GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus PDF: Important Topics, Topic-Wise Weightage, Complete Guide

Falak Khan

Updated On: August 19, 2024 05:16 PM | GATE

Candidates can access the GATE chemical engineering syllabus PDF here. Refer to the topic-wise GATE chemical engineering weightage, books, and tips given here. 

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus PDF: Important Topics, Topic-Wise Weightage, Complete Guide

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus: IIT Roorkee has released the GATE chemical engineering syllabus PDF on the official website. The GATE chemical engineering syllabus contains the subjects and topics that candidates should prepare comprehensively in order to pass the GATE exam. There are a total of 9 sections wrapping several topics in the GATE CH syllabus i.e. Engineering Mathematics, Process Calculations, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction, Fluid Mechanics, Plant Design and Economics, Instrumentation and Process Control, and Chemical Technology. In addition, there is one section of General Aptitude that candidates are mandated to study from all Engineering Specializations.

While preparing for the GATE exam candidates must adhere to the official curriculum to avoid skipping out on any important topics. Candidates who want to study MTech, MS, and MSc in chemical engineering at  IISc, IITs, or NITs must study the whole GATE Syllabus without missing any topics. The table below highlights the official PDF of GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus.

Official GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus PDF

Read the full article to get complete details on GATE chemical engineering syllabus.

Complete GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus

Chemical engineers are primarily responsible for the design of large-scale procedures for such conversions. The GATE CE syllabus is created in such a manner that students study all of the courses and grasp every element of CE, which will help them perform well when they begin their professional careers. The 9 sections covered in the GATE chemical engineering syllabus are-


Section Name


Engineering Mathematics


Process Calculations and Thermodynamics


Heat Transfer


Mass Transfer


Chemical Reaction Engineering


Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations


Instrumentation and Process Control


Chemical Technology


Plant Design and Economics

Section Wise GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus

Chemical engineering combines physics, chemistry, and applied mathematics to transform chemicals and raw materials into usable compounds. Candidates who pass the GATE chemical engineering exam will be given seats in India’s top-tier colleges. Securing admission into these colleges is not a cakewalk. To secure seats in GATE participating colleges, candidates must study each topic of the GATE chemical engineering syllabus 2025. Get the detailed GATE CE syllabus.

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus (Section 1): Engineering Mathematics

Engineering Mathematics is a subfield of applied mathematics that deals with mathematical concepts and procedures utilized in engineering and industry. The weightage of questions in this area is 15%. Students with proficiency in solving practical problems will find this section easy. Check the section 1 GATE chemical engineering syllabus given below.

  • Calculus: Taylor series, Mean value theorems, Evaluation of definite and improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Functions of a single variable, Limit, continuity, and differentiability, Total derivative, Vector identities, Directional derivatives, Line, Surface, and Volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems, Maxima and minima, Gradient, Divergence and Curl

  • Linear Algebra: Systems of linear equations, Matrix algebra, Eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.

  • Differential Equations: Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, First-order equations (linear and nonlinear), Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, Initial and boundary value problems, Solutions of one-dimensional heat and wave equations,  Laplace equation, and Laplace transforms

  • Probability and Statistics: Conditional probability, Mean, median, mode and standard deviation, Random variables, Poisson, Definitions of probability and sampling theorems, Normal and Binomial distributions, and Linear regression analysis.

  • Numerical Methods: Integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule,  Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations. Single and multi-step methods for the numerical solution of differential equations.

  • Complex Variables: Complex number, triangle inequality, polar form of a complex number

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus (Section 2): Process Calculations and Thermodynamics

The Process Calculations and Thermodynamics segment of the GATE chemical engineering syllabus surrounds a variety of significant subjects such as entropy laws, molar characteristics, and phase equilibria, among others. Let us go through all of the topics mentioned in section 2 of the GATE chemical engineering syllabus.

  • Steady and unsteady state mass and energy balances including multiphase, multicomponent, reacting, and non-reacting systems. Use of tie components; recycle, bypass, and purge calculations; Gibbs phase rule and degree of freedom analysis.

  • First and Second laws of thermodynamics. Applications of first law to close and open systems. Second Law and Entropy.

