Higher educational accreditation agencies in India play a vital role in promoting quality education across various domains. Check the list of higher education accreditation agencies in India such as NAAC, NBA, BCI, MCI, DCI, PCI, UGC, AICTE etc here.
- List of Higher Education Accreditation Bodies in India
- University Grants Commission (UGC)
- All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
- Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
- National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
- National Board of Accreditation (NBA)
- Bar Council of India (BCI)
- Medical Council of India (MCI)
- Dental Council of India (DCI)
- Pharmacy Council of India (PCI)
- National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
- Indian Nursing Council (INC)

Accreditation is one of the key factors that a student must consider before choosing a degree course in higher learning institutes across India . A degree from an accredited institute meets specific educational standards that have been set up by the respective accreditation agency. Higher education accreditation bodies in India play a dominant role in recognising the higher learning institutes in India. In other words, the worthiness of a degree awarded by an institute depends on its accreditation.
A higher education accreditation is regarded as a quality assurance process through which services and operations of higher learning institutes are evaluated by an external agency. These agencies also evaluate the degree courses offered by higher learning institutes. The evaluation will determine whether the institute has met with the standards specified by the accreditation agency.
In India, accreditation is mandatory for universities except for those created through the Act of Parliament. Without accreditation, no higher learning institute in India has the right to award degrees and call themselves as a university. In India, there is a bunch of higher education accreditation bodies such as UGC, NAAC, NBA, AICTE etc.
List of Higher Education Accreditation Bodies in India
In this article, CollegeDekho has come up with the list of higher education accreditation bodies in India along with complete details of each accreditation agency, accreditation parameters, list of accredited institutes under each accreditation body etc. We hope that the below explanation will give complete awareness of higher education accreditation bodies prevalent in India.
University Grants Commission (UGC)
The University Grants Commission (UGC) is one of the premier higher education accreditation bodies in India. All the higher learning institutes in India must have UGC recognition to offer various courses, conduct exams, award degrees etc. All the universities in India must conduct the admission process, appoint faculty, pay salaries etc as per UGC norms. the UGC determines the guidelines for several aspects pertaining to higher education in Indian universities and colleges. Universities, which do not have UGC approval/ accreditation are regarded as 'Fake Universities' and students must refrain from getting admission in such universities.
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) is one of the important accreditation bodies for regulating technical and management colleges in India. All the higher learning institutes, which offer engineering, management, pharmacy courses must have the approval of AICTE. A total of 10 statutory bodies come under the ambit of AICTE, and AICTE approval is mandatory for the courses offered by these statutory bodies. Students must check the approval of AICTE before seeking admission in engineering/ management/ pharmacy courses offered by an institute. AICTE decides the policies and guidelines for the approval of new colleges, extend the approval for existing colleges, cancel the approval for existing colleges etc.
Engineering colleges, which do not have AICTE approval are regarded as unapproved/ unrecognised engineering colleges .
Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
Association of Indian Universities (AIU) is not only an organisation but also an association of major universities in India. The major responsibility of the AIU is to evaluate syllabi, standards, courses and credits of international universities and equates the same with the varsity courses offered by universities in India. AIU is also associated with the recognition of diplomas or degrees awarded by UGC-recognised Indian universities. AIU also acts as an implementing agency for the MoUs or agreements signed under the Cultural Exchange Programmes between India and other countries.
Objectives of AIU
- Serving as an inter-university organisation is the primary objective of AIU
- AIU acts as a bureau of information and facilitates communication
- AIU enables coordination and facilitates mutual consultation among universities
- AIU acts as a representative of Indian universities
- AIU helps universities in maintaining their autonomous character
- AIU acts as a liaison between the government and universities and cooperates with other bodies or universities in matters of common interest.
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) is an important higher education accreditation body, which determines the performance of higher learning institutes based on their performance in various parameters. Institutes, which applied for NAAC accreditation will be assessed by a team comprising of VCs of various universities, experts in higher education domain etc. Based on the report submitted by the committee, NAAC will grant a grade to the institute. All the institutes are assessed on different parameters and a cumulative score will be awarded to institutes. Institutes with a cumulative score of 3 or above out of 4 will get top grades from NAAC.
In all, NAAC accreditation determines the question/ standard of education in higher learning institutes. NAAC grade is mandatory for the higher learning institutes to be eligible for various grants of central or state government.
National Board of Accreditation (NBA)
National Board of Accreditation (NBA) is completely different from various accreditation bodies in India, as it accredits courses and not institutes. There is a big difference between the NBA and NAAC. NBA accredits technical/ professional courses in engineering and management streams, while NAAC accredits general universities and colleges. Technical institutes must have NBA accreditation for some of its courses. NBA has the authority to determine the policies, rules and regulations for granting accreditation to courses offered by higher learning institutes.
Also Read: List of AIIMS Colleges in India 2019
Bar Council of India (BCI)
Bar Council of India’s major responsibility is to regulate legal education and legal practice in India. BCI sets standards for legal education in the country, and grants recognition to universities and colleges for offering law education courses at UG, PG, and Diploma levels. The degrees awarded by BCI-approved universities or colleges will serve as a qualification for students to enrol themselves as advocates/lawyers upon graduation.
At present, Mr. Manan Kumar Mishra is the Chairperson of BCI and Mr. Satish Abarao Deshmukh is the Executive Committee Vice Chairman. Apart from Chairman and Vice-Chairman, BCI comprises of 17 members.
Functions of BCI
The following are some of the duties/ responsibilities/ functions of BCI –
- BCI lays down standards for the professional etiquette and conduct of advocates.
