were a pilot, I would fly the aircraft.

Third Conditional

Expresses unreal or hypothetical situations in the past.

If he had studied harder, he would have become a pilot.

Relative Clauses

The use of relative clauses in a sentence adds new information to an existing understanding of a noun. They are presented to the reader by relative pronouns, such as who, which, and that.

Example: The pilot who flew the aircraft is experienced.


A series of words, phrases, or clauses that have the same grammatical structure as one another are said to have parallelism. It creates balance and clarity in sentences.

Example: The pilot enjoys flying, training, and maintaining aircraft.

Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) Structure

The SVO structure is a fundamental pattern for the construction of sentences in the English language. The sentence contains a subject, a verb, and an object.

Example: The pilot (subject) flew (verb) the aircraft (object).

Common Errors to Avoid

To excel in the AFCAT English section , it is crucial to recognise and avoid common grammatical errors. Some of these errors include:

  • Subject-verb disagreement: Ensure that the verb matches the subject in number.

  • Misplaced modifiers: Place modifiers (adjectives or adverbs) near the word they modify.

  • Run-on sentences: Avoid joining multiple independent clauses without proper punctuation.

  • Fragmented sentences: Ensure that every sentence has a subject and a verb.

  • Double negatives: Avoid using two negative words in the same sentence.

  • Pronoun-antecedent agreement: Make sure pronouns agree in gender and number with their antecedents.

Remember that practice is the key to mastering these rules, so utilise sample questions, practice exams, and grammar drills to reinforce your comprehension. If you put in the time and effort, you should be able to conquer the English portion of the AFCAT exam with ease, bringing you one step closer to realising your dream of serving as an officer in the Indian Air Force.

- Written by Sumaita Hossain

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How can I improve my English in AFCAT?

To enhance English skills for the AFCAT, practice reading, writing, and speaking regularly. Use study materials, vocabulary lists, and grammar resources. Join English courses or language clubs for additional support.

Is 186 a good score in the AFCAT?

A score of 186 on the AFCAT is considered competitive, as the maximum achievable score is 300. However, competitiveness may vary depending on the specific recruitment cycle and the cutoff scores set by the Air Force. It is advisable to check the official cutoff scores and compare your results to determine your competitiveness.

Is 200 a safe score in the AFCAT?

A score of 200 on AFCAT is generally considered a strong and safe score, as it often surpasses the cutoff scores for most recruitment cycles. However, competitiveness may vary by cycle, so it is important to check the official cutoff scores for the specific exam you are taking.

How do I clear my first attempt on AFCAT?

To clear AFCAT on your first attempt, follow a structured study plan, practice previous question papers, improve time management, focus on weak areas, and maintain physical fitness for the SSB interview.

How to Prepare English for AFCAT?

To prepare English for AFCAT, the most important thing you need is good time management. Practise is the only way to get better at speaking English. It is essential to concentrate more on revision to make the most of the days of intense practice for the AFCAT English section. Applicants must go over the grammar portion again, as well as practise their reading comprehension and writing.

What are some important tips to ace the AFCAT English section?

Some important tips to ace the AFCAT English section are listed below:

  • Make sure you comprehend everything on the AFCAT English syllabus by carefully going through it.

  • Verify that you thoroughly understood the AFCAT Exam Pattern.

  • The applicant must regularly read the newspaper and publications to improve English language proficiency.

  • As you need to increase your speed and accuracy on the AFCAT English exam, keep practising time management.

How do I make an effective study plan for AFCAT English preparation?

Given below are some ways to make an effective study plan for AFCAT English preparation:

Reading Newspapers/Journals: Spend at least 1.5 hours daily reading newspapers.

Vocabulary: Spend 1.5 hours daily studying the dictionary and thesaurus.

English Grammar: Spend at least 1.5 hours reading various important prescribed topics and solving mock tests.

Reading Comprehension: Spend 1.5 hours for revision

What does the AFCAT English syllabus include?

The AFCAT English syllabus includes topics such as Detect Error in Sentence, Synonym/ Antonym, Idioms and Phrases, Sentence Rearranging, Comprehension, Sentence Completion/ Filling in of correct word, Cloze Test or Fill in the Gaps in a paragraph, Analogy, Substitution in a Sentence/ One Word Substitution, etc. English syllabus for AFCAT may help candidates score higher on the exam since it is not too difficult.

Will solving mock tests help me learn English grammar rules for AFCAT?

Yes, solving mock tests will help you learn English Grammar Rules for AFCAT. A better grasp of the types of questions that will be asked on the examination can be gained by taking mock tests. They speed up problem-solving and enable students to identify their areas of weakness. Mock exams are simulations of actual exams that follow the format of yearly or competitive exams. So, the more tests you administer, the better you comprehend the ideas.

What are the best books to learn English grammar rules for AFCAT?

The best books to learn English grammar rules for AFCAT help students comprehend concepts in a better way and enjoy learning. A list of a few best books is provided below:

  • Popular Master Guide, AFCAT by author R Gupta

  • High Schools English Grammar and Composition

  • AFCAT — The First Step by DDE

  • Word Power Made Easy by author Norman Lewis

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