  • Thermodynamic properties of pure substances: Equation of State and residual properties, properties of mixtures: partial molar properties, fugacity, excess properties, and activity coefficients; phase equilibria: predicting VLE of systems; chemical reaction equilibrium.

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus (Section 3): Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations

The Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations zone of the GATE Chemical Engineering syllabus includes subjects like flow meters, dimensional research, and tumultuous flow, among others. Go through section 3 of GATE chemical engineering syllabus given below.

  • Equation of Mechanical energy, macroscopic friction factors, dimensional analysis, and similitude, flow through pipeline systems, velocity profiles, flow meters, pumps and compressors, elementary boundary layer theory, flow past immersed bodies including packed and fluidized beds, Turbulent flow: fluctuating velocity, universal velocity profile, and pressure drop.

  • Fluid statics, surface tension, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, transport properties, shell balances including a differential form of Bernoulli equation and energy balance, equation of continuity, equation of motion,

  • Particle size and shape, particle size distribution, size reduction, and classification of solid particles; free and hindered settling; centrifuge and cyclones; thickening and classification, filtration, agitation, and mixing; conveying of solids

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus (Section 4): Heat Transfer

Section 4 of the GATE chemical engineering exam includes topics like types of heat exchangers and evaporators, convection and radiation, etc. Candidates can review the entire GATE chemical engineering syllabus of section 4 given below.

  • Equation of energy, steady and unsteady heat conduction, convection and radiation, thermal boundary layer and heat transfer coefficients, boiling, condensation and evaporation;

  • Types of heat exchangers and evaporators and their process calculations; design of double pipe, shell, and tube heat exchangers, and single and multiple effect evaporators

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus (Section 5): Mass Transfer

The Mass Transfer part of the GATE Chemical Engineering syllabus possesses subjects like momentum, molecular diffusions, and thermal mass transfer, among others. To prepare for this section of the exam, the candidate must study the following topics.

  • Mass transfer coefficients, film, penetration, and surface renewal theories
  • Momentum, heat, and mass transfer analogies

  • Fick’s laws

  • Molecular diffusion in fluids

  • Stage-wise and continuous contacting and stage efficiencies

  • Design and operation of equipment for distillation, absorption, leaching,liquid-liquid extraction, drying, humidification, dehumidification and adsorption, membrane separations (micro-filtration, ultra-filtration, nano-filtration and reverse osmosis)

  • HTU & NTU concepts

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus (Section 6): Chemical Reaction Engineering

The Chemical Reaction topic of the GATE Chemical Engineering syllabus 2 covers subjects like as diffusion effects, heterogeneous catalytic reaction kinetics, non-ideal reactors, etc. Candidates have to study the following topics of the GATE chemical engineering syllabus to score good marks.

  • Theories of reaction rates; kinetics of homogeneous reactions, interpretation of kinetic data, single and multiple reactions in ideal reactors, the kinetics of enzyme reactions (Michaelis-Mentenand Monod models), non-ideal reactors

  • Residence time distribution, single parameter model

  • Non-isothermal reactors

  • Kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions

  • Diffusion effects in catalysis

  • Rate and performance equations for catalyst deactivation

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus (Section 7): Instrumentation and Process Control

The Instrumentation and Process Control section of the GATE Chemical Engineering syllabus includes subjects like as transducer dynamics, control valves, process reaction curves, and so on. Go through the syllabus of GATE Chemical Engineering section 7 given below.

  • Measurement of process variables; sensors and transducers
  • P&ID equipment symbols

  • Process modeling and linearization, transfer functions and dynamic responses of various systems, systems with inverse response, process reaction curve, controller modes (P, PI, and PID); control valves

  • transducer dynamics

  • Analysis of closed-loop systems including stability, frequency response, controller tuning, cascade, and feed-forward control

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus (Section 8): Plant Design and Economics

Plant Design and Economics section of the GATE Chemical Engineering curriculum comprises subjects like payback time, discounted cash flow, and cost indices. Following are the subjects included in section 8 of the GATE chemical engineering syllabus.

  • Principles of process economics and cost estimation including depreciation and total annualized cost, cost indices, rate of return, payback period, discounted cash flow, optimization in process design, and sizing of chemical engineering equipment such as heat exchangers and multistage contactors.