- BCI promotes legal education and plays a crucial role in framing standards for legal education in India. BCI holds consultations with universities and state bar councils regarding legal education standards from time to time.
- BCI grants recognition to law courses offered by universities and colleges and approves the intake for law courses at different levels.
BCI AIBE Examination
Bar Council of India (BCI conducts AIBE (All India Bar Examination) to test the ability of advocates to practice law. Advocates must pass AIBE exam to practice law in India. There is no limit on the number of attempts, and the qualifiers of the AIBE exam will be awarded a Certificate of Practice. The online registration for AIBE XIII examination began in September 2018.
BCI-Approved Law Colleges
Here is the list of BCI-approved law colleges in India
Medical Council of India (MCI)
The major function of MCI (Medical Council of India) is to set uniform standards that determine higher qualifications in medicine and recognise medical qualification in India and abroad. The number of medical colleges approved by MCI has increased in recent years.
Objectives of MCI
Some of the major objectives of MCI are list below –
- MCI maintains uniform standards for medical education in India (both UG and PG medical courses).
- MCI recommends recognition or de-recognition of medical qualifications of medical colleges located in India or abroad.
- Provisional or permanent registration of doctors with recognised medical qualifications
- MCI holds talks with foreign countries in the matter of mutual recognition of medical qualifications.
In 2018, MCI made NEET qualification mandatory to pursue medical education aboard . On the other hand, NEET is mandatory to pursue UG and PG medical courses in India.
All the medical colleges in India must comply with MCI rules to avoid de-recognition. Recently, the planning commission of India recommended the replacement of MCI with NMC (National Medical Commission). The NMC Bill is under discussion, and yet to be approved by the parliament.
Dental Council of India (DCI)
While MCI regulates the medical education in India, DCI (Dental Council of India) regulates dental education and the dental profession in India. DCI comprises six constituencies representing private practitioners of dentistry, MCI, dental colleges, universities, state government and central government.
Objectives of DCI
The major objectives of DCI are –
- Maintaining uniform standards of dental education in India
- One of the major objectives of DCI is to regulate the curriculum associated with the training of dentists, dental mechanics, and dental hygienists.
- DCI also regulates the level of dental examinations and qualifications.
All the dental colleges across the country must have DCI recognition to offer dental courses at various levels. DCI will also approve the intake for dental courses after carrying out an inspection. DCI also inspects the dental colleges from time to time to find out whether these colleges are complying with the rules of DCI or not. Qualifying NEET-UG is mandatory to pursue BDS course in India.
Pharmacy Council of India (PCI)
Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) regulates the pharmacy education and pharma profession in India up to graduate level. PCI also determines the eligibility for practising pharmacy in India.
Objectives of PCI
The major objectives of PCI are –
- Pharmacy education regulation in India for the purpose of registration as a pharmacist (under Pharma Act)
- Regulation of Pharmacy profession and practice of pharma in India
Duties and Functions of PCI
The major duties and functions of PCI are as follows –
- PCI prescribes minimum standards or qualifications required for qualifying as a pharmacist in India.
- PCI frames education regulations and conditions that must be fulfilled by the institutions seeking PCI approval for imparting pharma education.
- PCI ensures uniform educational standards for pharmacy courses in India.
- PCI inspects pharmacy institutes seeking approval under the Pharmacy Act.
- It is the major responsibility of PCI to approve the courses and examination for pharmacists in India. PCI also grants approval for academic institutes providing pharmacy courses.
- PCI withdraws approval or recognition if institutes fail to comply with norms.
In all, colleges/ universities offering pharma courses in India must comply with the norms or standards prescribed by PCI.
National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) takes a decision on all the matter pertaining to teacher education in India. The main objective of NCTE is to achieve coordinated and planned development of the teacher education system throughout India. NCTE maintains norms and standards in the teacher education system. The scope of NCTE is broad, as it covers all teacher education programmes. NCTE grants recognition of institutes offering teacher education courses and withdraws the same if institutes fail to comply with NCTE norms.
NCTE-Recognised Teacher Education Programmes
Only NCTE-recognised institutes are eligible to offer teacher education courses in India. NCTE recognised the following teacher education courses in India –
- Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EI.Ed)
- Diploma in Pre-School Education (DPSE)
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)
- Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed)
- Diploma in Physical Education (D.P.Ed)
- Master of Education (M.Ed)
- Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed)
- Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed)
- Open and Distance Learning D.EI.Ed/ B.Ed courses
- Diploma in Arts Education – Visual Arts and Performing Arts
- Four-Year Integrated B.Sc B.Ed/ B.A B.Ed
- Part-Time B.Ed
- Three-Year Integrated B.Ed. M.Ed
NCTE accreditation is applicable for five years, and each teacher education institutes must apply for reaccreditation for every year five years.
Indian Nursing Council (INC)
Indian Nursing Council (INC) is an important body for regulating nursing education in India. It is the responsibility of INC to approve colleges offering nursing courses at different levels. INC publishes the list of colleges approved for offering different courses, and the same can be checked here.
List of INC-Recognised Colleges for B.Sc Nursing Course
The list of INC-recognised colleges for B.Sc Nursing course can be checked below –
List of INC-Recognised Colleges for Post Basic Diploma Course
The list of INC-recognised colleges for post basic diploma course can be checked below –
For the latest education news, career-related articles and updates, stay tuned to CollegeDekho . If you have any queries regarding the higher education accreditation agencies in India, post your query at Q & A section of CollegeDekho.
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