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus (Section 9): Chemical Technology

Petrochemicals, fertilizers, and natural products are among the subjects covered in the GATE Chemical Engineering syllabus of Chemical Technology section. Check the GATE CH syllabus for section 9 given below.

  • Inorganic chemical industries (sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, Chlor-alkali industry), fertilizers (Ammonia, Urea, SSP and TSP)

  • Natural products industries (Pulp and Paper, Sugar, Oil, and Fats)

  • Petroleum refining and petrochemicals

  • Polymerization industries (polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, and polyester synthetic fibers)

Also Read: GATE exam date

GATE General Aptitude Syllabus

The GATE General Aptitude section will be included in each paper irrespective of the specialization. The General Aptitude section will cover 15 marks in the exam. Check the GATE general aptitude syllabus given below.



Verbal Aptitude

  • Basic English grammar: tenses, articles, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, verb-noun agreement,

  • and other parts of speech Basic vocabulary: words, idioms, and phrases in context Reading and comprehension Narrative sequencing

Quantitative Aptitude

  • Data interpretation: data graphs (bar graphs, pie charts, and other graphs representing data), 2-and 3-dimensional plots, maps, and

  • tables Numerical computation and estimation: ratios, percentages, powers, exponents and logarithms, permutations and combinations, andseriesMensuration and geometry Elementary statistics and probability

Analytical Aptitude

Logic: deduction and induction, Analogy, Numerical relations and reasoning

Spatial  Aptitude

Transformation of shapes: translation, rotation, scaling, mirroring, assembling, and grouping Paperfolding, cutting, and patterns in 2 and 3-dimensions

GATE Chemical Engineering Exam Pattern

Candidates must check the GATE chemical engineering exam pattern and scoring structure before beginning their Chemical Engineering study. The GATE CE exam pattern will give you a good sense of the types of questions that will be asked, the overall number of marks given, the duration of the exam, weightage, etc. On the basis of the exam pattern, candidates can make their preparation strategy. Check the GATE chemical engineering exam pattern given below.

  • The GATE CE exam will be conducted in an online mode

  • Candidates will be given a total of 3 hours to complete the paper

  • In the GATE Chemical Engineering exam three types of questions will be asked namely-  MSQs, MCQs, and NATs.

  • A total of 65 questions will be asked in the exam

  • The GATE chemical engineering exam will be conducted for a total of 100 marks

GATE Chemical Engineering Marking Scheme

Students will be marked on the basis of the marking scheme laid down by the GATE authorities. Check the GATE CE marking scheme given below.

Question Type

Marking Scheme for Correct Answer

Marking Scheme for Incorrect Answer


1 or 2 Marks

No Negative Marking


1 or 2 Marks

⅓ for 1 mark questions⅔ for 2 marks questions

GATE Chemical Engineering Section Wise Weightage

In the GATE CE exam, there will be 3 sections from which students have to answer questions namely General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, and Remaining Topics of Chemical Engineering. Go through the GATE chemical engineering section-wise weightage given below.

GATE CE Section


Engineering Mathematics


Remaining Topics of Chemistry


General Aptitude


GATE Chemical Engineering Topic Wise Weightage

The GATE chemical engineering syllabus covers various topics that have different weights. To prepare smartly for the exam, give more attention to topics with higher weightage. But, at the same time, study the topics well with less weightage too. d Candidates can check the GATE chemical engineering topic-wise weightage given below.

GATE General Aptitude Section Weightage

GATE Topic

Weightage (Marks)

Synonyms and Antonyms




Sentence Completion


Data Interpretation


Sentence Completion


Reasoning Ability


Numerical Method


GATE Chemical Engineering Section Wise Weightage

GATE Topic

Weightage (Marks)

Fluid Mechanics


Plant Design


Heat and Mass Transfer


Chemical Technology


Section Wise GATE Chemical Engineering Preparation Tips

For successful outcomes, candidates must follow a solid study approach, competent assistance, and adequate study material. To help students, we have provided section-wise GATE chemical engineering preparation tips given below.

  • First and foremost, students should go through the paper pattern and GATE chemical engineering syllabus. In this manner, students will learn about the important themes, the marking structure, and so forth

  • Study the complete GATE chemical engineering syllabus. The GATE chemical engineering syllabus includes a total of 9 sections. Candidates who want to get admission into top-tier engineering colleges in India, must not miss any topic from any section while preparing for the exam

  • Attempting the GATE previous year's papers and mock tests is important. By solving mock tests you will get an idea about your preparation and will have a scope for improvement. In addition, you will understand the paper format, the types of questions asked, and how to answer them in time

  • Candidates should focus on their time management skills. It is important that you solve the whole paper and answer all the questions within the exam duration. You can improve your time accuracy by attempting GATE mock tests regularly.

  • Time-to-time revision is an important part of the GATE chemical engineering exam preparation. Without revision, you might forget formulas and concepts. Therefore, keep on revising what you have learned so far from time to time

  • Keep a check on your health. As the GATE exam is near, you don't want to fall sick. In this regard, make sure you are prioritizing your health, eating proper meals, getting enough sleep, and not stressing

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Best GATE Chemical Engineering Books

As the GATE chemical engineering syllabus includes diverse mathematics, general aptitude, and chemical engineering topics, the candidate should refer to the best author's book that includes all the information and covers the full GATE syllabus. Studying from good-rated and exam toppers recommended books will help you understand each topic easily.

Following are some of the best GATE books for chemical engineering papers that you can refer to.

Reference Books


Fluid Mechanics

  • Introduction To Fluid Mechanics by Yunus A. Cengel, John M. Cimbala

  • Introduction to Fluid Mechanics- Fox and Mcdonald

Chemical Process Control

  • An Introduction To Theory And Practice- Stephanopoulos.

  • Process dynamics and control - Seborg, D.E., Edgar, T.F. and Mellichamp, D.A

  • Plant design and Economics- Peters M. S. and Timmerhaus K. D

Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering

David M. Himmelblau


  • An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-J. M. Smith, H. C. Van Ness, M. M. Abbott

  • A Textbook of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics - K. V. Narayanan.

Engineering Mathematics

B.S. Grewal

Transport Phenomena

R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart, Edwin N. Lightfoot

Chemical Engineering for GATE

Ram Prasad

Heat Transfer

  • Heat Transfer - Jack Philip Holman

  • Heat Transfer- Binay K. Dutta

Process Dynamics and Control

  • Process Systems Analysis and Control - Donald R. Coughanowr & Steven E. LeBlanc

Chemical Technology

Dryden’s Outlines of Chemical Technology by Gopala Rao M. and Marshall S

Mass Transfer

  • Mass Transfer Operations-Robert E. Treybal

  • Mass Transport Phenomena- Christie J. Geankoplis

Chemical Reaction Engineering

  • Chemical Reaction Engineering- Octave Levenspiel

  • Chemical Reaction Engineering- Fogler & Gurmen

Mechanical Operation

  • Mechanical Operation For Chemical Engineering by Narayanan C. M. & Bhattacharyya B. C

  • Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering -Warren McCabe, Julian Smith, Peter Harriott

We hope that this post on the GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus was helpful and informative. CollegeDekho wishes you luck with your upcoming GATE exam.

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Who is conducting GATE 2025?

IIT Roorkee is conducting the GATE 2025 exam.

How many questions will be asked in the GATE 2025 exam for Chemical Engineering?

65 questions will be asked in the GATE 2025 exam for Chemical Engineering. 


Is the GATE 2025 Chemical Engineering syllabus released?

Yes, the GATE Chemical Engineering syllabus 2025 has been released at

Is GATE chemical engineering hard?

GATE is a national level exam so it's quite tough to pass it. However, if you study the complete GATE Chemical Engineering syllabus 2025, focus on your preparation, improve your weak topics, solve previous year papers, etc you will score good marks in the exam. 


What is the syllabus for GATE chemical engineering?

The syllabus for GATE Chemical Engineering includes a total of 9 sections wrapping several topics in the GATE CH syllabus i.e. Engineering Mathematics, Process Calculations, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction, Fluid Mechanics, Plant Design and Economics, Instrumentation and Process Control, and Chemical Technology.


GATE Previous Year Question Paper

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